# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from mako.template import Template
import unittest
from util import result_lines,flatten_result
class FilterTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_basic(self):
t = Template("""
${x | myfilter}
assert flatten_result(t.render(x="this is x", myfilter=lambda t: "MYFILTER->%s<-MYFILTER" % t)) == "MYFILTER->this is x<-MYFILTER"
def test_expr(self):
"""test filters that are themselves expressions"""
t = Template("""
${x | myfilter(y)}
def myfilter(y):
return lambda x: "MYFILTER->%s<-%s" % (x, y)
assert flatten_result(t.render(x="this is x", myfilter=myfilter, y="this is y")) == "MYFILTER->this is x<-this is y"
def test_convert_str(self):
"""test that string conversion happens in expressions before sending to filters"""
t = Template("""
${x | trim}
assert flatten_result(t.render(x=5)) == "5"
def test_def(self):
t = Template("""
<%def name="foo()" filter="myfilter">
this is foo
assert flatten_result(t.render(x="this is x", myfilter=lambda t: "MYFILTER->%s<-MYFILTER" % t)) == "MYFILTER-> this is foo <-MYFILTER"
def test_import(self):
t = Template("""
from mako import filters
trim this string: ${" some string to trim " | filters.trim} continue\
assert t.render().strip()=="trim this string: some string to trim continue"
def test_import_2(self):
t = Template("""
trim this string: ${" some string to trim " | filters.trim} continue\
""", imports=["from mako import filters"])
#print t.code
assert t.render().strip()=="trim this string: some string to trim continue"
def test_encode_filter(self):
t = Template("""# coding: utf-8
some stuff.... ${x}
""", default_filters=['decode.utf8'])
#print t.code
assert t.render_unicode(x="voix ma rveill").strip() == u"some stuff.... voix ma rveill"
def test_custom_default(self):
t = Template("""
def myfilter(x):
return "->" + x + "<-"
hi ${'there'}
""", default_filters=['myfilter'])
assert t.render().strip()=="hi ->there<-"
def test_global(self):
t = Template("""
<%page expression_filter="h"/>
${"<tag>this is html</tag>"}
assert t.render().strip() == "<tag>this is html</tag>"
def test_nflag(self):
t = Template("""
${"<tag>this is html</tag>" | n}
""", default_filters=['h', 'unicode'])
assert t.render().strip() == "<tag>this is html</tag>"
t = Template("""
<%page expression_filter="h"/>
${"<tag>this is html</tag>" | n}
assert t.render().strip() == "<tag>this is html</tag>"
t = Template("""
<%page expression_filter="h"/>
${"<tag>this is html</tag>" | n, h}
assert t.render().strip() == "<tag>this is html</tag>"
def testnonexpression(self):
t = Template("""
def a(text):
return "this is a"
def b(text):
return "this is b"
<%def name="foo()" buffered="True">
this is text
""", buffer_filters=['a'])
assert t.render().strip() == "this is a"
t = Template("""
def a(text):
return "this is a"
def b(text):
return "this is b"
<%def name="foo()" buffered="True">
this is text
""", buffer_filters=['a'], default_filters=['b'])
assert flatten_result(t.render()) == "this is b this is b"
t = Template("""
class Foo(object):
foo = True
def __str__(self):
return "this is a"
def a(text):
return Foo()
def b(text):
if hasattr(text, 'foo'):
return str(text)
return "this is b"
<%def name="foo()" buffered="True">
this is text
""", buffer_filters=['a'], default_filters=['b'])
assert flatten_result(t.render()) == "this is b this is a"
t = Template("""
def a(text):
return "this is a"
def b(text):
return "this is b"
<%def name="foo()" filter="b">
this is text
<%def name="bar()" filter="b" buffered="True">
this is text
""", buffer_filters=['a'])
assert flatten_result(t.render()) == "this is b this is a"
def test_builtins(self):
t = Template("""
${"this is <text>" | h}
assert flatten_result(t.render()) == "this is <text>"
t = Template("""
http://foo.com/arg1=${"hi! this is a string." | u}
assert flatten_result(t.render()) == "http://foo.com/arg1=hi%21+this+is+a+string."
class BufferTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_buffered_def(self):
t = Template("""
<%def name="foo()" buffered="True">
this is foo
${"hi->" + foo() + "<-hi"}
assert flatten_result(t.render()) == "hi-> this is foo <-hi"
def test_unbuffered_def(self):
t = Template("""
<%def name="foo()" buffered="False">
this is foo
${"hi->" + foo() + "<-hi"}
assert flatten_result(t.render()) == "this is foo hi-><-hi"
def test_capture(self):
t = Template("""
<%def name="foo()" buffered="False">
this is foo
${"hi->" + capture(foo) + "<-hi"}
assert flatten_result(t.render()) == "hi-> this is foo <-hi"
def test_capture_exception(self):
template = Template("""
<%def name="a()">
this is a
raise TypeError("hi")
c = capture(a)
assert False
except TypeError:
assert True
def test_buffered_exception(self):
template = Template("""
<%def name="a()" buffered="True">
raise TypeError("hi")
print template.render()
assert False
except TypeError:
assert True
def test_capture_ccall(self):
t = Template("""
<%def name="foo()">
x = capture(caller.body)
this is foo. body: ${x}
<%call expr="foo()">
ccall body
#print t.render()
assert flatten_result(t.render()) == "this is foo. body: ccall body"