test_def.py :  » Template-Engines » Mako » Mako-0.3.2 » test » Python Open Source

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Python Open Source » Template Engines » Mako 
Mako » Mako 0.3.2 » test » test_def.py
from mako.template import Template
from mako import lookup
from test import TemplateTest
from util import flatten_result,result_lines

class DefTest(TemplateTest):
    def test_def_noargs(self):
        template = Template("""
        <%def name="mycomp()">
            hello mycomp ${variable}
        assert template.render(variable='hi').strip() == """hello mycomp hi"""

    def test_def_blankargs(self):
        template = Template("""
        <%def name="mycomp()">
            hello mycomp ${variable}

        assert template.render(variable='hi').strip() == """hello mycomp hi"""

    def test_def_args(self):
        template = Template("""
        <%def name="mycomp(a, b)">
            hello mycomp ${variable}, ${a}, ${b}

        ${mycomp(5, 6)}""")
        assert template.render(variable='hi', a=5, b=6).strip() == """hello mycomp hi, 5, 6"""

    def test_inter_def(self):
        """test defs calling each other"""
        template = Template("""

        <%def name="a()">\
        im a

        <%def name="b()">
        im b
        and heres a:  ${a()}

        <%def name="c()">
        im c
        # check that "a" is declared in "b", but not in "c"
        assert "a" not in template.module.render_c.func_code.co_varnames
        assert "a" in template.module.render_b.func_code.co_varnames
        # then test output
        assert flatten_result(template.render()) == "im b and heres a: im a"

    def test_toplevel(self):
        """test calling a def from the top level"""

        template = Template("""
            this is the body
            <%def name="a()">
                this is a

            <%def name="b(x, y)">
                this is b, ${x} ${y}
        self._do_test(template.get_def("a"), "this is a", filters=flatten_result)
        self._do_test(template.get_def("b"), "this is b, 10 15", 
                                                            template_args={'x':10, 'y':15}, 
        self._do_test(template.get_def("body"), "this is the body", filters=flatten_result)
        # test that args outside of the dict can be used
        self._do_test(template.get_def("a"), "this is a", 
                        filters=flatten_result, template_args={'q':5,'zq':'test'})
class ScopeTest(TemplateTest):
    """test scoping rules.  The key is, enclosing scope always takes precedence over contextual scope."""
    def test_scope_one(self):
        <%def name="a()">
            this is a, and y is ${y}


            y = 7


            "this is a, and y is None this is a, and y is 7",

    def test_scope_two(self):
        t = Template("""
        y is ${y}

            y = 7

        y is ${y}
            assert False
        except UnboundLocalError:
            assert True

    def test_scope_four(self):
        """test that variables are pulled from 'enclosing' scope before context."""
        t = Template("""
                x = 5
            <%def name="a()">
                this is a. x is ${x}.
            <%def name="b()">
                    x = 9
                this is b. x is ${x}.
                calling a. ${a()}
        assert flatten_result(t.render()) == "this is b. x is 9. calling a. this is a. x is 5."
    def test_scope_five(self):
        """test that variables are pulled from 'enclosing' scope before context."""
        # same as test four, but adds a scope around it.
        t = Template("""
            <%def name="enclosing()">
                x = 5
            <%def name="a()">
                this is a. x is ${x}.

            <%def name="b()">
                    x = 9
                this is b. x is ${x}.
                calling a. ${a()}

        assert flatten_result(t.render()) == "this is b. x is 9. calling a. this is a. x is 5."

    def test_scope_six(self):
        """test that the initial context counts as 'enclosing' scope, for plain defs"""
        t = Template("""

        <%def name="a()">
            a: x is ${x}

        <%def name="b()">
                x = 10
            b. x is ${x}.  ${a()}

        assert flatten_result(t.render(x=5)) == "b. x is 10. a: x is 5"

    def test_scope_seven(self):
        """test that the initial context counts as 'enclosing' scope, for nested defs"""
        t = Template("""
        <%def name="enclosing()">
            <%def name="a()">
                a: x is ${x}

            <%def name="b()">
                    x = 10
                b. x is ${x}.  ${a()}

        assert flatten_result(t.render(x=5)) == "b. x is 10. a: x is 5"

    def test_scope_eight(self):
        """test that the initial context counts as 'enclosing' scope, for nested defs"""
        t = Template("""
        <%def name="enclosing()">
            <%def name="a()">
                a: x is ${x}

            <%def name="b()">
                    x = 10
                b. x is ${x}.  ${a()}

        assert flatten_result(t.render(x=5)) == "b. x is 10. a: x is 5"

    def test_scope_nine(self):
        """test that 'enclosing scope' doesnt get exported to other templates"""
        l = lookup.TemplateLookup()
        l.put_string('main', """
            x = 5
        this is main.  <%include file="secondary"/>

        l.put_string('secondary', """
        this is secondary.  x is ${x}

        assert flatten_result(l.get_template('main').render(x=2)) == "this is main. this is secondary. x is 2"
    def test_scope_ten(self):
        t = Template("""
            <%def name="a()">
                <%def name="b()">
                        y = 19
                    b/c: ${c()}
                    b/y: ${y}
                <%def name="c()">
                    c/y: ${y}

                    # we assign to "y".  but the 'enclosing scope' of "b" and "c" is from the "y" on the outside
                    y = 10
                a/y: ${y}
                a/b: ${b()}

                y = 7
            main/a: ${a()}
            main/y: ${y}
        assert flatten_result(t.render()) == "main/a: a/y: 10 a/b: b/c: c/y: 10 b/y: 19 main/y: 7"

    def test_scope_eleven(self):
        t = Template("""
            x is ${x}
            <%def name="a(x)">
                this is a, ${b()}
                <%def name="b()">
                    this is b, x is ${x}
        assert result_lines(t.render(x=10)) == [
            "x is 10",
            "this is a,", 
            "this is b, x is 5"

    def test_unbound_scope(self):
        t = Template("""
                y = 10
            <%def name="a()">
                y is: ${y}
                    # should raise error ?
                    y = 15
                y is ${y}
            print t.render()
            assert False
        except UnboundLocalError:
            assert True

    def test_unbound_scope_two(self):
        t = Template("""
            <%def name="enclosing()">
                y = 10
            <%def name="a()">
                y is: ${y}
                    # should raise error ?
                    y = 15
                y is ${y}
            print t.render()
            assert False
        except UnboundLocalError:
            assert True

    def test_canget_kwargs(self):
        """test that arguments passed to the body() function are accessible by top-level defs"""
        l = lookup.TemplateLookup()
        l.put_string("base", """
        l.put_string("main", """
            <%inherit file="base"/>
            <%page args="x"/>
            this is main.  x is ${x}
            <%def name="a(**args)">
                this is a, x is ${x}
        # test via inheritance
        #print l.get_template("main").code
        assert result_lines(l.get_template("main").render()) == [
            "this is main. x is 12",
            "this is a, x is 12"

        l.put_string("another", """
            <%namespace name="ns" file="main"/>
        # test via namespace
        assert result_lines(l.get_template("another").render()) == [
            "this is main. x is 15",
            "this is a, x is 15"

class NestedDefTest(TemplateTest):
    def test_nested_def(self):
        t = Template("""

        <%def name="hi()">
            hey, im hi.
            and heres ${foo()}, ${bar()}
            <%def name="foo()">
                this is foo
            <%def name="bar()">
                this is bar
        assert flatten_result(t.render()) == "hey, im hi. and heres this is foo , this is bar"

    def test_nested_2(self):
        t = Template("""
            x is ${x}
            <%def name="a()">
                this is a, x is ${x}
                <%def name="b()">
                    this is b: ${x}
        assert flatten_result(t.render(x=10)) == "x is 10 this is a, x is 10 this is b: 10"
    def test_nested_with_args(self):
        t = Template("""
        <%def name="a()">
            <%def name="b(x, y=2)">
                b x is ${x} y is ${y}
            a ${b(5)}
        assert flatten_result(t.render()) == "a b x is 5 y is 2"
    def test_nested_def_2(self):
        template = Template("""
        <%def name="a()">
            <%def name="b()">
                <%def name="c()">
                    comp c
        assert flatten_result(template.render()) == "comp c"

    def test_nested_nested_def(self):
        t = Template("""
        <%def name="a()">
            <%def name="b1()">
            <%def name="b2()">
                a_b2 ${c1()}
                <%def name="c1()">
            <%def name="b3()">
                a_b3 ${c1()}
                <%def name="c1()">
                    a_b3_c1 heres x: ${x}
                        y = 7
                    y is ${y}
                <%def name="c2()">
                    y is ${y}
                    c1 is ${c1()}
            ${b1()} ${b2()}  ${b3()}
        assert flatten_result(t.render(x=5, y=None)) == "a a_b1 a_b2 a_b2_c1 a_b3 a_b3_c1 heres x: 5 y is 7 a_b3_c2 y is None c1 is a_b3_c1 heres x: 5 y is 7"
    def test_nested_nested_def_2(self):
        t = Template("""
        <%def name="a()">
            this is a ${b()}
            <%def name="b()">
                this is b
            <%def name="c()">
                this is c
""" )
        assert flatten_result(t.render()) == "this is a this is b this is c"

    def test_outer_scope(self):
        t = Template("""
        <%def name="a()">
            a: x is ${x}

        <%def name="b()">
            <%def name="c()">
                x = 10
            c. x is ${x}.  ${a()}
            b. ${c()}

        x is ${x}
        assert flatten_result(t.render(x=5)) == "b. c. x is 10. a: x is 5 x is 5"
class ExceptionTest(TemplateTest):
    def test_raise(self):
        template = Template("""
                raise Exception("this is a test")
    """, format_exceptions=False)
            assert False
        except Exception, e:
            assert str(e) == "this is a test"
    def test_handler(self):
        def handle(context, error):
            context.write("error message is " + str(error))
            return True
        template = Template("""
                raise Exception("this is a test")
    """, error_handler=handle)
        assert template.render().strip() == """error message is this is a test"""
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