#!/usr/bin/env python
# Dogtail demo script
from dogtail.config import config
#config.debugSleep = True
#config.debugSearching = True
#config.debugTranslation = True
import dogtail.tc
from dogtail.procedural import *
from dogtail.utils import screenshot
# These next two lines get us translations for free. To see the script run
# translated, run it like this:
# LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8 ./gedit-test-utf8-procedural-api.py
# You might also want to set config.debugTranslation and
# config.debugSearching to True, just for fun.
import dogtail.i18n
from os import environ,path,remove
# Load our persistent Dogtail objects
TestString = dogtail.tc.TCString()
# Remove the output file, if it's still there from a previous run
if path.isfile(path.join(path.expandvars("$HOME"), "Desktop", "UTF8demo.txt")):
remove(path.join(path.expandvars("$HOME"), "Desktop", "UTF8demo.txt"))
# Start gedit.
# Set focus on gedit
# Focus gedit's text buffer.
# Load the UTF-8 demo file. Use codecs.open() instead of open().
from codecs import open
from sys import path
utfdemo = open(path[0] + '/data/UTF-8-demo.txt')
# Load the UTF-8 demo file into the text buffer.
focus.widget.text = utfdemo.read()
# Take a screenshot of the window
# Click gedit's Save button.
# Focus gedit's Save As... dialog
# This string changed somewhere around gedit 2.13.2.
# This is the new string
focus.dialog(u'Save As\u2026')
except FocusError:
# Fall back to the old string.
focus.dialog('Save as...')
# click the Browse for other folders widget
focus.widget('Browse for other folders')
if not focus.widget.checked: click()
# Click the Desktop widget
click('Desktop', roleName = 'table cell')
# We want to save to the file name 'UTF8demo.txt'.
focus.widget.text = 'UTF8demo.txt'
# Click the Save button.
# Let's quit now.
# We have driven gedit now lets check to see if the saved file is the same as
# the baseline file
# Read in the "gold" file
import codecs
# When reading the file, we have to make sure and tell codecs.open() which
# encoding we're using, otherwise python gets confused later.
gold = open(path[0] + '/data/UTF-8-demo.txt', encoding='utf-8').readlines()
except IOError:
print "File open failed"
# Read the test file for comparison
filepath = environ['HOME'] + '/Desktop/UTF8demo.txt'
# When reading the file, we have to make sure and tell codecs.open() which
# encoding we're using, otherwise python gets confused later.
testfile = open(filepath, encoding='utf-8').readlines()
# We now have the original and saved files as lists. Let's compare them line
# by line to see if they are the same
i = 0
for baseline in gold:
label = "line test " + str(i + 1)
TestString.compare(label, baseline, testfile[i], encoding='utf-8')
i = i + 1