#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
#from StringIO import StringIO
from PyutIoPlugin import PyutIoPlugin
from PyutClass import PyutClass
from OglClass import OglClass
from PyutMethod import PyutMethod
from PyutParam import PyutParam
from PyutConsts import *
#from wxPython.wx import *
from ast import FieldExtractor
from PyutField import PyutField
from pyutUtils import assignID
import os, wx
class IoJavascript(PyutIoPlugin):
Python code generation/reverse engineering
@version $Revision: 1.3 $
def getName(self):
This method returns the name of the plugin.
@return string
@author C.Dutoit - dutoitc@hotmail.com
@since 1.1
return "Javascript reverse engineering"
def getAuthor(self):
This method returns the author of the plugin.
@return string
@author C.Dutoit - dutoitc@hotmail.com
@since 1.1
return "C.Dutoit <dutoitc@hotmail.com>"
def getVersion(self):
This method returns the version of the plugin.
@return string
@author C.Dutoit - dutoitc@hotmail.com
@since 1.1
return "1.0"
def getInputFormat(self):
Return a specification tupple.
@return tupple
@author C.Dutoit - dutoitc@hotmail.com
@since 1.1
# return None if this plugin can't read.
# otherwise, return a tupple with
# - name of the input format
# - extension of the input format
# - textual description of the plugin input format
# example : return ("Text", "txt", "Tabbed text...")
return ("Javascript file", "js", "Javascript file format")
def getOutputFormat(self):
Return a specification tupple.
@return tuple
@author C.Dutoit - dutoitc@hotmail.com
@since 1.1
# return None if this plugin can't write.
# otherwise, return a tupple with
# - name of the output format
# - extension of the output format
# - textual description of the plugin output format
# example : return ("Text", "txt", "Tabbed text...")
#return ("Python file", "py", "Python file format")
return None
def read(self, oglObjects, umlFrame):
reverse engineering
@param OglClass and OglLink [] : list of imported objects
@param UmlFrame : Pyut's UmlFrame
@author C.Dutoit <dutoitc@hotmail.com>
(lstFiles, directory)=self._askForFileImport(True)
if len(lstFiles)==0:
return False
if 1:
# Read all files
for filename in lstFiles:
f = open(filename)
datas = f.read()
jsr = JSReader(datas)
functions = jsr.getFunctions()
print "import JS: ", len(functions), " functions found"
# Add objects
self._addObjects(functions, umlFrame)
#print "Error while reversing javascript file(s) !"
def _addObjects(self, functions, umlFrame):
Add objects to PyUt UMLFrame
functions is list of function
function is dictionnary of ('functionName', 'parameters', 'javadoc')
# Create classes
classes = {} # key=classname; value = (function, [functions])
for f1 in functions:
for f2 in functions:
# f2 is f1 + "_" + f2 ? -> class member
if f2["functionName"].upper().startswith(
f1["functionName"].upper() + "_"):
classes[f1["functionName"]] = (f1, [])
# Add class members
for classname in classes.keys():
for f in functions:
if f["functionName"].upper().startswith(classname.upper() + "_"):
f["functionName"] = f["functionName"][len(classname)+1:]
# create objects
for classname in classes.keys():
classFunction = classes[classname][0]
classParameters = classFunction["parameters"]
classJavadoc = classFunction["javadoc"]
# Create class
pc = PyutClass(classname) # A new PyutClass
po = OglClass(pc) # A new OglClass
pc.setDescription(classJavadoc[0] + "\r\n" + classJavadoc[1])
# Add method constructor
methods = pc.getMethods()
method = PyutMethod(classname)
params = method.getParams()
# Add methods
for function in classes[classname][1]:
functionName = function["functionName"]
parameters = function["parameters"]
method = PyutMethod(functionName)
params = method.getParams()
# Refresh
umlFrame.addShape(po, 0, 0)
class JSReader:
def __init__(self, datas):
@param datas string Javascript source
self._datas = datas
self._pos = 0
self._functions = []
def getFunctions(self):
Return list of functions; function is declared as explicit dictionnary
return self._functions
def process(self):
Process parsing
lastJavadoc = None
while self._pos<len(self._datas) and self._pos>-1:
if self._datas[self._pos:self._pos+3]=="/**":
ret = self._readJavadocCommentsBlock()
#print "JAVADOC: "
#print " title =", ret[0]
#for el in ret[2]:
#print " javadoc= ", el
#for el in ret[1].split("\n"):
#print " text = ", el
lastJavadoc = ret
elif self._datas[self._pos:self._pos+2]=="//":
elif self._datas[self._pos:self._pos+8]=="function":
ret = self._readFunction()
#print "FUNCTION: "
#print " name = ", ret[0]
#print " parameters = ", ret[1]
lastJavadoc = None
elif self._datas[self._pos:self._pos+3]=="var":
#print "before=", self._datas[self._pos-9:self._pos]
#print "after=", self._datas[self._pos:self._pos+9]
#print "pos=", self._pos
def _skipLine(self):
Read until end of line and skip result
self._pos = self._datas.find("\n", self._pos)+1
if self._pos==0: self._pos = -1
def _readBlanks(self):
Read blanks
exit when self._datas[self._pos] is not blank (or line return)
while self._pos<len(self._datas) and \
self._datas[self._pos] in [' ', '\n', '\r', '\t']:
def _readJavadocCommentsBlock(self):
Read something like /**...*/
@return [title, comments, javadoc list]
javadoc list is [(tag, value, comments)]
# Read javadoc
pos1 = self._pos
pos2 = self._datas.find("*/", pos1)
self._pos = pos2+2
javadoc = self._datas[pos1:pos2+2]
# Read title
pos = 0
while javadoc[pos] in ['/', '*', ' ', '\r', '\n', '\t']:
pos2 = javadoc.find('\n', pos)
title = javadoc[pos:pos2]
if title[-1]=='\r': title = title[:-1]
pos = pos2+1
# Read others things
comments = ""
lstJavadoc = []
while pos<len(javadoc):
while pos<len(javadoc) and \
javadoc[pos] in ['/', '*', ' ', '\r', '\n', '\t']:
if pos>=len(javadoc): break
# Read line
pos2 = javadoc.find('\n', pos)
if pos2==-1: break
line = javadoc[pos:pos2-1]
if len(line)>1 and line[-1]=='\r':
line = line[:-1]
# Handle line
if len(line)>0:
if line[0]=="@":
pos = line.find(" ")
lstJavadoc.append((line[1:pos], line[pos+1:]))
comments+=line + "\r\n"
# Next
pos = pos2+1
#self._pos = pos
return [title, comments, lstJavadoc]
def _readFunction(self):
Read a function
@return functionName
# Verifications
if self._datas[self._pos:self._pos+8]!="function":
raise "Can't read function(1)"
# Read function name
pos1 = self._datas.find('(', self._pos)
functionName = self._datas[self._pos + 9:pos1]
# Read parameters
pos2 = self._datas.find(')', pos1)
parameters = self._datas[pos1+1:pos2]
pos2 = self._datas.find("{", pos2) + 1
# Read function
indent = 1
while (indent>0):
c = self._datas[pos2]
if c=='{':
elif c=='}':
self._pos = self._datas.find('\n', pos2)+1
# Return
return functionName, parameters
def readBlock(self):
Read a block, delimited by delim1, delim2
pos = self._datas.find(delim, self._pos)
if pos==-1:
raise "No end delimitor for ", delim
txt = self._datas[self._pos:pos+1]
self._pos = pos
return txt
if __name__=="__main__":
jsr = JSReader(open("tst/hb_map.js", "r").read())
print len(jsr.getFunctions()), " functions found"