#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2002, Laurent Burgbacher, Eivd.
# Visit http://www.eivd.ch
# This file is part of MiniOgl.
# MiniOgl is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# MiniOgl is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with MiniOgl; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
__author__ = "Laurent Burgbacher, lb@alawa.ch, Eivd"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2002, Laurent Burgbacher, Eivd"
__license__ = "Released under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence V2"
__date__ = "2002-10-15"
__version__ = "$Id: AnchorPoint.py,v 1.10 2006/02/04 22:01:01 dutoitc Exp $"
from __future__ import division
from LinePoint import LinePoint
#import wx
__all__ = ["AnchorPoint"]
class AnchorPoint(LinePoint):
This is a point which begins or ends a line.
It is often anchored to a parent shape, but that's not mandatory.
Exported methods:
__init__(self, x, y, parent=None)
SetStayInside(self, state)
If True, the point will stay inside the bounds of its parent shape.
Return True if the point stays inside the bounds of its parent shape.
SetStayOnBorder(self, state)
If True, the point will stay on the border of its parent shape.
Return True if the point stays on the border of its parent shape.
SetPosition(self, x, y)
Change the position of the anchor point, if it's draggable.
stayInside(low, length, value)
Return the nearest value in [low, low+length].
stickToBorder(ox, oy, width, height, x, y)
Return (x, y) on the square (ox, oy, ox+width, oy+height) by
Detach the line and all its line points, including src and dst.
@author Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
def __init__(self, x, y, parent=None):
@param double x, y : position of the point
@param Shape parent : parent shape
#print ">>>AnchorPoint.init"
LinePoint.__init__(self, x, y, parent)
self._protected = True # protected by default
self._stayInside = True
self._stayOnBorder = True
def SetStayInside(self, state):
If True, the point will stay inside the bounds of its parent shape.
@param boolean state
self._stayInside = state
def GetStayInside(self):
Return True if the point stays inside the bounds of its parent shape.
@return boolean
return self._stayInside
def SetStayOnBorder(self, state):
If True, the point will stay on the border of its parent shape.
@param boolean state
self._stayOnBorder = state
def GetStayOnBorder(self):
Return True if the point stays on the border of its parent shape.
@return boolean
return self._stayOnBorder
def SetPosition(self, x, y):
Change the position of the anchor point, if it's draggable.
@param double x, y : new position in diagram coordinates
def stayInside(low, length, value):
Return the nearest value in [low, low+length].
if value < low:
value = low
elif value > low + length:
value = low + length
return value
def stickToBorder(ox, oy, width, height, x, y):
Return (x, y) on the square (ox, oy, ox+width, oy+height) by
placing (x, y) on the nearest border.
left = x - ox
right = ox + width - x
up = y - oy
down = oy + height - y
choice = {
left : lambda x, y: (ox, y),
right : lambda x, y: (ox + width, y),
up : lambda x, y: (x, oy),
down : lambda x, y: (x, oy + height),
lesser = min(left, right, up, down)
return choice[lesser](x, y)
if self._draggable:
if self._parent is not None:
topLeftX, topLeftY = self._parent.GetTopLeft()
width, height = self._parent.GetSize()
width = abs(width) - 1
height = abs(height) - 1
if self._stayInside or self._stayOnBorder:
x = stayInside(topLeftX, width, x)
y = stayInside(topLeftY, height, y)
if self._stayOnBorder:
x, y = stickToBorder(topLeftX, topLeftY, width, height, x, y)
self._x, self._y = self.ConvertCoordToRelative(x, y)
self._x = x
self._y = y
#added by P. Dabrowski <przemek.dabrowski@destroy-display.com> (12.11.2005)
#updates the model of the anchor point (MVC pattern)
if self.HasDiagramFrame():
def Detach(self):
Detach the line and all its line points, including src and dst.
Also remove self from the parent.
parent = self.GetParent()
if parent: