#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
__version__ = "$Revision: 1.5 $"
__author__ = "Laurent Burgbacher - lb@alawa.ch"
__date__ = "2002-10-10"
from StringIO import StringIO
from PyutToPlugin import PyutToPlugin
from PyutClass import PyutClass
from OglClass import OglClass
from PyutMethod import PyutMethod
from PyutParam import PyutParam
from PyutField import PyutField
from PyutConsts import *
from DlgFEOptions import *
import os
class ToFastEdit(PyutToPlugin):
Python code generation/reverse engineering
@version $Revision: 1.5 $
def __init__(self, umlObjects, umlFrame):
@param String filename : name of the file to save to
@param OglObject oglObjects : list of ogl objects
@param UmlFrame umlFrame : the umlframe of pyut
@author Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
@since 1.0
PyutToPlugin.__init__(self, umlObjects, umlFrame)
self._editor = None
self._umlFrame = umlFrame
# your initializations now
def getName(self):
This method returns the name of the plugin.
@return string
@since 1.1
return "Fast text edition"
def getAuthor(self):
This method returns the author of the plugin.
@return string
@since 1.1
return "Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>"
def getVersion(self):
This method returns the version of the plugin.
@return string
@since 1.1
return "1.0"
def getMenuTitle(self):
Return a menu title string
@return string
@author Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
@since 1.0
# Return the menu title as it must be displayed
return "Fast text edit"
def setOptions(self):
Prepare the import.
This can be used to ask some questions to the user.
@return Boolean : if False, the import will be cancelled.
@author Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
@since 1.0
dlg = DlgFEOptions(self._umlFrame)
self._editor = dlg.getEditor()
if self._editor == "":
return False
return True
def _findParams(self, line):
Parse a params line.
format is :
param:type[, param:type]*
@param string line
@return []
@since 1.0
#print "params received :", line
params = [s.strip().split(":") for s in line.split(",")]
params = map(lambda x: len(x) == 2 and x or [x[0], ""], params)
p = []
#print "params:", params
if params:
for name, type in params:
p.append((name.strip(), type.strip()))
return p
def read(self, umlObject, file):
Read data from filename. Abstract.
@param OglClass and OglLink [] : list of imported objects
@param UmlFrame : Pyut's UmlFrame
@author Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
@since 1.0
classname = file.readline().strip()
pyutclass = umlObject.getPyutObject()
# process stereotype if present
next = file.readline().strip()
if next[0:2] == "<<":
next = file.readline().strip()
methods = []
fields = []
# process methods and fields
while 1:
if next == "": break
# search visibility
if next[0] in ("+", "-", "#"):
vis = next[0]
next = next[1:]
vis = ""
pos = next.find("(")
params = []
if pos != -1:
# process method
name = next[0:pos].strip()
next = next[pos+1:]
pos = next.find(")")
if pos != -1:
params = self._findParams(next[:pos])
next = next[pos+1:]
pos = next.find(":")
if pos != -1:
returnType = next[pos+1:].strip()
returnType = ""
method = PyutMethod(name, vis, returnType)
method.setParams(map(lambda x: PyutParam(x[0], x[1]), params))
# process field
field = self._findParams(next)[0]
if field:
fields.append(PyutField(field[0], field[1],
next = file.readline().strip()
def write(self, oglObject, file):
Write data to filename.
@param OglClass and OglLink [] : list of exported objects
@author Laurent Burgbacher <lb@alawa.ch>
@since 1.0
import os
o = oglObject.getPyutObject()
file.write(o.getName() + "\n")
if o.getStereotype() is not None:
file.write(str(o.getStereotype()) + "\n")
for method in o.getMethods():
file.write(method.getString() + "\n")
for field in o.getFields():
file.write(str(field) + "\n")
def doAction(self, umlObjects, selectedObjects, umlFrame):
Do the tool's action
@param OglObject [] umlObjects : list of the uml objects of the diagram
@param OglObject [] selectedObjects : list of the selected objects
@param UmlFrame umlFrame : the frame of the diagram
@since 1.0
@author C.Dutoit <dutoitc@hotmail.com>
if len(selectedObjects) != 1:
print "Please select one class"
filename = "pyut.fte"
file = open(filename, "w")
self.write(selectedObjects[0], file)
os.system(self._editor + " " + filename)
file = open(filename, "r")
self.read(selectedObjects[0], file)