#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
@author P. Dabrowski <przemek.dabrowski@destroy-display.com> (18.11.2005)
This module defines the format of the serialized commands and command groups
of PyUt's history (undo/redo).
It gives also some tools to set keywords in the format automaticaly.
The format is textual, based on 'tokens' (identificators) which can have
two forms (without the spaces):
1) token_begin token_name token_end
2) token_begin token_name token_assign token_value token_end
Where token_begin, token_end and token_assign are special sequences of
charcters defines in this module.
token_name is a characters sequence freely choosed by the user. But be carefull
because some special sequences are defined below.
token_value is only used with the second form of token. It allows to set a
value to a token. a token value CAN't be similar partially or completly to a
reserved sequence (see below)
Normally, you should not use the first form, but the second one, for e.g. to
(un)serialize data used by a command.
To see how it works, please see UnitTestHistory
#for serialisation : delimitations of a token
#when a token has an assigned value, whe use this symbol for the serialization
#it's the escape sequence, used if the token name or value contains a control
#sequence like TOKEN_ASSIGN for e.g.
#to limit the begining and the end of a serialized commands group
#to find the comment/description of a command group
#to limit the begining and the end of a serialized command
#used in the unserialization to build the right command
#if a sequence contains a control sequence, TOKEN_ESCAPE should
#be added to at the begining of the control sequence.
#NOTE:TOKEN_ESCAPE must be first in the list
#if a sequence contains a reserved sequence, an exception should be raised.
#defines the base name of the file which will contain the serialized commands.
HISTORY_FILE_NAME = "pyutHistory"
def makeToken(tokenId):
@return a token (string) that is standard for all histories.
@param tokenId (string) : name (identificator) of the token
return TOKEN_BEGIN + tokenId + TOKEN_END
def makeValuatedToken(tokenId, value):
@return a valuated token (string) in the format of the history
manager. Use it in the serialize method of a command, so that
you can get it back with the getTokenValue method.
Notes : Raise an exception if tokenId or value are partially or
completly a reserved sequence.
@param tokenId (string) : name of the token
@param value (string) : value of the token
#check if the value isn't a reserved sequence and
#if it is the case we raise an exception
for sequence in RESERVED_SEQUENCES:
if value.find(sequence) > -1:
raise RuntimeError("'" + sequence + "' is a reserved sequence.")
#check if the value isn't a control sequence and
#if it is the case, an escape sequence is added.
for sequence in CTRL_SEQUENCES:
value = value.replace(sequence, TOKEN_ESCAPE + sequence)
return makeToken(tokenId + TOKEN_ASSIGN + value)
def getTokenValue(tokenId, serializedInfos):
@return the value (string) of the specified token extracted
from the specified string. To use in the unserialize method of
a command to get back a value.
Notes : the token had to be created by makeToken method.
@param tokenId (string) : name of the token
@param serializedInfos (string) : string which contains the infos
needed to unserialize a command
#to not to work on the original
value = serializedInfos
#find a char that is not present in the value
tempEscape = chr(1)
while value.find(tempEscape) > -1:
tempEscape = chr(ord(tempEscape + 1))
#replace the double escape sequences by a char that is not
#present in the original value
value = value.replace(TOKEN_ESCAPE + TOKEN_ESCAPE, tempEscape)
#find the start position of the value which is just after the end
#of the token name followed by the assignement token.
startPos = value.find(tokenId)
startPos = startPos + len(tokenId) + len(TOKEN_ASSIGN)
#value = value[startPos : len(value)]
#find the end position which is just before TOKEN_ASSIGN
endPos = value.find(TOKEN_END, startPos)
#check if there isn't a escape token before TOKEN_END what
#would means that the TOKEN_END sequence is a part of the
#value, so we check for the next TOKEN_END.
while cmp(value[endPos - len(TOKEN_ESCAPE) : endPos],
endPos = value.find(TOKEN_END, endPos + 1)
value = value[startPos : endPos]
#remove all the escape sequences
value = value.replace(TOKEN_ESCAPE, "")
#add simple escape sequences where they where double
value = value.replace(tempEscape, TOKEN_ESCAPE)
return value