"""This subclass of ``WebServerAdaptor`` is for mod_python."""
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext"
# Created: Fri Apr 13 19:10:54 PDT 2001
# Author: Shannon -jj Behrens
# Email: jjinux@users.sourceforge.net
# Copyright (c) Shannon -jj Behrens. All rights reserved.
# Delay imports:
# * For epyDoc's sake, don't assume the user has mod_python at all.
# * Because we want to set __main__.packagePath from within the handler
# method, avoid other aquarium imports.
from aquarium.wsadaptor.WebServerAdaptor import WebServerAdaptor
class ModPythonAdaptor(WebServerAdaptor):
"""This subclass of WebServerAdaptor_ is for mod_python_.
There are many ways to configure mod_python. In the example below, any
request for "/aquarium" is given to Aquarium. Note that this configuration
even removes the need for a separate entry point::
<Location "/aquarium">
# Update your path, if necessary:
# PythonPath "sys.path + ['/path/to']"
SetHandler python-program
PythonHandler aquarium.wsadaptor.ModPythonAdaptor
PythonOption AQUARIUM_PACKAGE_PATH /var/www/site-packages
PythonDebug On
Be careful if you are using SELinux. It can cause errors that look like
Aquarium is not even installed! Keep an eye on both the server log and
``/var/log/messages`` if things aren't working.
The following urlscheme modules can be used with this Web server adaptor:
QueryParameters_, PathInfo_.
The following attributes are used:
This is the request object given to us by mod_python.
.. _WebServerAdaptor:
.. _mod_python: http://www.modpython.org
.. _QueryParameters:
.. _PathInfo:
def __init__(self, req):
"""Receive the request object."""
self.req = req
def setResponseCode(self, code=None, __ignored_msg=None):
"""Set the Web server response code and message.
Keword arguments:
The default means "OK".
This is an unused part of the API.
if code is None:
from aquarium.util import HTTPResponses
code = HTTPResponses.OK
self.req.status = code
def write(self, s):
"""Output a string."""
def writeHeaders(self, headersList):
"""Output a list of header strings.
The list will contains tuples like::
("Content-type", "text/html")
req = self.req
allKeys = []
for (key, value) in headersList:
if key.lower() == "content-type":
req.content_type = value
elif key in allKeys:
req.headers_out.add(key, value) # Duplicate.
req.headers_out[key] = value
def getCgiEnv(self):
"""Return CGI-like environmental variables."""
from mod_python.apache import build_cgi_env
if not hasattr(self, "_cgiEnv"):
self._cgiEnv = build_cgi_env(self.req)
return self._cgiEnv
def getForm(self):
"""Instantiate some ``cgi.FieldStorage`` and return the instance."""
from mod_python.util import FieldStorage
return FieldStorage(self.req)
def handler(req):
"""Use this as your mod_python handler.
If you need to use your own subclass of ``aquarium.util.Aquarium``, create
a new modules that has a ``handler`` function like this one. You can still
make use of this module's ``ModPythonAdaptor`` class and
``updatePackagePath`` function.
This function calls ``updatePackagePath``.
from aquarium.util.Aquarium import Aquarium
from aquarium.util import HTTPResponses
from mod_python import apache
adaptor = ModPythonAdaptor(req)
if req.status == HTTPResponses.OK:
return apache.OK # apache.OK != HTTPResponses.OK
return req.status
def updatePackagePath(req):
"""Update ``__main__.packagePath``.
If the mod_python PythonOption AQUARIUM_PACKAGE_PATH is set, then set
``__main__.packagePath`` and reload the aquarium package.
options = req.get_options()
if options.has_key("AQUARIUM_PACKAGE_PATH"):
import __main__
__main__.packagePath = options["AQUARIUM_PACKAGE_PATH"].split(":")
import aquarium