#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
__version__ = "$Revision: 1.10 $"
__author__ = "EI5, eivd, Group Burgbacher - Waelti"
__date__ = "2002-1-9"
from StringIO import StringIO
from PyutIoPlugin import PyutIoPlugin
#from wxPython.wx import *
from mediator import getMediator
import wx
class IoXml(PyutIoPlugin):
To save XML file format.
@version $Revision: 1.10 $
def getName(self):
This method returns the name of the plugin.
@return string
@author Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
@since 1.2
return "IoXml"
def getAuthor(self):
This method returns the author of the plugin.
@return string
@author Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
@since 1.2
return "Deve Roux <droux@eivd.ch>"
def getVersion(self):
This method returns the version of the plugin.
@return string
@author Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
@since 1.2
return "1.0"
def getInputFormat(self):
Return a specification tupple.
@return tupple
@author Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
@since 1.2
# return None if this plugin can't read.
# otherwise, return a tupple with
# - name of the input format
# - extension of the input format
# - textual description of the plugin input format
# example : return ("Text", "txt", "Tabbed text...")
return ("XML", "xml", "Pyut XML file")
def getOutputFormat(self):
Return a specification tupple.
@return tupple
@author Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
@since 1.2
# return None if this plugin can't write.
# otherwise, return a tupple with
# - name of the output format
# - extension of the output format
# - textual description of the plugin output format
# example : return ("Text", "txt", "Tabbed text...")
return ("XML", "xml", "Pyut XML file")
def setExportOptions(self):
Prepare the export.
This can be used to ask some questions to the user.
@return Boolean : if False, the export will be cancelled.
@author Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
@since 1.0
rep = wx.MessageBox("Do you want pretty xml ?", "Export option",
style = wx.YES_NO | wx.CANCEL | wx.CENTRE | wx.ICON_QUESTION)
self.pretty = (rep == wx.YES)
return rep != wx.CANCEL
def write(self, oglObjects):
Write data to filename. Abstract.
@return True if succeeded, False if error or canceled
@param OglClass and OglLink [] : list of exported objects
@author Deve Roux <droux@eivd.ch>
@since 1.0
import os
oldpath = os.getcwd()
# Ask the user which destination file he wants
from PyutXmlV2 import PyutXml
if filename=="":
return False
path = getMediator().getAppPath()
from glob import glob
candidates = glob("PyutXmlV*.py")
numbers = [int(s[8:-3]) for s in candidates]
lastVersion = str(max(numbers))
print "Using version", lastVersion, " of the exporter"
module = __import__("PyutXmlV" + lastVersion)
myXml = module.PyutXml()
file=open(filename, "w")
if lastVersion>=5:
import mediator
ctrl = mediator.getMediator()
fileHandling = ctrl.getFileHandling()
project = fileHandling.getProjectFromOglObjects(oglObjects)
doc = myXml.save(project)
doc = myXml.save(oglObjects)
if self.pretty:
text = doc.toprettyxml()
text = doc.toxml()
# add attribute encoding = "iso-8859-1"
# this is not possible with minidom, so we use pattern matching
text = text.replace(r'<?xml version="1.0" ?>',
r'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>')
return True
def readOld(self, oglObjects, umlFrame):
Read data from filename. Abstract.
@return True if succeeded, False if error or canceled
@param OglClass and OglLink [] : list of imported objects
@param UmlFrame : Pyut's UmlFrame
@author Deve Roux <droux@eivd.ch>
@since 1.0
import os
#Note : xml.dom.minidom must be instancied here, since it redefines
#the function '_', which is also used for i18n
from xml.dom.minidom import parse
oldpath = os.getcwd()
path = getMediator().getAppPath()
# Ask the user which destination file he wants
if filename=="":
return False
dom = parse(StringIO(open(filename).read()))
root = dom.getElementsByTagName("Pyut")[0]
if root.hasAttribute('version'):
version = root.getAttribute("version")
version = 1
if version == 1:
from PyutXml import PyutXml
myXml = PyutXml()
module = __import__("PyutXmlV" + str(version))
myXml = module.PyutXml()
myXml.open(dom, umlFrame)
return True
def read(self, oglObjects, umlFrame):
Read data from filename.
@return True if succeeded, False if error or canceled
@param OglClass and OglLink [] : list of imported objects
@param UmlFrame : Pyut's UmlFrame
@author C.Dutoit
# Ask the user which destination file he wants
if filename=="":
return False
# Open file
import mediator
ctrl = mediator.getMediator()
fileHandling = ctrl.getFileHandling()
project = fileHandling.getCurrentProject()
for document in project.getDocuments():
project.removeDocument(document, False)
fileHandling.openFile(filename, project)
# def readV2(self):
# """
# Read data
#@return True if succeeded, False if error or canceled
#@param OglClass and OglLink [] : list of imported objects
#@param UmlFrame : Pyut's UmlFrame
#@author C.Dutoit
# Ask the user which destination file he wants
#if filename=="":
# return False
# # Open file
# import mediator
# ctrl = mediator.getMediator()
# fileHandling = ctrl.getFileHandling()
# fileHandling.openFile(filename)
#fichier = IoXml()
#debug = fichier.open("test.xml")
#debug = []
#fichier.open("test.xml", debug)