#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
__author__ = "C.Dutoit <dutoitc@hotmail.com"
__version__ = "$Revision: 1.4 $"
__date__ = "2002-10-10"
#from wxPython.wx import *
from mediator import *
from PyutToPlugin import *
import os, wx
class PluginName(PyutToPlugin):
Sample class for tool plugin.
@author C.Dutoit <dutoitc@hotmail.com>
@version $Revision: 1.4 $
def __init__(self, oglObjects, umlFrame):
@param OglObject oglObjects : list of ogl objects
@param UmlFrame umlFrame : the umlframe of pyut
@author Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
@since 1.0
PyutToPlugin.__init__(self, oglObjects, umlFrame)
def getName(self):
This method returns the name of the plugin.
@return string
@author Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
@since 1.0
return "No name"
def getAuthor(self):
This method returns the author of the plugin.
@return string
@author Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
@since 1.0
return "No author"
def getVersion(self):
This method returns the version of the plugin.
@return string
@author Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
@since 1.0
return "0.0"
def getMenuTitle(self):
Return a menu title string
@return string
@author Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
@since 1.0
# Return the menu title as it must be displayed
return "Untitled plugin"
def setOptions(self):
Prepare the import.
This can be used to ask some questions to the user.
@return Boolean : if False, the import will be cancelled.
@author Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
@since 1.0
return 1
def doAction(self, umlObjects, selectedObjects, umlFrame):
Do the tool's action
@param OglObject [] umlObjects : list of the uml objects of the diagram
@param OglObject [] selectedObjects : list of the selected objects
@param UmlFrame umlFrame : the frame of the diagram
@since 1.0
@author C.Dutoit <dutoitc@hotmail.com>