def do_upgrade(env, ver, cursor):
"""Upgrade the reports to better handle the new workflow capabilities"""
db = env.get_db_cnx()
owner = db.concat('owner', "' *'")
cursor.execute('SELECT id, query, description FROM report')
reports = cursor.fetchall()
for report, query, description in reports:
q, d = query, description
if query:
# All states other than 'closed' are "active".
q = q.replace("IN ('new', 'assigned', 'reopened')", "<> 'closed'")
# Add a status column instead of adding an '*' to the owner's name
# for the 'assigned' state.
q = q.replace("(CASE status WHEN 'assigned' THEN %s "
"ELSE owner END) AS owner" % owner, "owner, status")
if description:
d = d.replace(" * If a ticket has been accepted, a '*' is"
" appended after the owner's name\n", '')
if q != query or d != description:
cursor.execute("UPDATE report SET query=%s, description=%s "
"WHERE id=%s", (q, d, report))