#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
__version__ = "$Revision: 1.6 $"
__author__ = "EI5, eivd, Group Burgbacher - Waelti"
__date__ = "2002-1-9"
from PyutClass import *
from PyutParam import *
from PyutMethod import *
from PyutField import *
from PyutStereotype import *
from PyutType import *
from PyutConsts import *
# reading file
from StringIO import StringIO
from UmlFrame import *
from OglClass import OglClass
from OglLink import *
import wx
class PyutXmi:
Class for saving and loading a UMI diagram.
This class offers two main methods that are save() and open().
Using the dom XMI model, you can, with the saving method, get the
diagram corresponding XMI view. For loading, you have to parse
the file and indicate the UML frame on which you want to draw
(See `UmlFrame`).
This file format is portable with authers UML tool like (Rational Rose)
Sample use::
# # Write
# pyutXmi = PyutXmi()
# text = pyutXmi.save(oglObjects)
# file.write(text)
# open
dom = parse(StringIO(open(filename).read()))
myXmi = PyutXmi()
myXmi.open(dom, umlFrame)
:version: $Revision: 1.6 $
:author: Deve Roux
:contact: droux@eivd.ch
@modified C.Dutoit feb 2003 : updated, fixed, improved
# Here begin saving file
def _PyutLink2xml(self, pyutLink):
Exporting an PyutLink to an miniDom Element
@since 2.0
@Deve Roux <droux@eivd.ch>
@param PyutLink
@return Element
# hadding links in dictionnary
if pyutLink in self.__savedLinks:
return None
self.__savedLinks[pyutLink] = 1
root = Element('Link')
# link name
root.setAttribute('name', pyutLink.getName() )
# link type
root.setAttribute('type', str(pyutLink.getType()))
# link cardinality source
root.setAttribute('cardSrc', pyutLink.getSrcCard())
# link cardinality destination
root.setAttribute('cardDestination', pyutLink.getDestCard())
# link bidir
root.setAttribute('bidir', str(pyutLink.getBidir()))
# link destination
root.setAttribute('destination', pyutLink.getDestination().getName())
return root
def _PyutParam2xml(self, pyutParam):
Exporting an PyutParam to an miniDom Element
@since 2.0
@Deve Roux <droux@eivd.ch>
@param PyutParam
@return Element
root = Element('Param')
# param name
root.setAttribute('name', pyutParam.getName() )
# param type
root.setAttribute('type', str(pyutParam.getType()))
# param defaulf value
defaultValue = pyutParam.getDefaultValue()
if (defaultValue != None):
root.setAttribute('defaultValue', defaultValue)
return root
def _PyutField2xml(self, pyutField):
Exporting an PyutField to an miniDom Element
@since 2.0
@Deve Roux <droux@eivd.ch>
@param PyutField
@return Element
root = Element('Field')
# adding the parent XML
# pyutField is a param
# field visibility
root.setAttribute('visibility', str(pyutField.getVisibility()) )
return root
def _PyutMethod2xml(self, pyutMethod):
Exporting an PyutMethod to an miniDom Element
@since 2.0
@Deve Roux <droux@eivd.ch>
@param PyutMethod
@return Element
root = Element('Method')
# method name
root.setAttribute('name', pyutMethod.getName() )
# method visibility
visibility = pyutMethod.getVisibility()
if (visibility != None):
root.setAttribute('visibility', str(visibility.getVisibility()))
# for all modifiers
for i in pyutMethod.getModifiers():
modifier = Element('Modifier')
modifier.setAttribute('name', i.getName())
# method return type
ret = pyutMethod.getReturns()
if (ret != None):
eleRet = Element('Return')
eleRet.setAttribute('type', str(ret))
# method params
for para in pyutMethod.getParams() :
return root
def _PyutClass2xml(self, pyutClass):
Exporting an PyutClass to an miniDom Element
@since 2.0
@Deve Roux <droux@eivd.ch>
@param PyutClass
@return Element
root = Element('Class')
# class name
root.setAttribute('name', pyutClass.getName())
# classs stereotype
stereotype = pyutClass.getStereotype()
if (stereotype != None):
root.setAttribute('stereotype', \
# methods methods
for i in pyutClass.getMethods():
# for all the field
for i in pyutClass.getFields():
# for fathers
fathers = pyutClass.getFathers()
if(len(fathers) > 0):
for i in fathers:
father = Element('Father')
father.setAttribute('name', i.getName() )
# for all links
links = pyutClass.getLinks()
for i in links:
res = self._PyutLink2xml(i)
if res is not None:
return root
def _OglClass2xml(self, oglClass):
Exporting an OglClass to an miniDom Element
@since 2.0
@Deve Roux <droux@eivd.ch>
@param OglClass
@return Element
root = Element('GraphicClass')
# class definition
# adding width and height
w, h = oglClass.GetBoundingBoxMin()
root.setAttribute('width', str(int(w)) )
root.setAttribute('height', str(int(h)) )
# calculate the top right corner of the shape
x = int(oglClass.GetX())
y = int(oglClass.GetY())
root.setAttribute('x', str(int(x)) )
root.setAttribute('y', str(int(y)) )
# adding the class
return root
def save(self, oglObjects):
To save save diagram in XML file.
@since 1.0
@Deve Roux <droux@eivd.ch>
root = Document()
top = Element("Pyut")
self.__savedLinks = {}
dlg=wx.Dialog(NULL, -1, "Saving...",
size=wx.Size(207, 70))
gauge=wx.Gauge(dlg, -1, len(oglObjects), pos=wx.Point(2, 5),
size=wx.Size(200, 30))
for i in range(len(oglObjects)):
self.__savedLinks = None
return root
# Here begin reading file
def _xmiVisibility2PyutVisibility(self, visibility="private"):
To translate Xmi visibility to Pyut visibility.
Translating :
- private -> -
- public -> +
- protected -> #
- others ->
@param String : Xmi visibility
@return Sting : Pyut visibility
@since 1.0
@author Deve Roux <droux@eivd.ch>
if(visibility == "private") :
return "-"
elif(visibility == "public") :
return "+"
elif(visibility == "protected") :
return "#"
return ""
def _getDefaultValue(self, xmiParam, pyutParam) :
Get the default value from xmiParm and update pyutParam with
the default value.
@param minidom.Element : xmiParam
@param PyutParam : pyutParam
@since 1.0
@author Deve Roux <droux@eivd.ch>
# get the value
value = xmiParam.getElementsByTagName \
if(value is not None):
if(value.nodeType == value.TEXT_NODE) :
# updating pyutParam
def _getType(self, dom) :
Parse dom document for all type ID and update methods and params
@param minidom : dom
@since 1.0
@author Deve Roux <droux@eivd.ch>
# parse to find type name using tag name
def parse(dom, tag):
for type in dom.getElementsByTagName(tag):
id = type.getAttribute("xmi.id")
xmiType = type.getElementsByTagName("Foundation.Core.ModelElement.name")
if(len(xmiType) > 0):
typeName = xmiType[0].firstChild.data
# making link with dictionnary
parse(dom, "Foundation.Core.DataType")
def _getTypeId(self, xmiParam, param, dico):
Parse xmiParam and making link in dico between param and xmiParam Id.
@param xmiParam : xmiParam
@param PyutParam : param
@param {} : dico : dicoType of dicoReturn
@since 1.0
@author Deve Roux <droux@eivd.ch>
def parse(xmiParam, param, dico, tag):
for type in xmiParam.getElementsByTagName(tag):
id = type.getAttribute("xmi.idref")
dico[id] = param
parse(xmiParam, param, dico, "Foundation.Core.DataType")
parse(xmiParam, param, dico, "Foundation.Data_Types.Enumeration")
def _getParam(self, Param, pyutMethod):
Extract param from Xmi file from Class part.
@param minidom.Element : Param
@param pyutMethod for returned type
@return PyutParam
@since 1.0
@author Deve Roux <droux@eivd.ch>
aParam = PyutParam()
# param's name
name = Param.getElementsByTagName \
if(name.nodeType == name.TEXT_NODE) :
if(name.data[-6:] == "Return"):
self._getTypeId(Param, pyutMethod, self.dicoReturn)
return None
# default value
self._getDefaultValue(Param, aParam)
# for type
self._getTypeId(Param, aParam, self.dicoType)
return aParam
def _getMethods(self, Class):
Extract method from Xmi file from Class part.
@param minidom.Element : Class
@return [] with PyutMethod
@since 1.0
@author Deve Roux <droux@eivd.ch>
# class methods for this currente class
allMethods = []
for Method in Class.getElementsByTagName("Foundation.Core.Operation") :
# method name
name = Method.getElementsByTagName \
if(name.nodeType == name.TEXT_NODE) :
aMethod = PyutMethod(name.data)
# method visibility
visibility = Method.getElementsByTagName \
# for methods param
allParams = []
for Param in Method.getElementsByTagName \
("Foundation.Core.Parameter") :
pyutParam = self._getParam(Param, aMethod)
if(pyutParam is not None):
# setting de params for thiy method
# hadding this method in all class methods
return allMethods
def _getFields(self, Class):
To extract fields form Class.
@param minidom.Element : Class
@return [] with PyutField
@since 1.0
@author Deve Roux <droux@eivd.ch>
# for class fields
allFields = []
for Field in Class.getElementsByTagName("Foundation.Core.Attribute") :
aField = PyutField()
# name
name = Field.getElementsByTagName \
if(name.nodeType == name.TEXT_NODE) :
# field visibility
visibility = Field.getElementsByTagName \
# default value
self._getDefaultValue(Field, aField)
# for type
self._getTypeId(Field, aField, self.dicoType)
return allFields
def _getFathers(self, dom, umlFrame):
To extract fathers form Class.
@param xml.dom.minidom Element : dom
@param UmlFrame umlFrame
@since 1.0
@author Deve Roux <droux@eivd.ch>
# find id from class in src
def parse(src, type):
father = fathers.getElementsByTagName(type)
if len(father)>0:
klass = father[0].getElementsByTagName\
return klass
return None
# for all fathers links
for fathers in dom.getElementsByTagName("Foundation.Core.Generalization"):
# link id
linkId = fathers.getAttribute("xmi.id")
if(linkId != ""):
print linkId
father = parse(fathers, "Foundation.Core.Generalization.supertype")
son = parse(fathers, "Foundation.Core.Generalization.subtype")
# find class with id
pyutFather = self.dicoFather[linkId][father]
pyutSon = self.dicoFather[linkId][son]
# Adding father in pyutClass
# hadding link in uml frame
umlFrame.createInheritanceLink(pyutSon, pyutFather)
def _getLinks(self, dom, umlFrame):
To extract links form an OGL object.
@param xml.dom.minidom Element : dom
@param UmlFrame umlFrame
@since 1.0
@author Deve Roux <droux@eivd.ch>
for association in dom.getElementsByTagName("Foundation.Core.Association"):
linkId = association.getAttribute("xmi.id")
if(linkId == ""):
print "liinId " + linkId
linkName = ""
xmiName = association.getElementsByTagName\
name = xmiName[0].firstChild
if name is not None:
if(name.nodeType == name.TEXT_NODE) :
linkName = name.data
print "link name : "+linkName
src = None
dest = None
for extremite in association.getElementsByTagName\
classId = extremite.getAttribute("xmi.id")
if(not src):
src = self.dicoLinks[classId]
dest = self.dicoLinks[classId]
xmiType = association.getElementsByTagName("Foundation.Core.AssociationEnd.aggregation")
createdLink = umlFrame.createNewLink(src, dest, type)
# <Foundation.Core.AssociationEnd xmi.id = 'G.3'>
# <Foundation.Core.ModelElement.name>roleA</Foundation.Core.ModelElement.name>
# <Foundation.Core.ModelElement.visibility xmi.value = 'public'/>
# <Foundation.Core.AssociationEnd.isNavigable xmi.value = 'True'/>
# <Foundation.Core.AssociationEnd.isOrdered xmi.value = 'False'/>
# <Foundation.Core.AssociationEnd.aggregation xmi.value = 'none'/>
# <Foundation.Core.AssociationEnd.multiplicity>0..*</Foundation.Core.AssociationEnd.multiplicity>
# <Foundation.Core.AssociationEnd.changeable xmi.value = 'none'/>
# <Foundation.Core.AssociationEnd.targetScope xmi.value = 'instance'/>
# <Foundation.Core.AssociationEnd.type>
# <Foundation.Core.Class xmi.idref = 'S.10001'/> <!-- A -->
# </Foundation.Core.AssociationEnd.type>
# </Foundation.Core.AssociationEnd>
def _getOglClasses(self, xmlOglClasses, dicoOglObjects, \
umlFrame, oldData):
Parse the XMI elements given and build data layer for PyUT classes.
If file is version 1.0, the dictionary given will contain, for key,
the name of the OGL object. Otherwise, it will be the ID
(multi-same-name support from version 1.1). Everything is fixed
@param Element[] xmlOglClasses : XMI 'GraphicClass' elements
@param {id / srcName, OglObject} dicoOglObjects : OGL objects loaded
@param {id / srcName, OglLink} dicoLink : OGL links loaded
@param {id / srcName, id / srcName} fathers: Inheritance
@param UmlFrame umlFrame : Where to draw
@param int oldData : If old data (v1.0), 1 else 0
@since 2.0
@author Philippe Waelti <pwaelti@eivd.ch>
pyutClass = PyutClass()
# adding name for this class
className = xmlOglClasses.getElementsByTagName \
if(len(className) > 0):
name = className[0].firstChild
if(name.nodeType == name.TEXT_NODE) :
oglClass = OglClass(pyutClass, 50, 50)
# adding methods for this class
# adding fields for this class
# for class id
classId = xmlOglClasses.getAttribute("xmi.id");
print "Class ID : "+classId
# for all class whos are inerithance link
for fathers in xmlOglClasses.getElementsByTagName \
linkId = fathers.getAttribute("xmi.idref")
print "Father : " + linkId
if(not self.dicoFather.has_key(linkId)):
self.dicoFather[linkId][classId] = oglClass
# for all class whos are link
for links in xmlOglClasses.getElementsByTagName \
for link in links.getElementsByTagName("Foundation.Core.AssociationEnd"):
linkId = link.getAttribute("xmi.idref")
print "LINK " + linkId
if(not self.dicoLinks.has_key(linkId)):
#self.dicoLinks[linkId][classId] = oglClass
dicoOglObjects[pyutClass.getId()] = oglClass
umlFrame.addShape(oglClass, 100, 100)
def open(self, dom, umlFrame):
To open a file and creating diagram.
@since 1.0
@Deve Roux <droux@eivd.ch>
from xml.dom.minidom import parse
dicoOglObjects = {} # format {name : oglClass}
oldData = 0 # 1 if PyUT v1.0 files
self.dicoLinks = {} # format [name : PyutLink}
self.dicoFather = {} # format {child oglClass : [fathers names]}
self.dicoType = {}
self.dicoReturn = {}
# Load OGL Classes
for Class in dom.getElementsByTagName("Foundation.Core.Class"):
self._getOglClasses(Class, dicoOglObjects, umlFrame, oldData)
# making link with xmi idType and method return and field
self._getFathers(dom, umlFrame)
self._getLinks(dom, umlFrame)
# to draw diagram
# cleaning dico
def main():
#from xml.dom.minidom import parse
dom = parse(StringIO(open(filename).read()))
myXmi = PyutXmi()
if __name__ == "__main__":