#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
#TODO : ELEMENT x (#CDATA) -> ajouter un field #CDATA
__version__ = "$Revision: 1.8 $"
__author__ = "C.Dutoit <dutoitc@hotmail.com>"
__date__ = "20031002"
from PyutClass import *
from PyutParam import *
from PyutMethod import *
from PyutField import *
from PyutStereotype import *
from PyutType import *
from PyutConsts import *
from xml.parsers.xmlproc.dtdparser import DTDParser,DTDConsumer
# reading file
from StringIO import StringIO
from UmlFrame import *
from OglClass import OglClass
from OglLink import *
from StringIO import StringIO
from PyutIoPlugin import PyutIoPlugin
import wx
class IoDTD(PyutIoPlugin):
To save XML file format.
@version $Revision: 1.8 $
def getName(self):
This method returns the name of the plugin.
@return string
@author Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
@since 1.2
return "IoDTD"
def getAuthor(self):
This method returns the author of the plugin.
@return string
@author Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
@since 1.2
return "C.Dutoit <dutoitc@hotmail.com>"
def getVersion(self):
This method returns the version of the plugin.
@return string
@author Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
@since 1.2
return "1.0"
def getInputFormat(self):
Return a specification tupple.
@return tupple
@author Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
@since 1.2
# return None if this plugin can't read.
# otherwise, return a tupple with
# - name of the input format
# - extension of the input format
# - textual description of the plugin input format
# example : return ("Text", "txt", "Tabbed text...")
return ("DTD", "dtd", "W3C DTD 1.0 file format")
def getOutputFormat(self):
Return a specification tupple.
@return tupple
@author Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
@since 1.2
# return None if this plugin can't write.
# otherwise, return a tupple with
# - name of the output format
# - extension of the output format
# - textual description of the plugin output format
# example : return ("Text", "txt", "Tabbed text...")
#return ("XMI", "xml", "Pyut XMI file")
return None
def setExportOptions(self):
Prepare the export.
This can be used to ask some questions to the user.
@return Boolean : if False, the export will be cancelled.
@author Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
@since 1.0
#rep = wx.MessageBox("Do you want pretty xml ?", "Export option",
#style = wx.YES_NO | wx.CANCEL | wx.CENTRE | wx.ICON_QUESTION)
#self.pretty = (rep == wx.YES)
#return rep != wx.CANCEL
return False
def write(self, oglObjects):
Write data to filename. Abstract.
@return True if succeeded, False if error or canceled
@param OglClass and OglLink [] : list of exported objects
@author Deve Roux <droux@eivd.ch>
@since 1.0
# Ask the user which destination file he wants
#if filename=="":
#return False
#file=open(filename, "w")
return False
def read(self, oglObjects, umlFrame):
Read data from filename. Abstract.
@return True if succeeded, False if error or canceled
@param OglClass and OglLink [] : list of imported objects
@param UmlFrame : Pyut's UmlFrame
@author Deve Roux <droux@eivd.ch>
@since 1.0
#from xml.dom.minidom import parse
# Ask the user which destination file he wants
if filename=="":
return False
#dom = parse(StringIO(open(filename).read()))
return DTDReader().open(filename, umlFrame)
class DTDReader(DTDConsumer):
def __init__(self):
self._parser = DTDParser()
DTDConsumer.__init__(self, self._parser)
def _createClass(self, name, x, y):
Create a class (pyutClass and oglClass)
@return pyutClass, oglClass
pyutClass = PyutClass()
oglClass = OglClass(pyutClass, 50, 50)
self._umlFrame.addShape(oglClass, x, y)
return pyutClass, oglClass
def open(self, filename, umlFrame):
Open DTD
# Init
self._umlFrame = umlFrame
self._attributes = {}
self._externalEntity = {}
self._generalEntity = {}
self._parameterEntity = {}
self._externalPe = {}
self._notation = {}
self._elementType = {}
self._attribute = {}
# Parse
self._parser.feed(open(filename, "r").read())
# Do best !
for oglObject in self._umlFrame.getUmlObjects():
def set_error_handler(self,err):
Sets the error handler of the DTDConsumer.
#print "set_error_handler ", err
def dtd_start(self):
Called before any DTD events arrive.
(Note: This will be called once for the internal DTD subset (if any)
and once for the external DTD subset (if parsed).)
#print "dtd_start"
def dtd_end(self):
Called when the DTD is completely parsed.
(Note: This will be called once for the internal DTD subset (if any)
and once for the external DTD subset (if parsed).)
#print "dtd_end"
#print "-------------------- Attributes --------------"
#print self._attributes
#print "-------------------- externalEntity ----------"
#print self._externalEntity
#print "-------------------- generalEntity -----------"
#print self._generalEntity
#print "-------------------- parameterEntity ---------"
#print self._parameterEntity
#print "-------------------- externalPe --------------"
#print self._externalPe
#print "-------------------- notation ----------------"
#print self._notation
#print "-------------------- elementType -------------"
#print self._elementType
#print "-------------------- attribute ---------------"
#print self._attribute
# elementType sample :
#{u'GraphicClass': ('', [(u'Class', '') ], ''),
# u'GraphicNote': ('', [(u'Note', '') ], ''),
# u'LabelCenter': ('', [( '#PCDATA', '') ], ''),
# u'LabelDst': ('', [( '#PCDATA', '') ], ''),
# u'Note': ('', [( '#PCDATA', '') ], ''),
# u'PyutDocument': (u'|', [(u'GraphicClass', u'*'),
# (u'GraphicNote', u'*'),
# (u'GraphicLink', u'*') ], ''),
# u'PyutProject': ('', [(u'PyutDocument', u'*') ], ''),
# u'LabelSrc': ('', [('#PCDATA', '') ], ''),
# u'Link': ('', [('#PCDATA', '') ], ''),
# u'Class': ('', [('#PCDATA', '') ], ''),
# u'GraphicLink': (u',', [(u'LabelCenter', ''),
# (u'LabelSrc', ''),
# (u'LabelDst', ''),
# (u'Link', '') ], '')}
# Import elements as classes
elementsTree = {} # pyutClass, oglClass, lstChildrenElementName
for element in self._elementType.keys():
pyutClass, oglClass = self._createClass(element, x, y)
elementsTree[element] = (pyutClass, oglClass, [])
# Graphic care
if x<800:
# Import links
for element in elementsTree.keys():
parent_pyutClass, parent_oglClass, dummy = elementsTree[element]
if self._elementType[element]=="EMPTY":
sep, cont, mod = self._elementType[element]
#TODO : handle sep and mod
for tuple in cont:
# Note : ANY->NONE, EMPTY->("", [], "")
if len(tuple)==2:
name, mod = tuple
if not elementsTree.has_key(name):
pyutClass, oglClass = self._createClass(name, 100, 200)
elementsTree[name] = (pyutClass, oglClass, [])
childOglClass = elementsTree[name][1]
# Get cardinality
if mod in ['*', '+', '?']: cardinality = mod
# Create link
link = self._umlFrame.createNewLink(parent_oglClass,
pyutLink = link.getPyutObject()
elif len(tuple)==3:
sep, cont, mod = tuple
# TODO : handle this
raise "Unsupported exception"
# TODO : self._elementType.keys not in self._elementsTree.keys
# Import attributes
for parentElement in self._attribute.keys():
# test
if not elementsTree.has_key(parentElement):
displayError(_("Wrong DTD : An attribute refers to " +
parentElement + ", but this is element is not declared."))
# Get parent elements
pyutClass = elementsTree[parentElement][0]
#oglClass = elementsTree[elementName][1]
# Read all attributes for the parent
for attributesTuple in self._attribute[parentElement]:
attName, attType, attDecl, attDef = attributesTuple
# Create field
field = PyutField()
field.setType(PyutType(str(attType) + " " + str(attDecl)))
if (attDef!="None"):
#'elem' is the name of the element, 'attr' the name of the attribute,
#'a_type' the name of the attribute type (ID, CDATA...),
#'a_decl' the name of the declared default type (#REQUIRED, #IMPLIED...)
#and 'a_def' the declared default value (or None if none were declared).
def new_general_entity(self,name,val):
Called when an internal general entity declaration is encountered.
'val' contains the entity replacement text.
self._generalEntity[name] = val
#print "new_general_entity ", name, "///", val
def new_external_entity(self,ent_name,pub_id,sys_id,ndata):
Called when an external general entity declaration is encountered.
'ndata' is the name of the associated notation,
or None if none was associated.
self._externalEntity[ent_name] = (pub_id, sys_id, ndata)
#print "new_external_entity ", ent_name, "///", pub_id, "///", sys_id, \
#"///", ndata
def new_parameter_entity(self,name,val):
Called when an internal parameter entity declaration is encountered.
'val' contains the entity replacement text.
self._parameterEntity[name] = val
#print "new_parameter_entity ", name, "///", val
def new_external_pe(self,name,pubid,sysid):
Called when an external parameter entity declaration is encountered.
self._externalPe[name]=(pubid, sysid)
#print "new_external_pe ", name, "///", pubid, "///", sysid
def new_notation(self,name,pubid,sysid):
Called when a notation declaration is encountered.
self._notation[name] = (pubid, sysid)
#print "new_notation ", name, "///", pubid, "///", sysid
def new_element_type(self,elem_name,elem_cont):
Called when an element type declaration is encountered.
'elem_cont' is a tuple, as returned by the get_content_model method
of the ElementType interface.
self._elementType[elem_name] = elem_cont
#self._elements.append((elem_name, elem_cont))
#print "new_element_type ", elem_name, "///", elem_cont
def new_attribute(self,elem,attr,a_type,a_decl,a_def):
Called when an attribute declaration is encountered.
'elem' is the name of the element, 'attr' the name of the attribute,
'a_type' the name of the attribute type (ID, CDATA...),
'a_decl' the name of the declared default type (#REQUIRED, #IMPLIED...)
and 'a_def' the declared default value (or None if none were declared).
if self._attribute.has_key(elem):
self._attribute[elem].append((attr, a_type, a_decl, a_def))
self._attribute[elem]=[(attr, a_type, a_decl, a_def)]
#print "new_attribute ", eleme, "///", attr, "///", a_type, "///", \
#a_decl, "///", a_def
def handle_comment(self,contents):
Called when a comment is encountered inside the DTD.
print "Handle_comment ", contents
def handle_pi(self,target,data):
Called when a processing instruction is encountered inside the DTD.
print "handle_pi ", target, " /// ", data