"""PyDbLite.py adapted for MySQL backend
Differences with PyDbLite:
- pass the connection to the MySQL db as argument to Base()
- in create(), field definitions must specify a type
- no index
- the Base() instance has a cursor attribute, so that SQL requests
can be executed :
result = db.cursor.fetchall()
Fields must be declared
Syntax :
from PyDbLite.MySQL import Database,Table
db = Database("localhost","root","admin","test")
# pass the connection as argument to Base creation
table = Table('dummy',db)
# create new table with field names
# open existing base
# insert new record
# selection by list comprehension
res = [ r for r in table if 30 > r['age'] >= 18 and r['size'] < 2 ]
# or generator expression
for r in (r for r in table if r['name'] in ('homer','marge') ):
# simple selection (equality test)
res = table(age=30)
# the following methods only work if the table has an
# delete a record or a list of records
# delete a record by its id
del table[rec_id]
# direct access by id
record = table[rec_id] # the record such that record['__id__'] == rec_id
# update
# add and drop fields
# save changes on disk
import os
import cPickle
import bisect
import datetime
import MySQLdb
# compatibility with Python 2.3
except NameError:
from sets import Set
class MySQLError(Exception):
class Connection:
def __init__(self,host,login,password):
self.conn = MySQLdb.connect(host,login,password)
self.cursor = self.conn.cursor()
def databases(self):
self.cursor.execute('SHOW DATABASES')
return [db[0] for db in self.cursor.fetchall()]
def create(self,db_name,mode=None):
if mode=="open":
if not db_name in self.databases():
self.cursor.execute('CREATE DATABASE %s' %db_name)
self.cursor.execute('USE %s' %db_name)
self.cursor.execute('CREATE DATABASE %s' %db_name)
return Database(db_name,self)
class Database:
def __init__(self,db_name,connection):
self.conn = connection
self.cursor = connection.cursor
self.cursor.execute('USE %s' %db_name)
def tables(self):
self.cursor.execute("SHOW TABLES")
return [ t[0] for t in self.cursor.fetchall() ]
def drop(self):
# drop database
self.cursor.execute('USE %s' %db)
self.cursor.execute('SHOW TABLES')
if len(self.cursor.fetchall()):
raise MySQLError,\
"Can't drop database %s ; all tables must be dropped first" %db
class Table:
def __init__(self,table_name,db):
"""db = an instance of Database"""
self.name = table_name
self.db = db
self.conn = self.db.conn.conn
self.cursor = db.cursor
def create(self,*fields,**kw):
"""Create a new table
For each field, a 2-element tuple is provided :
- the field name
- a string with additional information : field type +
other information using the MySQL syntax
eg : ('name','TEXT NOT NULL')
A keyword argument mode can be specified ; it is used if a file
with the base name already exists
- if mode = 'open' : open the existing base, ignore the fields
- if mode = 'override' : erase the existing base and create a
new one with the specified fields"""
self.mode = mode = kw.get("mode",None)
if self._table_exists():
if mode == "override":
self.cursor.execute("DROP TABLE %s" %self.name)
elif mode == "open":
return self.open()
raise IOError,"Base %s already exists" %self.name
self.fields = []
self.field_info = {}
sql = "CREATE TABLE %s (" %self.name
for field in fields:
sql += self._validate_field(field)
sql += ','
sql = sql[:-1]+')'
return self
def _validate_field(self,field):
if len(field)!= 2:
msg = "Error in field definition %s" %field
msg += ": should be a 2- tuple (field_name,field_info)"
raise SQLiteError,msg
return '%s %s' %(field[0],field[1])
def open(self):
"""Open an existing database"""
if self._table_exists():
self.mode = "open"
return self
# table not found
raise IOError,"Table %s doesn't exist" %self.name
def _table_exists(self):
"""Database-specific method to see if the table exists"""
self.cursor.execute("SHOW TABLES")
for table in self.cursor.fetchall():
if table[0].lower() == self.name.lower():
return True
return False
def _get_table_info(self):
"""Database-specific method to get field names"""
self.rowid = None
self.fields = []
self.field_info = {}
self.cursor.execute('DESCRIBE %s' %self.name)
for row in self.cursor.fetchall():
field,typ,null,key,default,extra = row
self.field_info[field] = {'type':typ,'NOT NULL':null,'key':key,
if extra == 'auto_increment':
self.rowid = field
def commit(self):
def insert(self,*args,**kw):
"""Insert a record in the database
Parameters can be positional or keyword arguments. If positional
they must be in the same order as in the create() method
If some of the fields are missing the value is set to None
Returns the record identifier
fields = [ f for f in self.fields
if not self.field_info[f]['extra']=="auto_increment"]
if args:
kw = dict([(f,arg) for f,arg in zip(fields,args)])
vals = self._make_sql_params(kw)
sql = "INSERT INTO %s SET %s" %(self.name,",".join(vals))
res = self.cursor.execute(sql,kw.values())
self.cursor.execute("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()")
__id__ = self.cursor.fetchone()[0]
return __id__
def delete(self,removed):
"""Remove a single record, or the records in an iterable
Before starting deletion, test if all records are in the base
and don't have twice the same __id__
Return the number of deleted items
if self.rowid is None:
raise MySQLError,"Can't use delete() : missing row id"
if isinstance(removed,dict):
# remove a single record
removed = [removed]
# convert iterable into a list (to be able to sort it)
removed = [ r for r in removed ]
if not removed:
return 0
_ids = [ r[self.rowid] for r in removed ]
sql = "DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s IN (%s)" %(self.name,self.rowid,
",".join([str(_id) for _id in _ids]))
return len(removed)
def update(self,record,**kw):
"""Update the record with new keys and values"""
# increment version number
if self.rowid is None:
raise MySQLError,"Can't use update() : missing row id"
vals = self._make_sql_params(kw)
sql = "UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE %s=%s" %(self.name,
def _make_sql_params(self,kw):
"""Make a list of strings to pass to an SQL statement
from the dictionary kw with Python types"""
return ['%s=%%s' %k for k in kw.keys() ]
def _conv(self,v):
if isinstance(v,str):
v = v.replace('"','""')
return '"%s"' %v
elif isinstance(v,datetime.datetime):
return '"%s"' %v.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
elif isinstance(v,datetime.date):
return v.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
return v
def _make_record(self,row):
"""Make a record dictionary from the result of a fetch_"""
return dict(zip(self.fields,row))
def add_field(self,field,default=None):
fname,ftype = field
if fname in self.fields:
raise ValueError,'Field "%s" already defined' %fname
sql = "ALTER TABLE %s ADD %s %s" %(self.name,fname,ftype)
if default is not None:
sql += " DEFAULT %s" %self._conv(default)
def drop_field(self,field):
if not field in self.fields:
raise ValueError,"Field %s not found in base" %field
sql = "ALTER TABLE %s DROP %s" %(self.name,field)
def __call__(self,**kw):
"""Selection by field values
db(key=value) returns the list of records where r[key] = value"""
for key in kw:
if not key in self.fields:
raise ValueError,"Field %s not in the database" %key
vals = self._make_sql_params(kw)
if vals:
sql = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s" %(self.name," AND ".join(vals))
else: # all records
sql = "SELECT * FROM %s" %self.name
return [self._make_record(row) for row in self.cursor.fetchall() ]
def __getitem__(self,record_id):
"""Direct access by record id"""
if self.rowid is None:
raise MySQLError,"Can't use __getitem__() : missing row id"
sql = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s=%s" %(self.name,self.rowid,record_id)
res = self.cursor.fetchone()
if res is None:
raise IndexError,"No record at index %s" %record_id
return self._make_record(res)
def __len__(self):
self.cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s" %self.name)
return int(self.cursor.fetchone()[0])
def __delitem__(self,record_id):
"""Delete by record id"""
def __iter__(self):
"""Iteration on the records"""
self.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM %s" %self.name)
results = [ self._make_record(r) for r in self.cursor.fetchall() ]
return iter(results)
Base = Table # compatibility with older versions
if __name__ == '__main__':