soup2breve - Robert Leftwich
Requires BeautifulSoup - http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/
import sys
import htmlentitydefs
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup,Tag,NavigableString,Comment
INDENT = ' '
GUARD = '|||'
# flags to return from handlers
NOT_HANDLED = 0 # handler did nothing
CONTENT_NOT_HANDLED = 1 # handler only handled the tag, not the contents
CONTENT_HANDLED = 2 # handler handled everything
# a dictionary to translate unicode into HTML entities
codepoint2entity = dict([(c, u'%s[E.%s]%s' % (GUARD, n, GUARD)) for c,n in htmlentitydefs.codepoint2name.iteritems()])
# our own version of the beautiful soup parser
class BreveBeautifulSoup(BeautifulSoup):
# define a dict for translate() that removes only *ascii* whitespace, not unicode whitespace.
# (of course if you authored the original document in unicode and added genuine unicode whitespace
# there is no way for this class to know that, but that is far less likely than the html entity
# to unicode conversion process occurring).
# Remove TAB, LF, FF, CR, SPACE
ASCII_STRIP = { 9: None, 10: None, 12: None, 13: None, 32: None, }
# override the way the data is checked for whitespace to handle the case
# where the data is in unicode and it has entites in it, such as nbsp
def endData(self, containerClass=NavigableString):
if self.currentData:
currentData = ''.join(self.currentData)
# replaced strip() with translate() - as we are looking
# for empty strings that only contain ascii whitespace
if len(currentData) > 0 and not currentData.translate(self.ASCII_STRIP):
if '\n' in currentData:
# replace this with \n to preserve newlines
currentData = '\n'
currentData = ' '
self.currentData = []
if self.parseOnlyThese and len(self.tagStack) <= 1 and \
(not self.parseOnlyThese.text or \
not self.parseOnlyThese.search(currentData)):
o = containerClass(currentData)
o.setup(self.currentTag, self.previous)
if self.previous:
self.previous.next = o
self.previous = o
# helper for building the current indent string
def current_indent(indent):
return INDENT*indent
# escape a quote if it si the last character in buffer,
# so triple quoted strings don't barf
def escape_last_quote(s):
if s.endswith("'"):
s = s[-1] + "\'"
return s
# the real thing - convert an html tag to a breve equivalent
def convert(tag, output, indent=0, handlers=None):
curr_indent_str = current_indent(indent)
if isinstance(tag, NavigableString):
s = tag.string
# don't need substitutions in comments
if not isinstance(tag, Comment):
s = s.translate(codepoint2entity)
# anything to output?
if s:
if isinstance(tag, Comment):
output.append("%scomment(\n%s'''%s'''),\n" %(curr_indent_str, curr_indent_str, escape_last_quote(s)))
# handle any entities
guarded_strings = s.split(GUARD)
for s in guarded_strings:
if s:
# is this a substituted entity?
if s[0] == '[' and s[-1] == ']':
s = s[1:-1]
output.append("%s%s,\n" %(curr_indent_str, s))
output.append("%s'''%s''',\n" %(curr_indent_str, escape_last_quote(s)))
if hasattr(tag, 'name'):
# is there are a handler for this tag?
tag_handled = NOT_HANDLED
if handlers and handlers.has_key(tag.name):
tag_handled = handlers[tag.name](tag, output, indent, handlers)
# do we still need to handle the tag?
if tag_handled == NOT_HANDLED:
output.append('%s%s' %(curr_indent_str, tag.name))
if hasattr(tag, 'attrs') and tag.attrs:
output.append(' ( ')
i = 0
for key, val in tag.attrs:
if i:
output.append(', ')
output.append('%s_="%s"' %(key, val))
i+= 1
output.append(' )')
# do we need to handle any content?
if tag_handled != CONTENT_HANDLED:
if hasattr(tag, 'contents'):
if not tag.isSelfClosing:
if len(tag.contents) > 0:
output.append(' [\n')
l = len(tag)
for t in tag:
# if not the only tag and it is a newline
# then ignore it - this gets rid of the newline before/after tags
if l > 1 and (t=='\n' or t==' '):
# otherwise convert it
convert(t, output, indent+1, handlers=handlers)
output.append('%s]' %(curr_indent_str))
if indent:
# ----- Tag handlers -----
# throw the tag and all its contents away
def null_handler(tag, output, indent, handlers):
# throw out the tag
# ignore the tag, but process its contents
def content_handler(tag, output, indent, handlers):
# special handling for the http-equiv tag
def meta_handler(tag, output, indent, handlers):
if tag.get('http-equiv', None):
a = []
for key, val in tag.attrs:
# handle BeautifulSoup encoding substitution
if "%SOUP-ENCODING%" in val:
val = val.replace("%SOUP-ENCODING%", DEFAULT_ENCODING)
a.append('"%s_":"%s"' %(key, val))
output.append('%smeta ( **{ %s } ),\n' %(current_indent(indent), ', '.join(a)))
# -----
# convert the specified file using the supplied tag handlers
def convert_file(filename, handlers):
soup = BreveBeautifulSoup(file ( filename, 'rU' ),
output = []
convert(soup.html, output, handlers=handlers)
return output
def usage ( ):
print '''
%s <htmlfile>
''' % sys.argv [ 0 ]
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len ( sys.argv ) < 2:
usage ( )
raise SystemExit
result = convert_file(sys.argv [ 1 ], dict(meta=meta_handler))
print ''.join(result)