#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
__version__ = "$Revision: 1.8 $"
__author__ = "EI5, eivd, Group Burgbacher - Waelti"
__date__ = "2001-12-12"
#from wxPython.wx import *
#from wxPython.ogl import *
from OglObject import *
from PyutUseCase import *
from LineSplitter import *
import wx
class OglUseCase(OglObject):
OGL object that represent an UML use case in use case diagrams.
This class defines OGL objects that represents a use case for Use
Cases diagram. You can just instanciate an OGLUseCase and add it to
the diagram, links, resizing, ... are managed by parent class
For more instructions about how to create an OGL object, please refer
to the `OglObject` class.
:version: $Revision: 1.8 $
:author: Philippe Waelti
:contact: pwaelti@eivd.ch
def __init__(self, pyutUseCase = None, w = 100.0, h = 60.0):
@param Float w : Width of the shape
@param Float h : Height of the shape
@since 1.0
@author Philippe Waelti <pwaelti@eivd.ch>
# Init associated PyutObject
if pyutUseCase is None:
pyutObject = PyutUseCase()
pyutObject = pyutUseCase
# Super init
OglObject.__init__(self, pyutObject, w, h)
# Should not draw border
self._drawFrame = False
def Draw(self, dc):#, withChildren=False):
Draw the actor.
@param wx.DC dc : Device context
@since 1.0
@author Philippe Waelti <pwaelti@eivd.ch>
OglObject.Draw(self, dc)#, withChildren)
# Gets the minimum bounding box for the shape
width, height = self.GetSize()
# Calculate the top left of the shape
x, y = self.GetPosition()
# Draw ellipse
dc.DrawEllipse(x + 1.0, y + 1.0, width - 2.0, height - 2.0)
# Draw text
x += 0.25 * width
y += 0.25 * height
textWidth = 0.6 * width # Text aera width
space = 1.1 * dc.GetCharHeight() # Space between lines
# Drawing is restricted in the specified region of the device
dc.SetClippingRegion(x, y, textWidth, 0.6 * height)
# Split lines
lines = LineSplitter().split(self.getPyutObject().getName(), \
dc, textWidth)
# Draw text
for line in lines:
dc.DrawText(line, x, y)
y += space