#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
__version__ = "$Revision: 1.7 $"
__author__ = "EI5, eivd, Group Burgbacher - Waelti"
__date__ = "2002-1-9"
from PyutClass import *
from PyutParam import *
from PyutMethod import *
from PyutField import *
from PyutStereotype import *
from PyutType import *
from PyutConsts import *
# reading file
from StringIO import StringIO
from UmlFrame import *
from OglClass import OglClass
from OglLink import *
from OglAssociation import *
#import lang
import PyutXmlV3
def secure_int(x):
if x is None:
return 0
elif x=="_DeprecatedNonBool: False":
return 0
elif x=="_DeprecatedNonBool: True":
return 1
return int(x)
class PyutXml(PyutXmlV3.PyutXml):
Class for saving and loading a PyUT UML diagram in XML.
This class offers two main methods that are save() and load().
Using the dom XML model, you can, with the saving method, get the
diagram corresponding XML view. For loading, you have to parse
the file and indicate the UML frame on which you want to draw
(See `UmlFrame`).
Sample use::
# Write
pyutXml = PyutXml()
text = pyutXml.save(oglObjects)
# Read
dom = parse(StringIO(file.read()))
pyutXml = PyutXml()
myXml.open(dom, umlFrame)
:version: $Revision: 1.7 $
:author: Philippe Waelti
:contact: pwaelti@eivd.ch
def __init__(self):
@author C.Dutoit
self._this_version = 4
# Here begin saving file
def _PyutClass2xml(self, pyutClass, xmlDoc):
Exporting an PyutClass to an miniDom Element.
@param PyutMethod pyutClass : Class to save
@param xmlDoc : xml document
@return Element : XML Node
@author Deve Roux <droux@eivd.ch>
@modified C.Dutoit/20021121 added display properties
root = xmlDoc.createElement('Class')
# ID
root.setAttribute('id', str(pyutClass.getId()))
# class name
root.setAttribute('name', pyutClass.getName())
# classs stereotype
stereotype = pyutClass.getStereotype()
if stereotype is not None:
root.setAttribute('stereotype', stereotype.getStereotype())
# description (pwaelti@eivd.ch)
root.setAttribute('description', pyutClass.getDescription())
# filename (lb@alawa.ch)
root.setAttribute('filename', pyutClass.getFilename())
# display properties (cd)
root.setAttribute('showMethods', str(pyutClass.getShowMethods()))
root.setAttribute('showFields', str(pyutClass.getShowFields()))
root.setAttribute('showStereotype', str(pyutClass.getShowStereotype()))
# methods
for method in pyutClass.getMethods():
root.appendChild(self._PyutMethod2xml(method, xmlDoc))
# fields
for field in pyutClass.getFields():
root.appendChild(self._PyutField2xml(field, xmlDoc))
return root
# Here begins reading file
def _getOglClasses(self, xmlOglClasses, dicoOglObjects, dicoLink, \
dicoFather, umlFrame):
Parse the XML elements given and build data layer for PyUT classes.
If file is version 1.0, the dictionary given will contain, for key,
the name of the OGL object. Otherwise, it will be the ID
(multi-same-name support from version 1.1). Everything is fixed
@param Element[] xmlOglClasses : XML 'GraphicClass' elements
@param {id / srcName, OglObject} dicoOglObjects : OGL objects loaded
@param {id / srcName, OglLink} dicoLink : OGL links loaded
@param {id / srcName, id / srcName} fathers: Inheritance
@param UmlFrame umlFrame : Where to draw
@author Philippe Waelti <pwaelti@eivd.ch>
@modified C.Dutoit/20021121 added display properties
for xmlOglClass in xmlOglClasses:
pyutClass = PyutClass()
# Building OGL class
height = float(xmlOglClass.getAttribute('height'))
width = float(xmlOglClass.getAttribute('width'))
oglClass = OglClass(pyutClass, width, height)
# Data layer class
xmlClass = xmlOglClass.getElementsByTagName('Class')[0]
# adding name for this class
# adding description
# adding stereotype
if xmlClass.hasAttribute('stereotype'):
# adding display properties (cd)
value = secure_int(xmlClass.getAttribute('showStereotype'))
value = secure_int(xmlClass.getAttribute('showMethods'))
value = secure_int(xmlClass.getAttribute('showFields'))
# adding associated filename (lb@alawa.ch)
# adding methods for this class
# adding fields for this class
dicoOglObjects[pyutClass.getId()] = oglClass
# Adding OGL class to UML Frame
x = float(xmlOglClass.getAttribute('x'))
y = float(xmlOglClass.getAttribute('y'))
umlFrame.addShape(oglClass, x, y)