"""Default configuration file
If you want to change options, copy this file with a different
name and change the dictionary conf in module virtual_hosts.py
import os
# allow directory listing if url matches a directory ?
allow_directory_listing = [None]
# don't serve files with extension in this list
hide_extensions = [".pdl"]
# don't serve files with path matching regular expressions in this list
ignore = [".*/favicon.ico","/core.*","/package.*","/conf.*","/data.*"]
# logging file
logging_file = None #os.path.join(karrigell_dir,"logs","access.log")
logging_rotate = "hourly"
# Unicode management
# encode_output : a string = the encoding to use to send data back to the
# client
output_encoding = None #"utf-8"
# language to translate marked strings to
language = None
# indicates if a complete trace should be printed in case of exception
debug = True
# dictionary of aliases
# if alias["foo"] = "/usr/some_folder" then url /foo/bar.py will
# be resolved to file /usr/some_folder/bar.py
alias = {
# use gzip to compress text files ?
gzip = True
# these modules will be available in all scripts namespace
global_modules = [] #[os.path.join(root_dir,"demo","tour","aaa.py")]
# capture request and response in a database ?
capture = False
# maximum number of sessions
max_sessions = 500