#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
__author__ = "Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>"
__version__ = "$Revision: 1.9 $"
__date__ = "2002-02-14"
#from wxPython.wx import *
from mediator import *
from PyutPlugin import PyutPlugin
import os, wx
#wx.FileSelector, wx.DirDialog, \
class PyutIoPlugin(PyutPlugin):
Base class for input/output plug-ins.
If you want to do a new plugin, you must inherit from this class and
redefine some methods.
Informational methods
These are:
They must be redefined to return a simple string. See their respective doc.
Interaction methods
You can ask the user for plugin parameters. If you have to, just redefine
these methods:
Do whatever you need inside, and return True if all went good, or False
to cancel the import/export.
Real work
All the real import/export work is done in:
`read(self, oglObjects, umlFrame)`
`write(self, oglObjects)`
Plugin call
To call a plugin, you need to instantiate it, and call one of:
These two *Template Methods* (Desing patterns) will call what needs to be.
@author Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
@version $Revision: 1.9 $
def __init__(self, oglObjects, umlFrame):
@param OglObject oglObjects : list of ogl objects
@param UmlFrame umlFrame : the umlframe of pyut
@author Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
@since 1.0
PyutPlugin.__init__(self, umlFrame, getMediator())
self.__oglObjects = oglObjects
#self.__umlFrame = umlFrame
#self.__ctrl = getMediator()
def getName(self):
This method returns the name of the plugin.
@return string
@author Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
@since 1.0
return "No name"
def getAuthor(self):
This method returns the author of the plugin.
@return string
@author Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
@since 1.0
return "No author"
def getVersion(self):
This method returns the version of the plugin.
@return string
@author Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
@since 1.0
return "0.0"
def getInputFormat(self):
Return a specification tupple.
@return tuple
@author Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
@since 1.0
# return None if this plugin can't read.
# otherwise, return a tupple with
# - name of the input format
# - extension of the input format
# - textual description of the plugin input format
# example : return ("Text", "txt", "Tabbed text...")
return None
def getOutputFormat(self):
Return a specification tupple.
@return tuple
@author Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
@since 1.0
# return None if this plugin can't write.
# otherwise, return a tupple with
# - name of the output format
# - extension of the output format
# - textual description of the plugin output format
# example : return ("Text", "txt", "Tabbed text...")
return None
def setImportOptions(self):
Prepare the import.
This can be used to ask some questions to the user.
@return Boolean : if False, the import will be cancelled.
@author Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
@since 1.0
return 1
def setExportOptions(self):
Prepare the export.
This can be used to ask some questions to the user.
@return Boolean : if False, the export will be cancelled.
@author Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
@since 1.0
return 1
def read(self, oglObjects, umlFrame):
Read data from filename. Abstract.
@param OglClass and OglLink [] : list of imported objects
@param UmlFrame : Pyut's UmlFrame
@author Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
@since 1.0
def write(self, oglObjects):
Write data to filename. Abstract.
@param OglClass and OglLink [] : list of exported objects
@author Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
@since 1.0
def doImport(self):
Called by Pyut to begin the import process.
@since 1.4
# if this plugin can import
if self.getInputFormat() != None:
# set user options for import
if not self.setImportOptions():
return None
# read it into the list
self.read(self.__oglObjects, self._umlFrame)
# return the new oglObjects list
return self.__oglObjects
return None
def doExport(self):
Called by Pyut to begin the export process.
@since 1.4
# if this plugin can export
if self.getOutputFormat() != None:
# set user options for export
if not self.setExportOptions():
return None
# write the file