"""loads Markdown files, converts each one to HTML and parses the HTML into an ElementTree structure.
The collection of ElementTrees are further parsed to generate a table of contents structure, and are
manipulated to replace various markdown-generated HTML with specific Mako tags before being written
to Mako templates, which then re-access the table of contents structure at runtime.
Much thanks to Alexey Shamrin, who came up with the original idea and did all the heavy Markdown/Elementtree
lifting for this module."""
import sys, re, os
from toc import TOCElement
import xml.etree.ElementTree as et
import elementtree.ElementTree as et
raise "This module requires ElementTree to run (http://effbot.org/zone/element-index.htm)"
import markdown
def dump_tree(elem, stream):
if elem.tag.startswith('MAKO:'):
dump_mako_tag(elem, stream)
if elem.tag != 'html':
if len(elem.attrib):
stream.write("<%s %s>" % (elem.tag, " ".join(["%s=%s" % (key, repr(val)) for key, val in elem.attrib.iteritems()])))
stream.write("<%s>" % elem.tag)
if elem.text:
for child in elem:
dump_tree(child, stream)
if child.tail:
stream.write("</%s>" % elem.tag)
def dump_mako_tag(elem, stream):
tag = elem.tag[5:]
params = ','.join(['%s=%s' % i for i in elem.items()])
stream.write('<%%call expr="%s(%s)">' % (tag, params))
if elem.text:
for n in elem:
dump_tree(n, stream)
if n.tail:
def create_toc(filename, tree, tocroot):
title = [None]
current = [tocroot]
level = [0]
def process(tree):
while True:
i = find_header_index(tree)
if i is None:
node = tree[i]
taglevel = int(node.tag[1])
start, end = i, end_of_header(tree, taglevel, i+1)
content = tree[start+1:end]
description = node.text.strip()
if title[0] is None:
title[0] = description
name = node.get('name')
if name is None:
name = description.split()[0].lower()
taglevel = node.tag[1]
if taglevel > level[0]:
current[0] = TOCElement(filename, name, description, current[0])
elif taglevel == level[0]:
current[0] = TOCElement(filename, name, description, current[0].parent)
current[0] = TOCElement(filename, name, description, current[0].parent.parent)
level[0] = taglevel
tag = et.Element("MAKO:formatting.section", path=repr(current[0].path), paged='paged', extension='extension', toc='toc')
tag.text = (node.tail or "") + '\n'
tag.tail = '\n'
tag[:] = content
tree[start:end] = [tag]
return (title[0], tocroot.get_by_file(filename))
def index(parent, item):
for n, i in enumerate(parent):
if i is item:
return n
def find_header_index(tree):
for i, node in enumerate(tree):
if is_header(node):
return i
def is_header(node):
t = node.tag
return (isinstance(t, str) and len(t) == 2 and t[0] == 'h'
and t[1] in '123456789')
def end_of_header(tree, level, start):
for i, node in enumerate(tree[start:]):
if is_header(node) and int(node.tag[1]) <= level:
return start + i
return len(tree)
def process_rel_href(tree):
parent = get_parent_map(tree)
for a in tree.findall('.//a'):
m = re.match(r'(bold)?rel\:(.+)', a.get('href'))
if m:
(bold, path) = m.group(1,2)
text = a.text
if text == path:
tag = et.Element("MAKO:nav.toclink", path=repr(path), extension='extension', paged='paged', toc='toc')
tag = et.Element("MAKO:nav.toclink", path=repr(path), description=repr(text), extension='extension', paged='paged', toc='toc')
a_parent = parent[a]
if bold:
bold = et.Element('strong')
bold.tail = a.tail
a_parent[index(a_parent, a)] = bold
tag.tail = a.tail
a_parent[index(a_parent, a)] = tag
def replace_pre_with_mako(tree):
parents = get_parent_map(tree)
for precode in tree.findall('.//pre/code'):
reg = re.compile(r'\{(python|mako|html|ini)(?: title="(.*?)"){0,1}\}(.*)', re.S)
m = reg.match(precode[0].text.lstrip())
if m:
code = m.group(1)
title = m.group(2)
precode[0].text = m.group(3)
code = title = None
tag = et.Element("MAKO:formatting.code")
if code:
tag.attrib["syntaxtype"] = repr(code)
if title:
tag.attrib["title"] = repr(title)
tag.text = precode.text
[tag.append(x) for x in precode]
pre = parents[precode]
tag.tail = pre.tail
pre_parent = parents[pre]
pre_parent[reverse_parent(pre_parent, pre)] = tag
def safety_code(tree):
parents = get_parent_map(tree)
for code in tree.findall('.//code'):
tag = et.Element('%text')
if parents[code].tag != 'pre':
tag.attrib["filter"] = "h"
tag.text = code.text
code.text = ""
def reverse_parent(parent, item):
for n, i in enumerate(parent):
if i is item:
return n
def get_parent_map(tree):
return dict([(c, p) for p in tree.getiterator() for c in p])
def header(toc, title, filename):
return """# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
<%%inherit file="content_layout.html"/>
<%%page args="toc, extension, paged"/>
<%%namespace name="formatting" file="formatting.html"/>
<%%namespace name="nav" file="nav.html"/>
<%%def name="title()">%s - %s</%%def>
filename = '%s'
## This file is generated. Edit the .txt files instead of this one.
""" % (toc.root.doctitle, title, filename)
class utf8stream(object):
def __init__(self, stream):
self.stream = stream
def write(self, str):
def parse_markdown_files(toc, files):
for inname in files:
infile = 'content/%s.txt' % inname
if not os.access(infile, os.F_OK):
html = markdown.markdown(file(infile).read())
tree = et.fromstring("<html>" + html + "</html>")
(title, toc_element) = create_toc(inname, tree, toc)
outname = 'output/%s.html' % inname
print infile, '->', outname
outfile = utf8stream(file(outname, 'w'))
outfile.write(header(toc, title, inname))
dump_tree(tree, outfile)