"""BuanBuan, simple implementation of Wiki"""
import cStringIO,string,os,re,sys,time,cPickle,cgi
import sets
superscripts=re.compile(r"\^(.+?)\^") # caret for superscripted
hr = re.compile("^[\-]+.*",re.MULTILINE)
header = re.compile("^(!+)(.*)",re.MULTILINE)
anchor = re.compile(r'\[(.+)\|(.+)\]')
image = re.compile(r'\bimg([lcr]?):(\S*)\b')
href_patt = re.compile('<\s*?[Aa]\s+?')
style = re.compile('^\{\s*(\w*)')
line = re.compile('(^.*)',re.MULTILINE)
list_ = re.compile('^([#*]+) (.*)')
tableopts = re.compile(r'^\|\|\{\s*(.*?)\s*\}\|\|')
def isLinkName(word):
"""Returns true if word is a valid Wiki link"""
return wikiLink.match(word)
class BuanDoc:
def __init__(self, name, text):
self.wikiNames = sets.Set() # new pages (words as valid Wiki names)
self.pageName = name
self.text = cgi.escape(text)
self.listqueue = []
self.intable = False
def make_html(self):
# wiki names
self.text = wikiLink.sub(self.handle_wikiLink,self.text)
# anchors
self.text = anchor.sub(self.handle_anchor,self.text)
# images
self.text = image.sub(self.handle_image,self.text)
# non wiki names : remove first character _
self.text = noWikiLink.sub(self.handle_nowiki,self.text)
# bold, italic, superscript
# horizontal rule, header
self.text = hr.sub(self.handle_hr,self.text)
self.text = header.sub(self.handle_header,self.text)
# css style
self.in_style = False
#self.text = style.sub(self.handle_style,self.text)
# ordered and unordered lists
self.ol_depth = 0
self.ul_depth = 0
self.text = line.sub(self.handle_line,self.text)
def handle_wikiLink(self,mo):
link = mo.group()
return '<a href="BuanShow.pih?pageName=%s">%s</a>' % (link,link)
def handle_nowiki(self,mo):
link = mo.group()
return link[1:]
def handle_anchor(self,mo):
txt,href = mo.groups()
if href.startswith('<a href="BuanShow.pih?pageName'):
href = href[:href[:-4].rfind('>')+1]
return href + txt + '</a>'
return '<a href="%s">%s</a>' %(href,txt)
def handle_image(self,mo):
a, src = mo.groups()
align = ''
if a == 'l':
align = ' align="left"'
elif a == 'r':
align = ' align="right"'
res = '<img src="%s" %s>' % (src, align)
if a == 'c':
res = '\n<p align="center">%s</p>\r' % res
return res
def handle_style(self,mo):
style = mo.groups()[0]
text = mo.groups()[1].lstrip()
return '<pre class = "%s">%s</pre>' %(style,text)
def handle_hr(self,mo):
return '<hr>\n'
def handle_header(self,mo):
level = len(mo.groups()[0])
return '<h%s>%s</h%s>' %(level,mo.groups()[1].rstrip(),level)
def handle_line(self,mo):
text = mo.groups()[0]
res = ''
# List?
#if self.toggles['pre']: return s
mo = list_.match(text)
if mo:
tag, text = mo.groups()
listtype = {'*': 'ul', '#': 'ol'}[tag[0]]
depth = len(tag)
oldlistlevel = len(self.listqueue)
for i in range(depth, oldlistlevel): #if indent<oldlistlevel
res += '%s</%s>\n' % (' ' * i, self.listqueue.pop())
for i in range(oldlistlevel, depth): #if indent>oldlistlevel
res += '%s<%s>\n' % (' ' * i, listtype); self.listqueue.append(listtype)
if listtype != self.listqueue[-1]: #same indent but different flavour list
res += '%s</%s>%s<%s>\n' % (' ' * depth, self.listqueue.pop(), ' ' * depth, listtype)
res += '%s<li>' % (' ' * depth)
# No longer in a list, so dedent
while self.listqueue:
res += ' ' * (len(self.listqueue)-1) + '</%s>\n' % self.listqueue.pop()
# table ?
sym = text[:2]
if sym == '||' :
if not self.intable:
self.intable = True
opts = 'border="1" cellspacing="0"'
mo = tableopts.match(text)
if mo:
opts = mo.groups()[0]
text = ''
res += '<table %s>\n' % opts
if self.intable:
res += "\n</table>\n"
self.intable = False
if self.intable and text:
tag1 = '<td valign="top">'
tag2 = "</td>"
cells = (' %s%s' % (tag2, tag1)).join(text.split(sym)[1:-1])
res += '<tr>%s%s %s</tr>' % (tag1, cells, tag2)
text = ''
# style ?
mo = style.match(text)
if mo:
stylename = mo.groups()[0]
res = '<pre class = "%s">' %stylename
text = text[mo.end():].lstrip()
self.in_style = True
# end of style ?
if text.startswith('}'):
res = '</pre>'
text = text[1:]
self.in_style = False
br = ''
if not res and not self.in_style:
br = '<p>'
return br + res + text
def handle_bold(self,mo):
return "<b>%s</b>" %mo.groups()[0]
def handle_italic(self,mo):
return "<i>%s</i>" %mo.groups()[0]
def handle_superscript(self,mo):
return "<sup>%s</sup>" %mo.groups()[0]
def test():
txt = """[prvious|blabla.pih?jjj]
!!!New features
1. refactoring of the Template module : execution of scripts is passed to modules mod_(extension)
1.a new option if .ini file specifies the supported extensions
1. added ^Cheetah^ support
1. replaced gadfly by [_KirbyBase|http://www.netpromi.com/kirbybase.html], removed dbStorage
2. exception '''SCRIPT_ERROR''' : raise SCRIPT_ERROR,msg prints the message msg and stops the script execution
{ python print
WiKi _NoWiKi
!!!To do
* document ''virtual'' hosts
** first
** second
* other point
!!! salut
1. ca va etre dur
2. de trouver
2. quelque chose
1. de special
{ html <br>
* a dire
[essai de lien|AvecLienWiki]
b = BuanDoc('test',txt)
print b.text
if __name__=="__main__":
print isLinkName('LineWiki')
print isLinkName('_LienWiki')