# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2003-2009 Edgewall Software
# Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Jonas Borgstrm <jonas@edgewall.com>
# Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Christopher Lenz <cmlenz@gmx.de>
# All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
# are also available at http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracLicense.
# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
# individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
# history and logs, available at http://trac.edgewall.org/log/.
# Author: Jonas Borgstrm <jonas@edgewall.com>
# Christopher Lenz <cmlenz@gmx.de>
import threading
except ImportError:
import dummy_threading as threading
import time
import urllib
import re
from StringIO import StringIO
from genshi.builder import tag
from trac.config import BoolOption
from trac.core import *
from trac.resource import IResourceManager
from trac.util import reversed
from trac.util.html import html
from trac.util.translation import _
from trac.wiki.parser import WikiParser
class IWikiChangeListener(Interface):
"""Extension point interface for components that should get notified about
the creation, deletion and modification of wiki pages.
def wiki_page_added(page):
"""Called whenever a new Wiki page is added."""
def wiki_page_changed(page, version, t, comment, author, ipnr):
"""Called when a page has been modified."""
def wiki_page_deleted(page):
"""Called when a page has been deleted."""
def wiki_page_version_deleted(page):
"""Called when a version of a page has been deleted."""
class IWikiPageManipulator(Interface):
"""Extension point interface for components that need to do specific
pre and post processing of wiki page changes.
Unlike change listeners, a manipulator can reject changes being committed
to the database.
def prepare_wiki_page(req, page, fields):
"""Not currently called, but should be provided for future
def validate_wiki_page(req, page):
"""Validate a wiki page after it's been populated from user input.
Must return a list of `(field, message)` tuples, one for each problem
detected. `field` can be `None` to indicate an overall problem with the
page. Therefore, a return value of `[]` means everything is OK."""
class IWikiMacroProvider(Interface):
"""Extension point interface for components that provide Wiki macros."""
def get_macros():
"""Return an iterable that provides the names of the provided macros."""
def get_macro_description(name):
"""Return a plain text description of the macro with the specified name.
def render_macro(req, name, content):
"""Return the HTML output of the macro (deprecated)"""
def expand_macro(formatter, name, content):
"""Called by the formatter when rendering the parsed wiki text.
(since 0.11)
class IWikiSyntaxProvider(Interface):
def get_wiki_syntax():
"""Return an iterable that provides additional wiki syntax.
Additional wiki syntax correspond to a pair of (regexp, cb),
the `regexp` for the additional syntax and the callback `cb`
which will be called if there's a match.
That function is of the form cb(formatter, ns, match).
def get_link_resolvers():
"""Return an iterable over (namespace, formatter) tuples.
Each formatter should be a function of the form
fmt(formatter, ns, target, label), and should
return some HTML fragment.
The `label` is already HTML escaped, whereas the `target` is not.
def parse_args(args, strict=True):
"""Utility for parsing macro "content" and splitting them into arguments.
The content is split along commas, unless they are escaped with a
backquote (like this: \,).
:param args: macros arguments, as plain text
:param strict: if `True`, only Python-like identifiers will be
recognized as keyword arguments
Example usage:
>>> parse_args('')
([], {})
>>> parse_args('Some text')
(['Some text'], {})
>>> parse_args('Some text, mode= 3, some other arg\, with a comma.')
(['Some text', ' some other arg, with a comma.'], {'mode': ' 3'})
>>> parse_args('milestone=milestone1,status!=closed', strict=False)
([], {'status!': 'closed', 'milestone': 'milestone1'})
largs, kwargs = [], {}
if args:
for arg in re.split(r'(?<!\\),', args):
arg = arg.replace(r'\,', ',')
if strict:
m = re.match(r'\s*[a-zA-Z_]\w+=', arg)
m = re.match(r'\s*[^=]+=', arg)
if m:
kw = arg[:m.end()-1].strip()
if strict:
kw = unicode(kw).encode('utf-8')
kwargs[kw] = arg[m.end():]
return largs, kwargs
class WikiSystem(Component):
"""Represents the wiki system."""
implements(IWikiChangeListener, IWikiSyntaxProvider, IResourceManager)
change_listeners = ExtensionPoint(IWikiChangeListener)
macro_providers = ExtensionPoint(IWikiMacroProvider)
syntax_providers = ExtensionPoint(IWikiSyntaxProvider)
ignore_missing_pages = BoolOption('wiki', 'ignore_missing_pages', 'false',
"""Enable/disable highlighting CamelCase links to missing pages
(''since 0.9'').""")
split_page_names = BoolOption('wiki', 'split_page_names', 'false',
"""Enable/disable splitting the WikiPageNames with space characters
(''since 0.10'').""")
render_unsafe_content = BoolOption('wiki', 'render_unsafe_content', 'false',
"""Enable/disable the use of unsafe HTML tags such as `<script>` or
`<embed>` with the HTML [wiki:WikiProcessors WikiProcessor]
(''since 0.10.4'').
For public sites where anonymous users can edit the wiki it is
recommended to leave this option disabled (which is the default).""")
def __init__(self):
self._index = None
self._last_index_update = 0
self._index_lock = threading.RLock()
def _update_index(self):
now = time.time()
if now > self._last_index_update + WikiSystem.INDEX_UPDATE_INTERVAL:
self.log.debug('Updating wiki page index')
db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT name FROM wiki")
self._index = {}
for (name,) in cursor:
self._index[name] = True
self._last_index_update = now
# Public API
def get_pages(self, prefix=None):
"""Iterate over the names of existing Wiki pages.
If the `prefix` parameter is given, only names that start with that
prefix are included.
# Note: use of keys() is intentional since iterkeys() is prone to
# errors with concurrent modification
for page in self._index.keys():
if not prefix or page.startswith(prefix):
yield page
def has_page(self, pagename):
"""Whether a page with the specified name exists."""
return self._index.has_key(pagename.rstrip('/'))
# IWikiChangeListener methods
def wiki_page_added(self, page):
if not self.has_page(page.name):
self.log.debug('Adding page %s to index' % page.name)
self._index[page.name] = True
def wiki_page_changed(self, page, version, t, comment, author, ipnr):
def wiki_page_deleted(self, page):
if self.has_page(page.name):
self.log.debug('Removing page %s from index' % page.name)
del self._index[page.name]
def wiki_page_version_deleted(self, page):
# IWikiSyntaxProvider methods
XML_NAME = r"[\w:](?<!\d)(?:[\w:.-]*[\w-])?"
# See http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#id,
# here adapted to exclude terminal "." and ":" characters
PAGE_SPLIT_RE = re.compile(r"([a-z])([A-Z])(?=[a-z])")
Lu = ''.join([unichr(c) for c in range(0, 0x10000) if unichr(c).isupper()])
Ll = ''.join([unichr(c) for c in range(0, 0x10000) if unichr(c).islower()])
def format_page_name(self, page, split=False):
if split or self.split_page_names:
return self.PAGE_SPLIT_RE.sub(r"\1 \2", page)
return page
def get_wiki_syntax(self):
wiki_page_name = (
r"(?:[%(upper)s](?:[%(lower)s])+/?){2,}" # wiki words
r"(?:@\d+)?" # optional version
r"(?:#%(xml)s)?" # optional fragment id
# what should follow it
% {'upper': self.Lu, 'lower': self.Ll, 'xml': self.XML_NAME})
# Regular WikiPageNames
def wikipagename_link(formatter, match, fullmatch):
return self._format_link(formatter, 'wiki', match,
self.ignore_missing_pages, match)
yield (r"!?(?<!/)\b" + # start at a word boundary but not after '/'
wiki_page_name, wikipagename_link)
# [WikiPageNames with label]
def wikipagename_with_label_link(formatter, match, fullmatch):
page = fullmatch.group('wiki_page')
label = fullmatch.group('wiki_label')
return self._format_link(formatter, 'wiki', page, label.strip(),
self.ignore_missing_pages, match)
yield (r"!?\[(?P<wiki_page>%s)\s+(?P<wiki_label>%s|[^\]]+)\]"
% (wiki_page_name, WikiParser.QUOTED_STRING),
# MoinMoin's ["internal free link"]
def internal_free_link(fmt, m, fullmatch):
return self._format_link(fmt, 'wiki', m[2:-2], m[2:-2], False)
yield (r"!?\[(?:%s)\]" % WikiParser.QUOTED_STRING, internal_free_link)
def get_link_resolvers(self):
def link_resolver(formatter, ns, target, label):
return self._format_link(formatter, ns, target, label, False)
yield ('wiki', link_resolver)
def _format_link(self, formatter, ns, pagename, label, ignore_missing,
pagename, query, fragment = formatter.split_link(pagename)
version = None
if '@' in pagename:
pagename, version = pagename.split('@', 1)
if version and query:
query = '&' + query[1:]
pagename = pagename.strip('/') or 'WikiStart'
if 'WIKI_VIEW' in formatter.perm('wiki', pagename, version):
href = formatter.href.wiki(pagename, version=version) + query \
+ fragment
if self.has_page(pagename):
return tag.a(label, href=href, class_='wiki')
if ignore_missing:
return original_label or label
if 'WIKI_CREATE' in formatter.perm('wiki', pagename, version):
return tag.a(label + '?', class_='missing wiki',
href=href, rel='nofollow')
return tag.a(label + '?', class_='missing wiki')
elif ignore_missing and not self.has_page(pagename):
return label
return tag.a(label, class_='forbidden wiki',
title=_("no permission to view this wiki page"))
# IResourceManager methods
def get_resource_realms(self):
yield 'wiki'
def get_resource_description(self, resource, format, **kwargs):
>>> from trac.test import EnvironmentStub
>>> from trac.resource import Resource, get_resource_description
>>> env = EnvironmentStub()
>>> main = Resource('wiki', 'WikiStart')
>>> get_resource_description(env, main)
>>> get_resource_description(env, main(version=3))
>>> get_resource_description(env, main(version=3), format='summary')
>>> env.config['wiki'].set('split_page_names', 'true')
>>> get_resource_description(env, main(version=3))
'Wiki Start'
return self.format_page_name(resource.id)