#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
__version__ = "$Revision: 1.2 $"
__author__ = "Deve Roux - droux@eivd.ch"
__date__ = "2002-4-14"
from StringIO import StringIO
from PyutIoPlugin import PyutIoPlugin
from PyutClass import PyutClass
from OglClass import OglClass
from PyutMethod import PyutMethod
from PyutConsts import *
import os, types, sys
class IoCpp(PyutIoPlugin):
C++ code generation
@version $Revision: 1.2 $
def getName(self):
This method returns the name of the plugin.
@return string
@author D.Roux - droux@eivd.ch
@since 1.1
return "C++ code generation"
def getAuthor(self):
This method returns the author of the plugin.
@return string
@author D.Roux - droux@eivd.ch
@since 1.1
return "deve <droux@eivd.ch>"
def getVersion(self):
This method returns the version of the plugin.
@return string
@author D.Roux - droux@eivd.ch
@since 1.1
return "1.0"
def getOutputFormat(self):
Return a specification tupple.
@return tuple
@author D.Roux - droux@eivd.ch
@since 1.1
# return None if this plugin can't write.
# otherwise, return a tupple with
# - name of the output format
# - extension of the output format
# - textual description of the plugin output format
# example : return ("Text", "txt", "Tabbed text...")
return ("C++ file", "cpp", "C++ file format")
def _visibility(self, elements, public, private, protected):
Put all ellement of elements list to list public, private, protected.
@param elements : [] of objetc who as getVisibility methods.
@param public : [] list of public element
@param private : [] list of private element
@param protected : [] list of protected element
@author D.Roux - droux@eivd.ch
@since 1.1
# for all element in list elements
for element in elements :
# gettin element visibiliy
visibility = str(element.getVisibility())
# public case
if (visibility == '+'):
# private case
elif (visibility == '-'):
# protected case
elif (visibility == '#'):
def _writeType(self, file, type):
Writing type in file.
Default type is void
@param file
@param type : String represtant a type
@author D.Roux - droux@eivd.ch
@since 1.1
if(type == ''):
type = "int"
file.write(type+" ")
def _writeParam(self, file, param):
Writing param in file
@param file
@param param : pyutParam
@author D.Roux - droux@eivd.ch
@since 1.1
# writing the type
self._writeType(file, str(param.getType()))
# writing the param name
def _writeMethod(self, file, method):
Writing a method in file : name(param, param, ...)
@param file
@param method : pyutMethod
@author D.Roux - droux@eivd.ch
@since 1.1
# writing method name
# for all param
nbParam = len(method.getParams())
for param in method.getParams() :
# writing param
self._writeParam(file, param)
# default value
file.write(" = "+param.getDefaultValue())
# comma between param
nbParam = nbParam -1
if(nbParam > 0) :
file.write(" , ")
def _fieldsWDefault(self, fields, defFields):
for i in fields :
if(i.getDefaultValue() is not None):
def _writeSrcMethods(self, file, methods, className, fields):
Writing methods in source (.cpp) file
@param file
@param methods : [] list of all method of a class
@param className : string the name of the class
@param fields : [] list of fils whose are default value
@author D.Roux - droux@eivd.ch
@since 1.1
# for all method in methods list
for method in methods :
self._writeMethodComment(file, method, className)
# writing type
# constructor case
constructor = 1
name = method.getName()
if(name != className and name != '~'+className):
constructor = 0
self._writeType(file, str(method.getReturns()))
# writing class name
# writing method
self._writeMethod(file, method)
# if fathers --> initiling list
nbFields = len(fields)
if(nbFields >0):
file.write(" : ")
# for all fields whos are default value
for field in fields :
if(field.getDefaultValue() is not None):
nbFields = nbFields -1
if(nbFields > 0):
file.write(" , ")
file.write( "\n{\n ; // method code\n} // "+name+"\n\n")
def _writeHeaderMethods(self, file, methods, className):
Writing methods in header (.h) file
@param file
@param methods : [] list of all method of a class
@param className : string the name of the class
@author D.Roux - droux@eivd.ch
@since 1.1
# for all method in methods list
for method in methods :
self._writeMethodComment(file, method, className, self.__tab)
# writing tab
# writing type
# constructor case
name = method.getName()
if(name != className and name != '~'+className):
self._writeType(file, str(method.getReturns()))
# writing method
self._writeMethod(file, method)
file.write( ";\n\n")
def _writeFields(self, file, fields):
Writing fields in file
@param file
@param methods : [] list of all fields of a class
@author D.Roux - droux@eivd.ch
@since 1.1
# for all field in fields list
for field in fields:
self._writeFieldComment(file, field.getName(), self.__tab)
self._writeParam(file, field)
def _writeLinks(self, file, links):
Writing link in file
@param file
@param links : [] list of all links
@author D.Roux - droux@eivd.ch
@since 1.1
# for all field in fields list
for link in links :
name = link.getDestination().getName()
# for field name
linkName = link.getName()
if(linkName == ""):
linkName = name[0].lower()+name[1:]
self._writeFieldComment(file, linkName, self.__tab)
file.write(name + ' ')
# *
if(link.getType() == OGL_ASSOCIATION or \
link.getType() == OGL_AGGREGATION) :
file.write(linkName+ ' ')
def _writeDefine(self, file, className):
Writing define instruction for pre-processor
@param file
@param className : string the name of a class
@author D.Roux - droux@eivd.ch
@since 1.1
# is wrinting in file : #ifndef __CLASSNAME_H__
# #define __CLASSNAME_H__
define = "__"+className.upper()+"_H__"
file.write("#ifndef "+define+"\n#define "+define+"\n\n\n")
def _writeFathers(self, file, fathers):
Writing fathers for inheritance
@param file
@param fathers : [] list of fathers
@author D.Roux - droux@eivd.ch
@since 1.1
nbr = len(fathers)
# if is father for this class wrinting :
if(nbr > 0):
file.write(" : ")
for father in fathers :
# writing fathers with public mode
file.write("public "+ father.getName())
# writing ',' betwin fathers
nbr = nbr -1
if(nbr > 0):
file.write(", ")
def _writeInclude(self, file, fathers, links):
Writing fathers for inheritance
@param file
@param fathers : [] list of fathers
@param links : [] list of links
@author D.Roux - droux@eivd.ch
@since 1.1
# write name in include close
# if the name is not in included dictionnary
def writeName():
if(name not in included):
file.write('#include "'+ name +'.h"\n')
included[name] = 1
# for all included file
included = {}
# include father
for father in fathers :
name = father.getName()
# include link
for link in links :
name = link.getDestination().getName()
def _writeClassComment(self, file, className):
Writing class comment with doxygen organisation.
@param file
@param className : String represtent a class
@author D.Roux - droux@eivd.ch
@since 1.1
file.write("/**\n * class "+className+"\n * More info here \n */\n")
def _writeMethodComment(self, file, method, className, tab=""):
Writing method comment with doxygen organisation.
@param file
@param method : pyutMethod
@author D.Roux - droux@eivd.ch
@since 1.1
file.write(tab + "/**\n")
file.write(tab + " * method " + method.getName()+"\n")
file.write(tab + " * More info here.\n")
for param in method.getParams():
file.write(tab + " * @param "+param.getName()+" : " )
self._writeType(file, str(param.getType()))
file.write(tab + " * @return "+str(method.getReturns())+"\n")
file.write(tab+" */\n")
def _writeFieldComment(self, file, name, tab=""):
Writing method comment with doxygen organisation.
@param file
@param name : field name
@author D.Roux - droux@eivd.ch
@since 1.1
file.write(tab + "/**\n")
file.write(tab + " * field " + name+"\n")
file.write(tab + " * More info here.\n")
file.write(tab+" */\n")
def _writeClass(self, pyutClass):
Writing a class to files
@param puytClass : an obet pyutClass
@author D.Roux - droux@eivd.ch
@since 1.1
className = pyutClass.getName()
# the two files an header (className.h) and
# a source (className.cpp) file
headerFile = open(self._headerDir+os.sep+className+'.h', 'w')
srcFile = open(self._srcDir +os.sep+className+'.cpp', 'w')
# lists for fiels if there ar public, private or protected
publicFields = []
privateFields = []
protectedFields = []
fields = pyutClass.getFields()
defFields = []
self._visibility(fields, publicFields, privateFields, protectedFields)
self._fieldsWDefault(fields, defFields)
# lists for method if there ar public, private or protected
publicMethods = []
privateMethods = []
protectedMethods = []
self._visibility(pyutClass.getMethods(), publicMethods, privateMethods, protectedMethods)
fathers = pyutClass.getFathers()
links = pyutClass.getLinks()
# header define
self._writeDefine(headerFile, className)
# include file
self._writeInclude(headerFile, fathers, links)
srcFile.write('#include "' + className +'.h"\n\n')
# class name
self._writeClassComment(headerFile, className)
self._writeClassComment(srcFile, className)
headerFile.write("class " + className)
self._writeFathers(headerFile, fathers )
# method and field
# public part
headerFile.write("public :\n")
srcFile.write("\n// public \n")
self._writeSrcMethods(srcFile, publicMethods, className, defFields)
self._writeHeaderMethods(headerFile, publicMethods, className)
self._writeFields(headerFile, publicFields)
# protected part
headerFile.write("protected :\n")
srcFile.write("\n// protected \n")
self._writeSrcMethods(srcFile, protectedMethods, className, defFields)
self._writeHeaderMethods(headerFile, protectedMethods, className)
self._writeFields(headerFile, protectedFields)
# private part
headerFile.write("private :\n")
srcFile.write("\n// private \n")
self._writeLinks(headerFile, pyutClass.getLinks())
self._writeSrcMethods(srcFile, privateMethods, className, defFields)
self._writeHeaderMethods(headerFile, privateMethods, className)
self._writeFields(headerFile, privateFields)
# end of class
def writeMain(self):
main = open(self._srcDir +os.sep+'main.cpp', 'w')
for i in self.__className :
main.write('#include "'+i+'.h"\n')
main.write( """
int main(int argc, char** argv)
; //code here
def writeMakefile(self):
makefile = open(self._dir+os.sep+'Makefile', 'w')
makefile.write("OBJS = ")
for i in self.__className :
makefile.write('src'+os.sep+i+".o ")
makefile.write(" src"+os.sep+"main.o")
#OBJS = ChildClass.o Other.o SomeClass.o Youpiii.o main.o
makefile.write( """
FILENAME = executable
OPTIONS = -g -Wall -I./include
COMP = g++
LIBS = -lm
all: $(FILENAME)
%.o : %.cpp
$(COMP) -c $(OPTIONS) $< -o src/$(@F)
def write(self, oglObjects):
Datas saving
@param File file : file to write
@param OglClass and OglLink [] : list of exported objects
@author D.Roux - droux@eivd.ch
@since 1.1
print "Saving..."
self._dir = self._askForDirectoryExport()
try :
except OSError:
self._srcDir = self._dir+os.sep+"src"
self._headerDir = self._dir+os.sep+"include"
try :
except OSError:
try :
except OSError:
# defining constant
self.__tab = " "
self.__demiTab = " "
self.__className = []
for el in [object for object in oglObjects if isinstance(object, OglClass)]:
print "done !"
# Local tests
if __name__=="__main__":