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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

__version__ = "$Revision: 1.2 $"
__author__ = "Nicolas Dubois <>"
__date__ = "2002-4-14"

from StringIO import StringIO
from PyutIoPlugin import PyutIoPlugin
from PyutClass import PyutClass
from OglClass import OglClass
from PyutMethod import PyutMethod
from PyutConsts import *
import os, types, sys

class IoJava(PyutIoPlugin):
    Java code generation

    @version $Revision: 1.2 $
    def getName(self):
        This method returns the name of the plugin.

        @return string
        @author N. Dubois <>
        @since 1.1
        return "Java code generation"


    def getAuthor(self):
        This method returns the author of the plugin.

        @return string
        @author N. Dubois <>
        @since 1.1
        return "N. Dubois <>"


    def getVersion(self):
        This method returns the version of the plugin.

        @return string
        @author N. Dubois <>
        @since 1.1
        return "1.0"


    def getOutputFormat(self):
        Return a specification tupple.

        @return tuple
        @author N. Dubois <>
        @since 1.1
        # return None if this plugin can't write.
        # otherwise, return a tupple with
        # - name of the output format
        # - extension of the output format
        # - textual description of the plugin output format
        # example : return ("Text", "txt", "Tabbed text...")
        return ("Java", "java", "Java file format")


    def _writeParam(self, file, param):
        Writing params in file.

        @param file       
        @param param   : pyutParam

        @author N. Dubois <>
        @since 1.1
        # writing the param name
        file.write(str(param.getType()) + " " + param.getName())

    def _writeMethod(self, file, method):
        Writing a method in file : name(param, param, ...).

        @param file       
        @param method    : pyutMethod 

        @author N. Dubois <>
        @since 1.1
        # Name of method
        name = method.getName()
        visibility = self.__visibility[str(method.getVisibility())]
        returnType = str(method.getReturns())
        if returnType == "":
            returnType = "void"
        # writing method name
        file.write(self.__tab + visibility + " " + returnType + \
            " " + name + "(")
        # for all param
        nbParam = len(method.getParams())
        for param in method.getParams():
            # writing param
            self._writeParam(file, param)

            # comma between param
            nbParam = nbParam -1 
            if(nbParam > 0) :
                file.write(" , ")
        file.write(") {\n" + self.__tab + "}\n\n")


    def _writeMethods(self, file, methods, className):#, fields):
        Writing methods in source (.cpp) file 

        @param file       
        @param methods : [] list of all method of a class
        @param className : string the name of the class
        @param fields    : [] list of fils whose are default value

        @author N. Dubois <>
        @since 1.1
        # Write header
        if len(methods) > 0:
            file.write("\n" +\
                self.__tab + "// -------\n" + \
                self.__tab + "// Methods\n" + \
                self.__tab + "// -------\n\n")
        # for all method in methods list
        for method in methods :
            self._writeMethodComment(file, method, self.__tab)

            # writing method
            self._writeMethod(file, method)


    def _writeHeaderMethods(self, file, methods, className):
        Writing methods in header (.h) file 

        @param file       
        @param methods : [] list of all method of a class
        @param className : string the name of the class

        @author N. Dubois <>
        @since 1.1
        # TODO
        # for all method in methods list
        for method in methods :
            self._writeMethodComment(file, method, className, self.__tab)
            # writing tab
            # writing type
            # constructor case
            name = method.getName()
            if(name != className and name != '~'+className):
                self._writeType(file, str(method.getReturns()))

            # writing method
            self._writeMethod(file, method)
            file.write( ";\n\n")


    def _writeFields(self, file, fields):
        Write fields in file.

        @param file file: 
        @param [PyutField, ...] fields : list of all fields of a class

        @author N. Dubois <>
        @since 1.1
        # Write fields header
        if len(fields) > 0:
                self.__tab + "// ------\n" + \
                self.__tab + "// Fields\n" + \
                self.__tab + "// ------\n\n")
        # Write all fields in file
        for field in fields: 
            # Visibility converted from "+" to "public", ...
            visibility = self.__visibility[str(field.getVisibility())]
            # Type
            type = str(field.getType())

            # Name
            name = field.getName()

            # Default value
            default = field.getDefaultValue()
            if default != None and default != "":
                default = " = " + default
                default = ""

            # Comments
            if type == "":
                comments = " // Warning: no type"
                comments = ""

            # Write the comment before the field
            self._writeFieldComment(file, name, self.__tab)

            # Write the complete line in file
            file.write(self.__tab + visibility + " " + type + " " + name + \
                default + ";" + comments + "\n")


    def _writeLinks(self, file, links):
        Write relation links in file.

        @param file file: 
        @param [] links : list of relation links

        @author N. Dubois <>
        # Write all relation links in file
        for link in links:
            # Get Class linked (type of variable)
            type = link.getDestination().getName()
            # Get name of aggregation
            name = link.getName()
            # Array or single variable
            if link.getDestCard().find('n') != -1:
                array = "[]"
                array = ""

            # Write datas in file
            file.write(self.__tab + "private " + type + " " + \
                name + array + ";\n")


    def _writeFathers(self, file, fathers):
        Writing fathers for inheritance.

        @param file file : class java file
        @param fathers  : [] list of fathers

        @author N. Dubois <>
        @since 1.1
        nbr = len(fathers)

        # If there is a father:
        if(nbr != 0):
            file.write(" extends ")

            # Only one father allowed


    def _writeInterfaces(self, file, interfaces):
        Writing interfaces implemented by the class.

        @param file file : class java file
        @param fathers  : [] list of fathers 

        @author N. Dubois <>
        @since 1.1
        nbr = len(interfaces)

        # If there is at least one interface:
        if(nbr != 0):
            file.write(" implements ")

            # Write the first interface
            # For all next interfaces, write the name separated by a ','
            for interface in interfaces[1:]:
                file.write(", " + interface.getDestination().getName())


    def _writeClassComment(self, file, className, classInterface):
        Write class comment with doxygen organisation. 

        @param file       
        @param className    : String  represtent a class 

        @author N. Dubois <>
        @since 1.1
        file.write("/**\n * " + classInterface + " " + className + \
            "\n * More info here \n */\n")


    def _writeMethodComment(self, file, method, tab=""):
        Write method comment with doxygen organisation.

        @param file file : java file
        @param method    : pyutMethod

        @author N. Dubois <>
        @since 1.1
        file.write(tab + "/**\n")
        file.write(tab + " * method " + method.getName()+"\n")
        file.write(tab + " * More info here.\n")
        for param in method.getParams():
            file.write(tab + " * @param " + param.getName() + " : " + \
                str(param.getType()) + "\n")

            file.write(tab + " * @return " + str(method.getReturns()) + "\n")
        file.write(tab + " */\n")


    def _writeFieldComment(self, file, name, tab=""):
        Write method comment with doxygen organisation. 

        @param file       
        @param name    : field name 

        @author N. Dubois <>
        @since 1.1
        file.write(tab + "/**\n")
        file.write(tab + " * field " + name+"\n")
        file.write(tab + " * More info here.\n")

        file.write(tab+" */\n")


    def _seperateLinks(self, allLinks, interfaces, links):
        Seperate the differents types of links into lists.
        @param [PyutLinks] links : list of links of the class
        @param [str] interfaces : list of interfaces implemented by the class
        @author N. Dubois <>
        for link in allLinks:
            type = link.getType()
            if type == OGL_INTERFACE:
            elif type == OGL_COMPOSITION or type == OGL_AGGREGATION:


    def _writeClass(self, pyutClass):
        Writing a class to files.

        @param puytClass : an obet pyutClass

        @author N. Dubois <>
        @since 1.1
        # Read class name
        className = pyutClass.getName()

        # Opening a file for each class
        javaFile = open(self._dir+os.sep+className+'.java', 'w')

        # Extract the datas from the class
        fields     = pyutClass.getFields()
        methods    = pyutClass.getMethods()
        fathers    = pyutClass.getFathers()
        allLinks   = pyutClass.getLinks()
        stereotype = pyutClass.getStereotype()

        # List of links
        interfaces = [] # List of interfaces implemented by the class
        links      = [] # Aggregation and compositions
        self._seperateLinks(allLinks, interfaces, links)

        # Is this class an interface
        #~ self._isInterface(pyutClass)

        # Is it an interface
        classInterface = "class"
        if stereotype is not None:
            stereotype = stereotype.getStereotype()
            if stereotype == "Interface":
                classInterface = "interface"
        # Write datas in file
        # -------------------

        # Write class comment
        self._writeClassComment(javaFile, className, classInterface)
        # class name
        javaFile.write("public " + classInterface + " " + className)

        self._writeFathers(javaFile, fathers)
        self._writeInterfaces(javaFile, interfaces)
        javaFile.write(" {\n\n");

        # Fields
        self._writeFields(javaFile, fields)
        # Aggregation and Composition
        self._writeLinks(javaFile, links)
        # Methods
        self._writeMethods(javaFile, methods, className)

        # end of class 


    def write(self, oglObjects):
        Datas saving
        @param File file : file to write
        @param OglClass and OglLink [] : list of exported objects

        @author N. Dubois <>
        @since 1.1
        # Directory for sources
        self._dir = self._askForDirectoryExport()
        #~ self._dir = "/home/nicdub/donnees/projets/devel/essai"

        # If no destination, abort
        if self._dir == "":

        # defining constant
        self.__tab = "    "
        self.__visibility = {"+":"public", "-":"private", "#":"protected"}
        # List of class
        #~ self.__className = []

        for el in [object for object in oglObjects if isinstance(object,

# Local tests
#~ if __name__ == "__main__":
    #~ pass | Contact Us
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