#!/usr/bin/env python
# Dogtail demo script using tree.py
# FIXME: Use TC.
__author__ = 'Zack Cerza <zcerza@redhat.com'
from dogtail import tree
from dogtail.utils import run
from time import sleep
from os import environ,path,remove
# Remove the output file, if it's still there from a previous run
if path.isfile(path.join(path.expandvars("$HOME"), "Desktop", "UTF8demo.txt")):
remove(path.join(path.expandvars("$HOME"), "Desktop", "UTF8demo.txt"))
# Start gedit.
# Get a handle to gedit's application object.
gedit = tree.root.application('gedit')
# Get a handle to gedit's text object.
textbuffer = gedit.child(roleName = 'text')
# Load the UTF-8 demo file.
from sys import path
utfdemo = file(path[0] + '/data/UTF-8-demo.txt')
# Load the UTF-8 demo file into gedit's text buffer.
textbuffer.text = utfdemo.read()
# Get a handle to gedit's File menu.
filemenu = gedit.menu('File')
# Get a handle to gedit's Save button.
savebutton = gedit.button('Save')
# Click the button
# Get a handle to gedit's Save As... dialog.
saveas = gedit.dialog(u'Save As\u2026')
except tree.SearchError:
saveas = gedit.dialog('Save as...')
# We want to save to the file name 'UTF8demo.txt'.
saveas.child(roleName = 'text').text = 'UTF8demo.txt'
# Save the file on the Desktop
# Don't make the mistake of only searching by name, there are multiple
# "Desktop" entires in the Save As dialog - you have to query for the
# roleName too - see the on-line help for the Dogtail "tree" class for
# details
desktop = saveas.child('Desktop', roleName='table cell')
# Click the Save button.
# Let's quit now.