# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Edgewall Software
# Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Christopher Lenz <cmlenz@gmx.de>
# All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
# are also available at http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracLicense.
# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
# individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
# history and logs, available at http://trac.edgewall.org/log/.
# Author: Christopher Lenz <cmlenz@gmx.de>
import datetime
import itertools
import os.path
import pkg_resources
import pprint
import re
from cStringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
cStringIO = StringIO
from genshi import Markup
from genshi.builder import tag,Element
from genshi.input import HTML,ParseError
from genshi.core import Attrs,START
from genshi.output import DocType
from genshi.template import TemplateLoader,MarkupTemplate,TextTemplate
from trac import __version__
from trac.config import *
from trac.core import *
from trac.env import IEnvironmentSetupParticipant
from trac.mimeview import get_mimetype,Context
from trac.resource import *
from trac.util import compat,get_reporter_id,presentation,get_pkginfo,\
get_module_path, translation
from trac.util.compat import partial,set
from trac.util.html import escape,plaintext
from trac.util.text import pretty_size,obfuscate_email_address,\
shorten_line, unicode_quote_plus, to_unicode, \
from trac.util.datefmt import pretty_timedelta,format_datetime,format_date,\
format_time, http_date, utc
from trac.util.translation import _
from trac.web.api import IRequestHandler,ITemplateStreamFilter,HTTPNotFound
from trac.web.href import Href
from trac.wiki import IWikiSyntaxProvider
from trac.wiki.formatter import format_to,format_to_html,format_to_oneliner
def add_link(req, rel, href, title=None, mimetype=None, classname=None):
"""Add a link to the chrome info that will be inserted as <link> element in
the <head> of the generated HTML
linkid = '%s:%s' % (rel, href)
linkset = req.chrome.setdefault('linkset', set())
if linkid in linkset:
return # Already added that link
link = {'href': href, 'title': title, 'type': mimetype, 'class': classname}
links = req.chrome.setdefault('links', {})
links.setdefault(rel, []).append(link)
def add_stylesheet(req, filename, mimetype='text/css'):
"""Add a link to a style sheet to the chrome info so that it gets included
in the generated HTML page.
If the filename is absolute (i.e. starts with a slash), the generated link
will be based off the application root path. If it is relative, the link
will be based off the `/chrome/` path.
if filename.startswith('common/') and 'htdocs_location' in req.chrome:
href = Href(req.chrome['htdocs_location'])
filename = filename[7:]
href = req.href
if not filename.startswith('/'):
href = href.chrome
add_link(req, 'stylesheet', href(filename), mimetype=mimetype)
def add_script(req, filename, mimetype='text/javascript'):
"""Add a reference to an external javascript file to the template.
If the filename is absolute (i.e. starts with a slash), the generated link
will be based off the application root path. If it is relative, the link
will be based off the `/chrome/` path.
scriptset = req.chrome.setdefault('scriptset', set())
if filename in scriptset:
return False # Already added that script
if filename.startswith('common/') and 'htdocs_location' in req.chrome:
href = Href(req.chrome['htdocs_location'])
path = filename[7:]
href = req.href
if not filename.startswith('/'):
href = href.chrome
path = filename
script = {'href': href(path), 'type': mimetype}
req.chrome.setdefault('scripts', []).append(script)
def add_javascript(req, filename):
"""Deprecated: use `add_script()` instead."""
add_script(req, filename, mimetype='text/javascript')
def add_warning(req, msg, *args):
"""Add a non-fatal warning to the request object.
When rendering pages, any warnings will be rendered to the user."""
if args:
msg %= args
def add_notice(req, msg, *args):
"""Add an informational notice to the request object.
When rendering pages, any notice will be rendered to the user."""
if args:
msg %= args
def add_ctxtnav(req, elm_or_label, href=None, title=None):
"""Add an entry to the current page's ctxtnav bar.
if href:
elm = tag.a(elm_or_label, href=href, title=title)
elm = elm_or_label
req.chrome.setdefault('ctxtnav', []).append(elm)
# ???: Does this belong in trac.util somewhere? <NPK>
def prevnext_nav(req, label, uplabel=None):
"""Add Previous/Up/Next navigation links
`req` a Request object
`label` the label to use after the Previous/Next words
`uplabel` the label to use for the Up link
links = req.chrome['links']
if 'prev' not in links and \
'up' not in links and \
'next' not in links:
# Short circuit
if 'prev' in links:
link = links['prev'][0]
tag.span(Markup('← '),
tag.a(_('Previous %(label)s', label=label),
tag.span(Markup('← '),
_('Previous %(label)s', label=label),
if uplabel and 'up' in links:
link = links['up'][0]
add_ctxtnav(req, tag.a(uplabel,
if 'next' in links:
link = links['next'][0]
tag.span(tag.a(_('Next %(label)s', label=label),
Markup(' →')))
tag.span(_('Next %(label)s', label=label),
Markup(' →'), class_='missing'))
def _save_messages(req, url, permanent):
"""Save warnings and notices in case of redirect, so that they can
be displayed after the redirect."""
for type_ in ['warnings', 'notices']:
for (i, message) in enumerate(req.chrome[type_]):
req.session['chrome.%s.%d' % (type_, i)] = escape(message)
class INavigationContributor(Interface):
"""Extension point interface for components that contribute items to the
def get_active_navigation_item(req):
"""This method is only called for the `IRequestHandler` processing the
It should return the name of the navigation item that should be
highlighted as active/current.
def get_navigation_items(req):
"""Should return an iterable object over the list of navigation items to
add, each being a tuple in the form (category, name, text).
class ITemplateProvider(Interface):
"""Extension point interface for components that provide their own
ClearSilver templates and accompanying static resources.
def get_htdocs_dirs():
"""Return a list of directories with static resources (such as style
sheets, images, etc.)
Each item in the list must be a `(prefix, abspath)` tuple. The
`prefix` part defines the path in the URL that requests to these
resources are prefixed with.
The `abspath` is the absolute path to the directory containing the
resources on the local file system.
def get_templates_dirs():
"""Return a list of directories containing the provided template
# Mappings for removal of control characters
_translate_nop = "".join([chr(i) for i in range(256)])
_invalid_control_chars = "".join([chr(i) for i in range(32)
if i not in [0x09, 0x0a, 0x0d]])
class Chrome(Component):
"""Responsible for assembling the web site chrome, i.e. everything that
is not actual page content.
implements(IEnvironmentSetupParticipant, IRequestHandler, ITemplateProvider,
navigation_contributors = ExtensionPoint(INavigationContributor)
template_providers = ExtensionPoint(ITemplateProvider)
stream_filters = ExtensionPoint(ITemplateStreamFilter)
shared_templates_dir = PathOption('inherit', 'templates_dir', '',
"""Path to the shared templates directory.
Templates in that directory are loaded in addition to those in the
environments `templates` directory, but the latter take precedence.
(''since 0.11'')""")
auto_reload = BoolOption('trac', 'auto_reload', False,
"""Automatically reload template files after modification.""")
htdocs_location = Option('trac', 'htdocs_location', '',
"""Base URL of the core static resources.""")
metanav_order = ListOption('trac', 'metanav',
'login,logout,prefs,help,about', doc=
"""Order of the items to display in the `metanav` navigation bar,
listed by IDs. See also TracNavigation.""")
mainnav_order = ListOption('trac', 'mainnav',
'newticket,search', doc=
"""Order of the items to display in the `mainnav` navigation bar,
listed by IDs. See also TracNavigation.""")
logo_link = Option('header_logo', 'link', '',
"""URL to link to from header logo.""")
logo_src = Option('header_logo', 'src', 'site/your_project_logo.png',
"""URL of the image to use as header logo.""")
logo_alt = Option('header_logo', 'alt',
"(please configure the [header_logo] section in trac.ini)",
"""Alternative text for the header logo.""")
logo_width = IntOption('header_logo', 'width', -1,
"""Width of the header logo image in pixels.""")
logo_height = IntOption('header_logo', 'height', -1,
"""Height of the header logo image in pixels.""")
show_email_addresses = BoolOption('trac', 'show_email_addresses', 'false',
"""Show email addresses instead of usernames. If false, we obfuscate
email addresses (''since 0.11'').""")
never_obfuscate_mailto = BoolOption('trac', 'never_obfuscate_mailto',
"""Never obfuscate `mailto:` links explicitly written in the wiki,
even if `show_email_addresses` is false or the user has not the
EMAIL_VIEW permission (''since 0.11.6'').""")
show_ip_addresses = BoolOption('trac', 'show_ip_addresses', 'false',
"""Show IP addresses for resource edits (e.g. wiki).
(''since 0.11.3'').""")
templates = None
# A dictionary of default context data for templates
_default_context_data = {
'_': translation._,
'all': compat.all,
'any': compat.any,
'attrgetter': compat.attrgetter,
'classes': presentation.classes,
'date': datetime.date,
'datetime': datetime.datetime,
'first_last': presentation.first_last,
'get_reporter_id': get_reporter_id,
'gettext': translation.gettext,
'group': presentation.group,
'groupby': compat.py_groupby,
'http_date': http_date,
'istext': presentation.istext,
'itemgetter': compat.itemgetter,
'javascript_quote': javascript_quote,
'ngettext': translation.ngettext,
'paginate': presentation.paginate,
'partial': partial,
'plaintext': plaintext,
'pprint': pprint.pformat,
'pretty_size': pretty_size,
'pretty_timedelta': pretty_timedelta,
'quote_plus': unicode_quote_plus,
'reversed': compat.reversed,
'separated': presentation.separated,
'shorten_line': shorten_line,
'sorted': compat.sorted,
'time': datetime.time,
'timedelta': datetime.timedelta,
'to_unicode': to_unicode,
'utc': utc,
def __init__(self):
import genshi
# IEnvironmentSetupParticipant methods
def environment_created(self):
"""Create the environment templates directory."""
if self.env.path:
templates_dir = os.path.join(self.env.path, 'templates')
if not os.path.exists(templates_dir):
if not self.shared_templates_dir or not os.path.exists(
os.path.join(self.shared_templates_dir, "site.html")):
fileobj = open(os.path.join(templates_dir, 'site.html'), 'w')
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
xmlns:py="http://genshi.edgewall.org/" py:strip="">
<!--! Custom match templates go here -->
def environment_needs_upgrade(self, db):
return False
def upgrade_environment(self, db):
# IRequestHandler methods
def match_request(self, req):
match = re.match(r'/chrome/(?P<prefix>[^/]+)/+(?P<filename>.+)',
if match:
req.args['prefix'] = match.group('prefix')
req.args['filename'] = match.group('filename')
return True
def process_request(self, req):
prefix = req.args['prefix']
filename = req.args['filename']
dirs = []
for provider in self.template_providers:
for dir in [os.path.normpath(dir[1]) for dir
in provider.get_htdocs_dirs() if dir[0] == prefix]:
path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(dir, filename))
assert os.path.commonprefix([dir, path]) == dir
if os.path.isfile(path):
req.send_file(path, get_mimetype(path))
self.log.warning('File %s not found in any of %s', filename, dirs)
raise HTTPNotFound('File %s not found', filename)
# ITemplateProvider methods
def get_htdocs_dirs(self):
return [('common', pkg_resources.resource_filename('trac', 'htdocs')),
('site', self.env.get_htdocs_dir())]
def get_templates_dirs(self):
return filter(None, [
pkg_resources.resource_filename('trac', 'templates'),
# IWikiSyntaxProvider methods
def get_wiki_syntax(self):
return []
def get_link_resolvers(self):
yield ('htdocs', self._format_link)
def _format_link(self, formatter, ns, file, label):
file, query, fragment = formatter.split_link(file)
href = formatter.href.chrome('site', file) + query + fragment
return tag.a(label, href=href)
# Public API methods
def get_all_templates_dirs(self):
"""Return a list of the names of all known templates directories."""
dirs = []
for provider in self.template_providers:
dirs += provider.get_templates_dirs()
return dirs
def prepare_request(self, req, handler=None):
"""Prepare the basic chrome data for the request.
@param req: the request object
@param handler: the `IRequestHandler` instance that is processing the
self.log.debug('Prepare chrome data for request')
chrome = {'links': {}, 'scripts': [], 'ctxtnav': [], 'warnings': [],
'notices': []}
# This is ugly... we can't pass the real Request object to the
# add_xxx methods, because it doesn't yet have the chrome attribute
class FakeRequest(object):
def __init__(self, req):
self.base_path = req.base_path
self.chrome = chrome
fakereq = FakeRequest(req)
htdocs_location = self.htdocs_location or req.href.chrome('common')
chrome['htdocs_location'] = htdocs_location.rstrip('/') + '/'
# HTML <head> links
add_link(fakereq, 'start', req.href.wiki())
add_link(fakereq, 'search', req.href.search())
add_link(fakereq, 'help', req.href.wiki('TracGuide'))
add_stylesheet(fakereq, 'common/css/trac.css')
add_script(fakereq, 'common/js/jquery.js')
# Only activate noConflict mode if requested to by the handler
if handler is not None and \
getattr(handler.__class__, 'jquery_noconflict', False):
add_script(fakereq, 'common/js/noconflict.js')
add_script(fakereq, 'common/js/trac.js')
add_script(fakereq, 'common/js/search.js')
# Shortcut icon
chrome['icon'] = self.get_icon_data(req)
if chrome['icon']:
src = chrome['icon']['src']
mimetype = chrome['icon']['mimetype']
add_link(fakereq, 'icon', src, mimetype=mimetype)
add_link(fakereq, 'shortcut icon', src, mimetype=mimetype)
# Logo image
chrome['logo'] = self.get_logo_data(req.href, req.abs_href)
# Navigation links
allitems = {}
active = None
for contributor in self.navigation_contributors:
for category, name, text in contributor.get_navigation_items(req):
category_section = self.config[category]
if category_section.getbool(name, True):
# the navigation item is enabled (this is the default)
item = None
if isinstance(text, Element) and text.tag.localname == 'a':
item = text
label = category_section.get(name + '.label')
href = category_section.get(name + '.href')
if href:
if href.startswith('/'):
href = req.href + href
if label:
item = tag.a(label) # create new label
elif not item:
item = tag.a(text) # wrap old text
item = item(href=href) # use new href
elif label and item: # create new label, use old href
item = tag.a(label, href=item.attrib.get('href'))
elif not item: # use old text
item = text
allitems.setdefault(category, {})[name] = item
if contributor is handler:
active = contributor.get_active_navigation_item(req)
nav = {}
for category, items in [(k, v.items()) for k, v in allitems.items()]:
category_order = category + '_order'
if hasattr(self, category_order):
order = getattr(self, category_order)
def navcmp(x, y):
if x[0] not in order:
return int(y[0] in order)
if y[0] not in order:
return -int(x[0] in order)
return cmp(order.index(x[0]), order.index(y[0]))
nav[category] = []
for name, label in items:
'name': name,
'label': label,
'active': name == active
chrome['nav'] = nav
# Default theme file
chrome['theme'] = 'theme.html'
# Avoid recursion by registering as late as possible (#8583)
return chrome
def get_icon_data(self, req):
icon = {}
icon_src = icon_abs_src = self.env.project_icon
if icon_src:
if not icon_src.startswith('/') and icon_src.find('://') == -1:
if '/' in icon_src:
icon_abs_src = req.abs_href.chrome(icon_src)
icon_src = req.href.chrome(icon_src)
icon_abs_src = req.abs_href.chrome('common', icon_src)
icon_src = req.href.chrome('common', icon_src)
mimetype = get_mimetype(icon_src)
icon = {'src': icon_src, 'abs_src': icon_abs_src,
'mimetype': mimetype}
return icon
def get_logo_data(self, href, abs_href=None):
# TODO: Possibly, links to 'common/' could use chrome.htdocs_location
logo = {}
logo_src = self.logo_src
if logo_src:
abs_href = abs_href or href
if logo_src.startswith('http://') or \
logo_src.startswith('https://') or \
# Nothing further can be calculated
logo_src_abs = logo_src
elif '/' in logo_src:
# Like 'common/trac_banner.png' or 'site/my_banner.png'
logo_src_abs = abs_href.chrome(logo_src)
logo_src = href.chrome(logo_src)
# Like 'trac_banner.png'
logo_src_abs = abs_href.chrome('common', logo_src)
logo_src = href.chrome('common', logo_src)
width = self.logo_width > -1 and self.logo_width or None
height = self.logo_height > -1 and self.logo_height or None
logo = {
'link': self.logo_link, 'src': logo_src,
'src_abs': logo_src_abs, 'alt': self.logo_alt,
'width': width, 'height': height
logo = {'link': self.logo_link, 'alt': self.logo_alt}
return logo
def populate_hdf(self, req):
"""Add chrome-related data to the HDF (deprecated)."""
req.hdf['HTTP.PathInfo'] = req.path_info
req.hdf['htdocs_location'] = req.chrome['htdocs_location']
req.hdf['chrome.href'] = req.href.chrome()
req.hdf['chrome.links'] = req.chrome['links']
req.hdf['chrome.scripts'] = req.chrome['scripts']
req.hdf['chrome.logo'] = req.chrome['logo']
for category, items in req.chrome['nav'].items():
for item in items:
prefix = 'chrome.nav.%s.%s' % (category, item['name'])
req.hdf[prefix] = item['label']
def populate_data(self, req, data):
d = self._default_context_data.copy()
d['trac'] = {
'version': VERSION,
'homepage': 'http://trac.edgewall.org/', # FIXME: use setup data
'systeminfo': self.env.systeminfo,
href = req and req.href
abs_href = req and req.abs_href or self.env.abs_href
admin_href = None
if self.env.project_admin_trac_url == '.':
admin_href = href
elif self.env.project_admin_trac_url:
admin_href = Href(self.env.project_admin_trac_url)
d['project'] = {
'name': self.env.project_name,
'descr': self.env.project_description,
'url': self.env.project_url,
'admin': self.env.project_admin,
'admin_href': admin_href,
'admin_trac_url': self.env.project_admin_trac_url,
d['chrome'] = {
'footer': Markup(self.env.project_footer)
if req:
'htdocs_location': self.htdocs_location,
'logo': self.get_logo_data(self.env.abs_href),
show_email_addresses = (self.show_email_addresses or not req or \
'EMAIL_VIEW' in req.perm)
tzinfo = None
if req:
tzinfo = req.tz
def dateinfo(date):
return tag.span(pretty_timedelta(date),
def get_rel_url(resource, **kwargs):
return get_resource_url(self.env, resource, href, **kwargs)
def get_abs_url(resource, **kwargs):
return get_resource_url(self.env, resource, abs_href, **kwargs)
'context': req and Context.from_request(req) or None,
'url_of': get_rel_url,
'abs_url_of': get_abs_url,
'name_of': partial(get_resource_name, self.env),
'shortname_of': partial(get_resource_shortname, self.env),
'summary_of': partial(get_resource_summary, self.env),
'req': req,
'abs_href': abs_href,
'href': href,
'perm': req and req.perm,
'authname': req and req.authname or '<trac>',
'show_email_addresses': show_email_addresses,
'show_ip_addresses': self.show_ip_addresses,
'format_author': partial(self.format_author, req),
'format_emails': self.format_emails,
# Date/time formatting
'dateinfo': dateinfo,
'format_datetime': partial(format_datetime, tzinfo=tzinfo),
'format_date': partial(format_date, tzinfo=tzinfo),
'format_time': partial(format_time, tzinfo=tzinfo),
'fromtimestamp': partial(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp,
# Wiki-formatting functions
'wiki_to': partial(format_to, self.env),
'wiki_to_html': partial(format_to_html, self.env),
'wiki_to_oneliner': partial(format_to_oneliner, self.env),
# Finally merge in the page-specific data
return d
def load_template(self, filename, method=None):
"""Retrieve a Template and optionally preset the template data.
Also, if the optional `method` argument is set to `'text'`, a
TextTemplate instance will be created instead of a MarkupTemplate.
if not self.templates:
self.templates = TemplateLoader(self.get_all_templates_dirs(),
if method == 'text':
cls = TextTemplate
cls = MarkupTemplate
return self.templates.load(filename, cls=cls)
def render_template(self, req, filename, data, content_type=None,
"""Render the `filename` using the `data` for the context.
The `content_type` argument is used to choose the kind of template
used (TextTemplate if `'text/plain'`, MarkupTemplate otherwise), and
tweak the rendering process (use of XHTML Strict doctype if
`'text/html'` is given).
if content_type is None:
content_type = 'text/html'
method = {'text/html': 'xhtml',
'text/plain': 'text'}.get(content_type, 'xml')
if method == "xhtml":
# Retrieve post-redirect messages saved in session
for type_ in ['warnings', 'notices']:
for i in itertools.count():
message = req.session.pop('chrome.%s.%d' % (type_, i))
except KeyError:
template = self.load_template(filename, method=method)
data = self.populate_data(req, data)
stream = template.generate(**data)
# Filter through ITemplateStreamFilter plugins
if self.stream_filters:
stream |= self._filter_stream(req, method, filename, stream, data)
if fragment:
return stream
if method == 'text':
buffer = cStringIO()
stream.render('text', out=buffer)
return buffer.getvalue()
doctype = {'text/html': DocType.XHTML_STRICT}.get(content_type)
if doctype:
if req.form_token:
stream |= self._add_form_token(req.form_token)
if not int(req.session.get('accesskeys', 0)):
stream |= self._strip_accesskeys
links = req.chrome.get('links')
scripts = req.chrome.get('scripts')
req.chrome['links'] = {}
req.chrome['scripts'] = []
data.setdefault('chrome', {}).update({
'late_links': req.chrome['links'],
'late_scripts': req.chrome['scripts'],
buffer = cStringIO()
stream.render(method, doctype=doctype, out=buffer)
return buffer.getvalue().translate(_translate_nop,
except Exception, e:
# restore what may be needed by the error template
req.chrome['links'] = links
req.chrome['scripts'] = scripts
# give some hints when hitting a Genshi unicode error
if isinstance(e, UnicodeError):
pos = self._stream_location(stream)
if pos:
location = "'%s', line %s, char %s" % pos
location = _("(unknown template location)")
raise TracError(_("Genshi %(error)s error while rendering "
"template %(location)s",
# E-mail formatting utilities
def cc_list(self, cc_field):
"""Split a CC: value in a list of addresses."""
if not cc_field:
return []
return [cc.strip() for cc in cc_field.split(',') if cc]
def format_emails(self, context, value, sep=', '):
"""Normalize a list of e-mails and obfuscate them if needed.
:param context: the context in which the check for obfuscation should
be done
:param value: a string containing a comma-separated list of e-mails
:param sep: the separator to use when rendering the list again
all_cc = self.cc_list(value)
if not (self.show_email_addresses or 'EMAIL_VIEW' in context.perm):
all_cc = [obfuscate_email_address(cc) for cc in all_cc]
return sep.join(all_cc)
def format_author(self, req, author):
if self.show_email_addresses or not req or 'EMAIL_VIEW' in req.perm:
return author
return obfuscate_email_address(author)
# Template filters
def _add_form_token(self, token):
elem = tag.div(
tag.input(type='hidden', name='__FORM_TOKEN', value=token)
def _generate(stream, ctxt=None):
for kind, data, pos in stream:
if kind is START and data[0].localname == 'form' \
and data[1].get('method', '').lower() == 'post':
yield kind, data, pos
for event in elem.generate():
yield event
yield kind, data, pos
return _generate
def _strip_accesskeys(self, stream, ctxt=None):
for kind, data, pos in stream:
if kind is START and 'accesskey' in data[1]:
data = data[0], Attrs([(k,v) for k,v in data[1]
if k != 'accesskey'])
yield kind, data, pos
def _filter_stream(self, req, method, filename, stream, data):
def inner(stream, ctxt=None):
for filter in self.stream_filters:
stream = filter.filter_stream(req, method, filename, stream,
return stream
return inner
def _stream_location(self, stream):
for kind, data, pos in stream:
return pos