#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
from historyUtils import *
from command import *
class ModifyCommand(Command):
@author P. Dabrowski <przemek.dabrowski@destroy-display.com> (15.11.2005)
This class is a part of the history system of PyUt.
This command undo/redo every
def __init__(self, anyObject = None):
self._object = anyObject
#name of the method that is called for modification
self._methodName = ""
#old and new params for modification
self._oldParams = []
self._newParams = []
def serialize(self):
serialCmd = Command.serialize(self)
serialCmd += makeValuatedToken("oldParams", repr(self._oldParams))
serialCmd += makeValuatedToken("newParams", repr(self._newParams))
serialCmd += makeValuatedToken("methodName", self._methodName)
serialCmd += makeValuatedToken("object", repr(self._object))
return serialCmd
def unserialize(self, serializedInfos):
Command.unserialize(self, serializedInfos)
self._oldParams = eval(getTokenValue("oldParams", serializedInfos))
self._newParams = eval(getTokenValue("newParams", serializedInfos))
self._methodName = getTokenValue("methodName", serializedInfos)
strObject = getTokenValue("object", serializedInfos)
for anObject in self.getGroup().getHistory().getFrame().getUmlObjects():
self._object = self._getModifiedObject(strObject, anObject)
def undo(self):
method = getattr(self._object, self._methodName)
apply(method, self._oldParams)
def redo(self):
method = getattr(self._object, self._methodName)
apply(method, self._newParams)
def execute(self):
call of execute should do nothing, because the method that have
modified the object has been already performed. (No call from history)
def setMethod(self, methodName):
set the name of the method that will performed a modification.
@param methodName string : name of the method
self._methodName = methodName
def setOldParams(self, params):
Set the parameters of the method that must be called to undo.
Should be called before changes are performed.
@param params object : values that will be changed by the call
of the method. Must be ordered as in the
method profile.
self._oldParams = params
def setNewParams(self, params):
Set the parameters of the method that must be called to redo.
Should be called as soon as the parameters for change are known.
@param params object : values that will be changed by calling
the redo method. Must be ordered as in the
method profile.
self._newParams = params
def _getModifiedObject(self, strObject, anObject):
@return the object that is represented by the string strObject. Used
for unserialization.
Notes : This methods requires a lot of CPU ressources and place on the
stack. A refactoring must be proceeded in order to identify every
object present in a frame more quickly.
if cmp(repr(anObject), strObject) == 0:
return anObject
for anSubObject in anObject.__dict__.values():
anSubObject = self._getModifiedObject(strObject, anSubObject)
return anSubObject