#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
__version__ = "$Revision: 1.22 $"
__author__ = "EI5, eivd, Group Burgbacher - Waelti"
__date__ = "2001-11-14"
#from wxPython.wx. import *
#from MiniOgl import *
import wx
from OglLinkFactory import *
from PyutClass import *
from PyutNote import *
from PyutMethod import *
from PyutField import *
from PyutParam import *
from PyutStereotype import *
from PyutLink import *
from mediator import *
from PyutConsts import *
from PyutActor import PyutActor
from PyutUseCase import PyutUseCase
from OglActor import OglActor
from OglUseCase import OglUseCase
from OglClass import *
from OglNote import *
from OglSDMessage import OglSDMessage
from MiniOgl import *
from historyManager import *
class UmlFrame(DiagramFrame):
Represents a canvas for drawing diagrams.
It provides all the methods to add new classes, notes, links...
It also routes some click events to the mediator. See the `OnLeftDown`
:version: $Revision: 1.22 $
:author: L. Burgbacher
:contact: lb@alawa.ch
def __init__(self, parent, frame):
@param wx.Window parent : parent object
@param frame : parent frame object
@since 1.0
@author N. hamadi (hamadi12@yahoo.fr)
@modified L. Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
added event processing
added mediator support
bind with OglClass to create new classes
# initialize a canvas
#print ">>>UmlFrame-1"
DiagramFrame.__init__(self, parent)
#print "---UmlFrame-2"
# Setting charset
#font = self.GetFont()
#print font.GetEncoding()
#print font.GetEncoding()
# get the mediator, and register it
#print "---UmlFrame-3"
self._ctrl = getMediator()
# initialize maxwidth, maxHeight for the canvas
#print "---UmlFrame-4"
self.maxWidth = DEFAULT_WIDTH
self.maxHeight = int(self.maxWidth / 1.41) # 1.41 is for A4 support
# set a scrollbar
self.SetScrollbars(20, 20, self.maxWidth/20, self.maxHeight/20)
#print "---UmlFrame-5"
self._frame = frame
#added by P. Dabrowski <przemek.dabrowski@destroy-display.com> (17.11.2005)
#history of the frame (undo/redo)
self._history = HistoryManager(self)
# Close event
self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.evtClose)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR, self._ctrl.processChar)
#print "---UmlFrame-6"
#added by P. Dabrowski <przemek.dabrowski@destroy-display.com> (11.11.2005)
self._defaultCursor = self.GetCursor()
def setCodePath(self, path):
Set the code path
@author C.Dutoit
project = self._ctrl.getFileHandling().getProjectFromFrame(self)
if project is not None:
print "Passing setCodePath in UmlFrame-setCodePath"
def displayDiagramProperties(self):
Display class diagram properties
@author C.Dutoit
displayError(_("Not yet implemented !"))
#def OnPaint(self, event):
def cleanUp(self):
Clean up object references before quitting.
@since 1.23
@author Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
@modified C.Dutoit <dutoitc@hotmail.com>
Added clean destroy code
self._ctrl = None
self._frame = None
def evtClose(self, event):
Clean close, event handler on EVT_CLOSE
@author C.Dutoit <dutoitc@hotmail.com>
#added by P. Dabrowski <przemek.dabrowski@destroy-display.com> (17.11.2005)
#to destroy the file that contains the history
def newDiagram(self):
Remove all shapes, get a brand new empty diagram.
@since 1.31
@author Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
def getDiagram(self):
Return the diagram of this frame.
@return wx.Diagram
@since 1.23
@author Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
return self._diagram
def addHierarchy(self, display):
Hardcoded example of a class diagram, for test purposes.
Classes come from self introspection !!!
OK, it's too big, but it's not a feature, just a toy.
@author L. Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
@since 1.4
#from pyclbr import readmodule, Class
from inspect import getargspec
#res = readmodule("PyutDataClasses")
import PyutDataClasses as pdc
import types
#dc = wx.ClientDC(self) # to move the shapes
# get a list of classes info for classes in the display list
#classes = [res[name] for name in res.keys() if name in display]
classes = [cl for cl in pdc.__dict__.values()
if (type(cl) == ClassType or type(cl) == TypeType or
type(cl) == 'module')
and cl.__name__ in display]
objs = {}
# create the PyutClass objects
for cl in classes:
# create objects
pc = PyutClass(cl.__name__)
po = OglClass(pc)
methods = []
clmethods = [me for me in cl.__dict__.values()
if type(me) == types.FunctionType]
# add the methods
#for me in cl.methods.keys():
for me in clmethods:
meth = PyutMethod(me.func_name)
# add the params
if type(me) != types.FunctionType:
me = mobj.__dict__.get("im_func")
except AttributeError:
me = None
if me is not None:
args = getargspec(me)
if args[3] is None:
firstDefVal = len(args[0])
firstDefVal = len(args[0]) - len(args[3])
for arg, i in zip(args[0], range(len(args[0]))):
# don't add self, it's implied
defVal = None
if arg != "self":
if i >= firstDefVal:
defVal = args[3][i - firstDefVal]
if type(defVal) == types.StringType:
defVal = '"' + defVal + '"'
param = PyutParam(arg, "", str(defVal))
param = PyutParam(arg)
# set the visibility according to naming conventions
if me.func_name[-2:] != "__":
if me.func_name[0:2] == "__":
elif me.func_name[0] == "_":
methods.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.getName(), y.getName()))
self.addShape(po, 0, 0)
objs[cl.__name__] = po
# now, search for paternity links
for po in objs.values():
pc = po.getPyutObject()
# skip object, it has no parent
if pc.getName() == "object": continue
currentClass = pdc.__dict__.get(pc.getName())
fatherClasses = [cl for cl in classes
if cl.__name__ in
map(lambda x : x.__name__, currentClass.__bases__)]
def getClassesNames(list):
return [item.__name__ for item in list]
fatherNames = getClassesNames(fatherClasses)
for father in fatherNames:
dest = objs.get(father)
if dest is not None: # maybe we don't have the father loaded
self.createInheritanceLink(po, dest)
def cmpHeight(a, b):
xa, ya = a.GetSize()
xb, yb = b.GetSize()
return cmp(yb, ya)
# sort by descending height
objs = objs.values()
# organize by vertical descending sizes
x = 20
y = 20
incX = 0
incY = 0
for po in objs:
incX, sy = po.GetSize()
incX += 20
sy += 20
incY = max(incY, sy)
# find good coordinates
if x + incX >= self.maxWidth:
x = 20
y += incY
incY = sy
po.SetPosition(x + incX/2, y + sy/2)
#po.Move(dc, x + incX/2, y + sy/2, True)
x += incX
def addPyutHierarchy(self):
Calls AddHierarchy with the Pyut classes list.
@since 1.32
@author Philippe Waelti <pwaelti@eivd.ch>
import PyutDataClasses as pdc
def addOglHierarchy(self):
Calls AddHierarchy with the Ogl classes list.
@since 1.32
@author Philippe Waelti <pwaelti@eivd.ch>
import PyutDataClasses as pdc
def createNewClass(self, x, y):
Add a new class at (x, y).
@return PyutClass : the newly created PyutClass
@since 1.4
@author L. Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
pyutClass = PyutClass(_("NoName"))
oglClass = OglClass(pyutClass)
self.addShape(oglClass, x, y)
return pyutClass
def createNewNote(self, x, y):
Add a new note at (x, y).
@return PyutNote : the newly created PyutNote
@author P. Waelti <pwaelti@eivd.ch>
pyutNote = PyutNote("")
oglNote = OglNote(pyutNote)
self.addShape(oglNote, x, y)
return pyutNote
def createNewActor(self, x, y):
Add a new actor at (x, y).
@return PyutActor : the newly created PyutActor
@author P. Waelti <pwaelti@eivd.ch>
pyutActor = PyutActor()
oglActor = OglActor(pyutActor)
self.addShape(oglActor, x, y)
return pyutActor
def createNewUseCase(self, x, y):
Add a new use case at (x, y).
@return PyutUseCase : the newly created PyutUseCase
@author P. Waelti <pwaelti@eivd.ch>
pyutUseCase = PyutUseCase()
oglUseCase = OglUseCase(pyutUseCase)
self.addShape(oglUseCase, x, y)
return pyutUseCase
#P. Dabrowski 20051202 : These two methods have been deplaced to the
# createOglLinkCommand module in order to be
# undone/redone.
## #>------------------------------------------------------------------------
## def createInheritanceLink(self, child, father):
## """
## Add a paternity link between child and father.
## @param OglClass child : child
## @param OglClass father : father
## @since 1.4
## @author L. Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
## """
## pyutLink = PyutLink("", linkType=OGL_INHERITANCE,
## source=child.getPyutObject(),
## destination=father.getPyutObject())
## oglLink = getOglLinkFactory().getOglLink(child, pyutLink, father,
## self._diagram.AddShape(oglLink)
## # Added by ND
## child.addLink(oglLink)
## father.addLink(oglLink)
## # add it to the PyutClass
## child.getPyutObject().addFather(father.getPyutObject())
## return oglLink
## #>------------------------------------------------------------------------
## def createNewLink(self, src, dst, linkType=OGL_INHERITANCE,
## srcPos = None, dstPos = None):
## """
## Add a link between src and dst.
## @param OglClass src : source of the link
## @param OglClass dst : destination of the link
## @param int type : type of the link
## @param srcPos, dstPos : position on source and destination
## @return OglLink : the link created
## @author L. Burgbacher
## @modified C.Dutoit 20021125 : added srcPos and dstPos to be compatible
## with Sequence diagram
## """
## #print "Create new link"
## if linkType == OGL_INHERITANCE:
## return self.createInheritanceLink(src, dst)
## pyutLink = PyutLink("", linkType=linkType,
## source=src.getPyutObject(),
## destination=dst.getPyutObject())
## # Call the factory to create OGL Link
## oglLinkFactory = getOglLinkFactory()
## oglLink = oglLinkFactory.getOglLink(src, pyutLink, dst, linkType)
## self._diagram.AddShape(oglLink, withModelUpdate = False) # add it to the diagram
## src.addLink(oglLink) # add it to the source OglShape
## dst.addLink(oglLink) # add it to the destination OglShape
## src.getPyutObject().addLink(pyutLink) # add it to the PyutClass
## return oglLink
## #>------------------------------------------------------------------------
def OnLeftDown(self, event):
Manage a left down mouse event.
If there's an action pending in the mediator, give it the event, else
let it go to the next handler.
@param wx.Event event
@since 1.4
@author L. Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
#print "-" * 76
#print "UmlFrame.OnLeftDown"
if self._ctrl.actionWaiting():
x, y = self.CalcUnscrolledPosition(event.GetX(), event.GetY())
skip = self._ctrl.doAction(x, y)
#added by P. Dabrowski <przemek.dabrowski@destroy-display.com> (11.11.2005)
#if we use the zoom tool...
if self._ctrl.getCurrentAction() == ACTION_ZOOM_IN:
DiagramFrame._BeginSelect(self, event)
if skip == SKIP_EVENT:
DiagramFrame.OnLeftDown(self, event)
DiagramFrame.OnLeftDown(self, event)
def OnLeftUp(self, event):
Added by P. Dabrowski <przemek.dabrowski@destroy-display.com> (11.11.2005)
to make the right action if it is a selection or a zoom.
if self._ctrl.getCurrentAction() == ACTION_ZOOM_IN:
width, height = self._selector.GetSize()
x, y = self._selector.GetPosition()
self._selector = None
self.DoZoomIn(x, y, width, height)
DiagramFrame.OnLeftUp(self, event)
def OnLeftDClick(self, event):
Manage a left double click mouse event.
@param wx.Event event
@since 1.22
@author L. Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
x, y = self.CalcUnscrolledPosition(event.GetX(), event.GetY())
self._ctrl.editObject(x, y)
DiagramFrame.OnLeftDClick(self, event)
def addShape(self, shape, x, y, pen=None, brush=None, withModelUpdate = True):
Add a shape to the UmlFrame.
@param wx.Shape shape : the shape to add
@param int x y : coords of the center of the shape
@param wx.Pen pen : pen to use
@param wx.Brush brush : brush to use
@param withModelUpdate boolean : if true the model of the shape will
update from the shape (view) when
added to the diagram. Added by
P. Dabrowski (29.11.05)
@since 1.4
@author L. Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
#print ">UMLFrame-AddShape-1"
#print "UMLFrame-AddShape-1"
shape.SetPosition(x, y)
#print "UMLFrame-AddShape-1"
if pen:
if brush:
#print "UMLFrame-AddShape-1"
self._diagram.AddShape(shape, withModelUpdate)
#print "<<UMLFrame-AddShape-1"
def getUmlObjects(self):
To know all OglObject.
@since 1.19
@author L. Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
return [s for s in self._diagram.GetShapes()
if isinstance(s, (OglObject, OglLink, OglSDMessage))]
def getWidth(self):
Knowing Width.
@since 1.19
@author Deve Roux <droux@eivd.ch>
return self.maxWidth
def getHeight(self) :
Knowing Height.
@since 1.19
@author Deve Roux <droux@eivd.ch>
return self.maxHeight
def getObjectsBoundaries(self) :
Return object boundaries (coordinates)
@author C.Dutoit <dutoitc@hotmail.com>
# Init
infinite = 1e9
minx = infinite
maxx = -infinite
miny = infinite
maxy = -infinite
# Get boundaries
for object in self._diagram.GetShapes():
# Get object limits
ox1, oy1 = object.GetPosition()
ox2, oy2 = object.GetSize()
# Update min-max
minx = min(minx, ox1)
maxx = max(maxx, ox2)
miny = min(miny, oy1)
maxy = max(maxy, oy2)
# Return values
return (minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
def getUmlObjectById(self, objectId):
Added by P. Dabrowski <przemek.dabrowski@destroy-display.com> (20.11.2005)
@param objectId (Integer) : id for which we want to get an object
@return the uml object that has the specified id. If there is no
matching object, None is returned.
for shape in self.GetDiagram().GetShapes():
if isinstance(shape, (OglObject, OglLink)):
if shape.getPyutObject().getId() == objectId:
return shape
return None
def getHistory(self):
Added by P. Dabrowski <przemek.dabrowski@destroy-display.com> (20.11.2005)
@return the history associated to this frame
return self._history