#Added by P. Dabrowski (21.11.2005)
#This is the future TextShape that should replace the
#actual when pyut will be refactorised (oglClass, ogl...)
#When it is the case just rename this file as TextShape
#and remove the ancient version
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2002, Laurent Burgbacher, Eivd.
# Visit http://www.eivd.ch
# This file is part of MiniOgl.
# MiniOgl is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# MiniOgl is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with MiniOgl; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
__author__ = "Laurent Burgbacher, lb@alawa.ch, Eivd"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2002, Laurent Burgbacher, Eivd"
__license__ = "Released under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence V2"
__date__ = "2002-10-15"
__version__ = "$Id: futurTextShape.py,v 1.1 2006/02/04 22:18:00 dutoitc Exp $"
from __future__ import division
#from wxPython.wx import *
from Shape import Shape
from RectangleShape import RectangleShape
import wx
from TextShapeModel import *
__all__ = ["TextShape"]
class TextShape(RectangleShape):
A text shape that can be attached to another shape (or be standalone).
Exported methods:
__init__(self, x, y, text, parent=None)
Attach(self, diagram)
Don't use this method, use Diagram.AddShape instead !!!
Get the text of the shape.
SetText(self, text)
Set the text of the shape.
SetTextBackground(self, colour)
Set the text background color.
Get the text background color.
Draw(self, dc, withChildren=True)
Draw the text on the dc.
DrawBorder(self, dc)
Draw the border of the shape, for fast rendering.
Get the color of the text.
SetColor(self, color)
Set the color of the text.
@author Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
def __init__(self, x, y, text, parent=None, font=None):
@param double x, y : position of the point
@param string text : the text of the shape
@param Shape parent : parent shape
RectangleShape.__init__(self, x, y, 0, 0, parent)
self._text = None
self._color = wx.BLACK
self._drawFrame = False
self._resizable = False
self._textBack = wx.WHITE # text background colour
# added by P. Dabrowski <przemek.dabrowski@destroy-display.com> (16.11.2005)
self._model = TextShapeModel(self)
self._font = font
def Attach(self, diagram):
Don't use this method, use Diagram.AddShape instead !!!
Attach the shape to a diagram.
When you create a new shape, you must attach it to a diagram before
you can see it. This method is used internally by Diagram.AddShape.
@param Diagram diagram
RectangleShape.Attach(self, diagram)
self._textBack = self._diagram.GetPanel().GetBackgroundColour()
def GetText(self):
Get the text of the shape.
@return string
return self._text
def SetText(self, text):
Set the text of the shape.
@param string text
self._text = text
self._width, self._height = wx.MemoryDC().GetTextExtent(text)
def SetTextBackground(self, colour):
Set the text background color.
@param wx.Colour
self._textBack = colour
def GetTextBackground(self):
Get the text background color.
@return wx.Colour
return self._textBack
def Draw(self, dc, withChildren=True):
Draw the text on the dc.
@param wx.DC dc
if self._visible:
RectangleShape.Draw(self, dc, False)
x, y = self.GetPosition()
# added by P. Dabrowski <przemek.dabrowski@destroy-display.com> (16.11.2005)
# to draw the textshape with its own font size
dcFont = dc.GetFont()
if self.GetFont() is not None:
dc.DrawText(self._text, x, y)
if withChildren:
def DrawBorder(self, dc):
Draw the border of the shape, for fast rendering.
@param wx.DC dc
if self._selected:
RectangleShape.DrawBorder(self, dc)
Shape.DrawBorder(self, dc)
def GetColor(self):
Get the color of the text.
@return wx.Colour
return self._color
def SetColor(self, color):
Set the color of the text.
@param wx.Colour
self._color = color
def UpdateFromModel(self):
Added by P. Dabrowski <przemek.dabrowski@destroy-display.com> (12.11.2005)
Updates the shape position and size from the model in the light of a
change of state of the diagram frame (here it's only for the zoom)
#change the position and size of the shape from the model
#get the diagram frame ratio between the shape and the model
ratio = self.GetDiagram().GetPanel().GetCurrentZoom()
fontSize = self.GetModel().GetFontSize() * ratio
# set the new font size
if self._font is not None:
def UpdateModel(self):
Added by P. Dabrowski <przemek.dabrowski@destroy-display.com> (12.11.2005)
Updates the model when the shape (view) is deplaced or resized.
#change the coords and size of model
#get the ratio between the model and the shape (view) from
#the diagram frame where the shape is displayed.
ratio = self.GetDiagram().GetPanel().GetCurrentZoom()
if self.GetFont() is not None:
fontSize = self.GetFont().GetPointSize() / ratio
def GetFont(self):
return self._font