"""Myghty server configuration. should be neutral to HTTP environment, i.e. WSGI, standalone, etc.
This file should be executed in a context that includes "root" as the path to the application root."""
data_dir=os.path.join(root, 'cache')
resolver_strategy = [
# request-level resolution: everything goes to the front controller
context="request", rules=[
ResolveModule({r'(.*)' : 'zblog.controller.front:index'}),
# front-controller resolution: front controller forwards requests into this realm
# after performing security checks
context="frontcontroller", rules=[
ResolvePathModule(os.path.join(root, 'lib/zblog/controller'), path_stringtokens=['index'], path_moduletokens=['index']),
# component/template resolution, for subrequests, component calls, inheritance
# autohandlers
# for the 'components' directory, we append '.myc' to incoming filenames so templates dont have to
# specify
ResolveFile({'components':os.path.join(root, 'components')}, adjust=lambda u: re.sub(r'$', '.myc', u)),
# page-level resolution; we convert directory names to index.myt
PathTranslate((r'/$', '/index.myt')),
ResolveFile({'htdocs':os.path.join(root, 'htdocs')}),
attributes = {
'config_file' : os.path.join(root, 'config/config.py'),
def preproc(source):
"""source pre-processor. adds an import to the top of all components."""
return """
import zblog.domain.actions as actions
""" + source
python_pre_processor = preproc
# startup stuff.
import zblog
import zblog.database