from django.db import connections
from django.db.models.query import sql
from django.contrib.gis.db.models.fields import GeometryField
from django.contrib.gis.db.models.sql import aggregates
from django.contrib.gis.db.models.sql.conversion import AreaField,DistanceField,GeomField
from django.contrib.gis.db.models.sql.where import GeoWhereNode
from django.contrib.gis.geometry.backend import Geometry
from django.contrib.gis.measure import Area,Distance
ALL_TERMS = dict([(x, None) for x in (
'bbcontains', 'bboverlaps', 'contained', 'contains',
'contains_properly', 'coveredby', 'covers', 'crosses', 'disjoint',
'distance_gt', 'distance_gte', 'distance_lt', 'distance_lte',
'dwithin', 'equals', 'exact',
'intersects', 'overlaps', 'relate', 'same_as', 'touches', 'within',
'left', 'right', 'overlaps_left', 'overlaps_right',
'overlaps_above', 'overlaps_below',
'strictly_above', 'strictly_below'
class GeoQuery(sql.Query):
A single spatial SQL query.
# Overridding the valid query terms.
query_terms = ALL_TERMS
aggregates_module = gis_aggregates
compiler = 'GeoSQLCompiler'
#### Methods overridden from the base Query class ####
def __init__(self, model, where=GeoWhereNode):
super(GeoQuery, self).__init__(model, where)
# The following attributes are customized for the GeoQuerySet.
# The GeoWhereNode and SpatialBackend classes contain backend-specific
# routines and functions.
self.custom_select = {}
self.transformed_srid = None
self.extra_select_fields = {}
def clone(self, *args, **kwargs):
obj = super(GeoQuery, self).clone(*args, **kwargs)
# Customized selection dictionary and transformed srid flag have
# to also be added to obj.
obj.custom_select = self.custom_select.copy()
obj.transformed_srid = self.transformed_srid
obj.extra_select_fields = self.extra_select_fields.copy()
return obj
def convert_values(self, value, field, connection):
Using the same routines that Oracle does we can convert our
extra selection objects into Geometry and Distance objects.
TODO: Make converted objects 'lazy' for less overhead.
# Running through Oracle's first.
value = super(GeoQuery, self).convert_values(value, field or GeomField(), connection)
if value is None:
# Output from spatial function is NULL (e.g., called
# function on a geometry field with NULL value).
elif isinstance(field, DistanceField):
# Using the field's distance attribute, can instantiate
# `Distance` with the right context.
value = Distance(**{field.distance_att : value})
elif isinstance(field, AreaField):
value = Area(**{field.area_att : value})
elif isinstance(field, (GeomField, GeometryField)) and value:
value = Geometry(value)
return value
def get_aggregation(self, using):
# Remove any aggregates marked for reduction from the subquery
# and move them to the outer AggregateQuery.
connection = connections[using]
for alias, aggregate in self.aggregate_select.items():
if isinstance(aggregate, gis_aggregates.GeoAggregate):
if not getattr(aggregate, 'is_extent', False) or
self.extra_select_fields[alias] = GeomField()
return super(GeoQuery, self).get_aggregation(using)
def resolve_aggregate(self, value, aggregate, connection):
Overridden from GeoQuery's normalize to handle the conversion of
GeoAggregate objects.
if isinstance(aggregate, self.aggregates_module.GeoAggregate):
if aggregate.is_extent:
if aggregate.is_extent == '3D':
return connection.ops.convert_extent3d(value)
return connection.ops.convert_extent(value)
return connection.ops.convert_geom(value, aggregate.source)
return super(GeoQuery, self).resolve_aggregate(value, aggregate, connection)
# Private API utilities, subject to change.
def _geo_field(self, field_name=None):
Returns the first Geometry field encountered; or specified via the
`field_name` keyword. The `field_name` may be a string specifying
the geometry field on this GeoQuery's model, or a lookup string
to a geometry field via a ForeignKey relation.
if field_name is None:
# Incrementing until the first geographic field is found.
for fld in self.model._meta.fields:
if isinstance(fld, GeometryField): return fld
return False
# Otherwise, check by the given field name -- which may be
# a lookup to a _related_ geographic field.
return GeoWhereNode._check_geo_field(self.model._meta, field_name)