import os, types, string
from myghty.resolver import ResolverRule
import myghty.csource as csource
import myghty.component as comp
from myghty.resolver import Resolution
import myghty.importer as importer
import routes
from routes.base import *
class RoutesComponentSource(csource.ModuleComponentSource):
def __init__(self, objpath, module):
self.objpath = objpath
self.module = module
arg = module
for t in objpath:
arg = getattr(arg, t)
name = "method:" + string.join(objpath, '_')
self.has_method = True
last_modified = importer.mod_time(module)
csource.ComponentSource.__init__(self, "module|%s:%s" % (module.__name__, name), last_modified = last_modified)
self.module = module
self.objpath = objpath = name
self.class_ = RoutesComponent
self.callable_ = arg
def reload(self, module):
self.module = module
arg = module
for t in self.objpath:
arg = getattr(arg, t)
self.callable_ = arg
def can_compile(self):
return False
class RoutesComponent(comp.FunctionComponent):
def do_run_component(self, **params):
m = params['m']
r = params['r']
# do stuff with routes config
config = routes.request_config()
config.redirect = m.send_redirect = r.headers_in['host'].split(':')[0]
if r.environ.get('HTTPS'):
config.protocol = 'https'
config.protocol = 'http'
# update params with routes resolution args
if hasattr(m, 'resolution'):
# if we are linked to a method off of an object instance,
# see if the object instance has a do_run_component method and run it
if self.component_source.has_method:
target = self.component_source.callable_.im_self
if hasattr(target, 'do_run_component'):
getattr(target, 'do_run_component')(**params)
return comp.FunctionComponent.do_run_component(self, **params)
class RoutesResolver(ResolverRule):
name = 'routeresolver'
def _find_controllers(self, dirname, prefix=''):
controllers = []
for fname in os.listdir(dirname):
filename = dirname + '/' + fname
if os.path.isfile(filename) and fname.endswith('') and not fname.startswith('application_'):
controllers.append(prefix + fname)
elif os.path.isdir(filename):
controllers.extend(self._find_controllers(filename, prefix=fname+'/'))
return controllers
def _get_controllers(self):
clist = {}
controllers = self._find_controllers(self.controller_root)
for con in controllers:
key = con[:-14] # Remove
clist[key] = self.controller_root + '/' + con
return clist
def __init__(self, mapper=None, controller_root=None, **params):
self.mapper = mapper
self.controller_root = controller_root
def do_init_resolver(self, resolver, remaining_rules, **params):
self.clist = self._get_controllers()
def do(self, uri, remaining, resolution_detail, **params):
if resolution_detail is not None: resolution_detail.append("resolverouteresolver:" + uri)
if os.environ['MYGHTY_ENV'] == 'development':
self.clist = self._get_controllers()
match = self.mapper.match(uri)
if match:
controller = match['controller']
action = match['action']
if action.startswith('_'):
return, remaining, resolution_detail, **params)
# Load up the request local singleton config
config = routes.request_config()
config.mapper = self.mapper
config.mapper_dict = match.copy()
# Remove the action/controller, rest of the args pass to the function
del match['action']
del match['controller']
filename = self.clist[controller]
classname = controller.split('/')[-1].lower()
module = importer.filemodule(filename)
resolution_detail.append("\nController:%s, Action:%s" % (controller, action))
cs = RoutesComponentSource(
objpath=[classname, action],
#raise repr(cs.__dict__)
return Resolution(cs, resolution_detail, override_args = match)
return, remaining, resolution_detail, **params)