BSD licence
Author : Pierre Quentel (pierre.quentel@gmail.com)
In-memory database management, with selection by list comprehension
or generator expression
Fields are untyped : they can store anything that can be pickled.
Selected records are returned as dictionaries. Each record is
identified by a unique id and has a version number incremented
at every record update, to detect concurrent access
Syntax :
from PyDbLite import Base
db = Base('dummy')
# create new base with field names
# existing base
# insert new record
# records are dictionaries with a unique integer key __id__
# simple selection by field value
records = db(name="homer")
# complex selection by list comprehension
res = [ r for r in db if 30 > r['age'] >= 18 and r['size'] < 2 ]
# or generator expression
for r in (r for r in db if r['name'] in ('homer','marge') ):
# delete a record or a list of records
# delete a record by its id
del db[rec_id]
# direct access by id
record = db[rec_id] # the record such that record['__id__'] == rec_id
# create an index on a field
# update
# add and drop fields
# save changes on disk
version 2.2 : add __contains__
version 2.3 : introduce syntax (db('name')>'f') & (db('age') == 30)
version 2.4 :
- add BSD Licence
- raise exception if unknown fields in insert
version = "2.4"
import os
import cPickle
import bisect
# compatibility with Python 2.3
except NameError:
from sets import Set
class Index:
"""Class used for indexing a base on a field
The instance of Index is an attribute the Base instance"""
def __init__(self,db,field):
self.db = db # database object (instance of Base)
self.field = field # field name
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.db.indices[self.field])
def keys(self):
return self.db.indices[self.field].keys()
def __getitem__(self,key):
"""Lookup by key : return the list of records where
field value is equal to this key, or an empty list"""
ids = self.db.indices[self.field].get(key,[])
return [ self.db.records[_id] for _id in ids ]
class Tester:
def __init__(self,db,key):
self.db = db
self.key = key
self.records = db.records.values()
def __eq__(self,other):
if len(self.records)==len(self.db.records):
# use db indices if applicable
self.records = eval ("self.db(%s=other)" %self.key)
self.records = [r for r in self.records if r[self.key]==other]
return self
def __ne__(self,other):
self.records = [r for r in self.records if r[self.key]!=other]
return self
def __lt__(self,other):
self.records = [r for r in self.records if r[self.key]<other]
return self
def __le__(self,other):
self.records = [r for r in self.records if r[self.key]<=other]
return self
def __gt__(self,other):
self.records = [r for r in self.records if r[self.key]>other]
return self
def __ge__(self,other):
self.records = [r for r in self.records if r[self.key]>=other]
return self
def __and__(self,other_tester):
ids1 = dict([(id(r),r) for r in self.records])
ids2 = dict([(id(r),r) for r in other_tester.records])
ids = set(ids1.keys()) & set(ids2.keys())
res = Tester(self.db,self.key)
res.records = [ids1[_id] for _id in ids]
return res
def __or__(self,other_tester):
ids = dict([(id(r),r) for r in self.records])
ids.update(dict([(id(r),r) for r in other_tester.records]))
res = Tester(self.db,self.key)
res.records = ids.values()
return res
def extract(self,*fields):
return [ [r[f] for f in fields] for r in self.records ]
def __len__(self):
return len(self.records)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.records)
class Base:
def __init__(self,basename,protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL):
"""protocol as defined in pickle / cPickle
Defaults to the highest protocol available
For maximum compatibility use protocol = 0"""
self.name = basename
self.protocol = protocol
def create(self,*fields,**kw):
"""Create a new base with specified field names
A keyword argument mode can be specified ; it is used if a file
with the base name already exists
- if mode = 'open' : open the existing base, ignore the fields
- if mode = 'override' : erase the existing base and create a
new one with the specified fields"""
self.mode = mode = kw.get("mode",None)
if os.path.exists(self.name):
if not os.path.isfile(self.name):
raise IOError,"%s exists and is not a file" %self.name
elif mode is None:
raise IOError,"Base %s already exists" %self.name
elif mode == "open":
return self.open()
elif mode == "override":
self.fields = list(fields)
self.records = {}
self.next_id = 0
self.indices = {}
self.default = {}
return self
def create_index(self,*fields):
"""Create an index on the specified field names
An index on a field is a mapping between the values taken by the field
and the sorted list of the ids of the records whose field is equal to
this value
For each indexed field, an attribute of self is created, an instance
of the class Index (see above). Its name it the field name, with the
prefix _ to avoid name conflicts
reset = False
for f in fields:
if not f in self.fields:
raise NameError,"%s is not a field name %s" %(f,self.fields)
# initialize the indices
if self.mode == "open" and f in self.indices:
reset = True
self.indices[f] = {}
for _id,record in self.records.iteritems():
# use bisect to quickly insert the id in the list
# create a new attribute of self, used to find the records
# by this index
if reset:
def delete_index(self,*fields):
"""Delete the index on the specified fields"""
for f in fields:
if not f in self.indices:
raise ValueError,"No index on field %s" %f
for f in fields:
del self.indices[f]
def open(self):
"""Open an existing database and load its content into memory"""
# guess protocol
if self.protocol==0:
_in = open(self.name) # don't specify binary mode !
_in = open(self.name,'rb')
self.fields = cPickle.load(_in)
self.next_id = cPickle.load(_in)
self.records = cPickle.load(_in)
self.indices = cPickle.load(_in)
for f in self.indices.keys():
self.default = cPickle.load(_in)
except EOFError: # PyDbLite versions < 2.4 don't have defaults
self.default = {}
self.mode = "open"
return self
def commit(self):
"""Write the database to a file"""
out = open(self.name,'wb')
def set_default(self,field_name,default_value):
self.default[field_name] = default_value
def insert(self,*args,**kw):
"""Insert a record in the database
Parameters can be positional or keyword arguments. If positional
they must be in the same order as in the create() method
If some of the fields are missing the value is set to None
Returns the record identifier
if args:
kw = dict([(f,arg) for f,arg in zip(self.fields,args)])
# initialize all fields to None or default value
record = dict([(f,self.default.get(f,None)) for f in self.fields])
# raise exception if unknown field
for key in kw:
if not key in self.fields:
raise NameError,"Invalid field name : %s" %key
# set keys and values
for (k,v) in kw.iteritems():
# add the key __id__ : record identifier
record['__id__'] = self.next_id
# add the key __version__ : version number
record['__version__'] = 0
# create an entry in the dictionary self.records, indexed by __id__
self.records[self.next_id] = record
# update index
for ix in self.indices.keys():
# increment the next __id__
self.next_id += 1
return record['__id__']
def delete(self,removed):
"""Remove a single record, or the records in an iterable
Before starting deletion, test if all records are in the base
and don't have twice the same __id__
Return the number of deleted items
if isinstance(removed,dict):
# remove a single record
removed = [removed]
# convert iterable into a list (to be able to sort it)
removed = [ r for r in removed ]
if not removed:
return 0
_ids = [ r['__id__'] for r in removed ]
keys = set(self.records.keys())
# check if the records are in the base
if not set(_ids).issubset(keys):
missing = list(set(_ids).difference(keys))
raise IndexError,'Delete aborted. Records with these ids' \
' not found in the base : %s' %str(missing)
# raise exception if duplicate ids
for i in range(len(_ids)-1):
if _ids[i] == _ids[i+1]:
raise IndexError,"Delete aborted. Duplicate id : %s" %_ids[i]
deleted = len(removed)
while removed:
r = removed.pop()
_id = r['__id__']
# remove id from indices
for indx in self.indices.keys():
pos = bisect.bisect(self.indices[indx][r[indx]],_id)-1
del self.indices[indx][r[indx]][pos]
if not self.indices[indx][r[indx]]:
del self.indices[indx][r[indx]]
# remove record from self.records
del self.records[_id]
return deleted
def update(self,records,**kw):
"""Update one record of a list of records
with new keys and values and update indices"""
# ignore unknown fields
kw = dict([(k,v) for (k,v) in kw.iteritems() if k in self.fields])
if isinstance(records,dict):
records = [ records ]
# update indices
for indx in set(self.indices.keys()) & set (kw.keys()):
for record in records:
if record[indx] == kw[indx]:
_id = record["__id__"]
# remove id for the old value
old_pos = bisect.bisect(self.indices[indx][record[indx]],_id)-1
del self.indices[indx][record[indx]][old_pos]
if not self.indices[indx][record[indx]]:
del self.indices[indx][record[indx]]
# insert new value
for record in records:
# update record values
# increment version number
record["__version__"] += 1
def add_field(self,field,default=None):
if field in self.fields + ["__id__","__version__"]:
raise ValueError,"Field %s already defined" %field
for r in self:
r[field] = default
def drop_field(self,field):
if field in ["__id__","__version__"]:
raise ValueError,"Can't delete field %s" %field
for r in self:
del r[field]
if field in self.indices:
del self.indices[field]
def __call__(self,*args,**kw):
"""Selection by field values
db(key=value) returns the list of records where r[key] = value"""
if args and kw:
raise SyntaxError,"Can't specify positional AND keyword arguments"
if args:
if len(args)>1:
raise SyntaxError,"Only one field can be specified"
elif args[0] not in self.fields:
raise ValueError,"%s is not a field" %args[0]
return Tester(self,args[0])
if not kw:
return self.records.values() # db() returns all the values
# indices and non-indices
keys = kw.keys()
ixs = set(keys) & set(self.indices.keys())
no_ix = set(keys) - ixs
if ixs:
# fast selection on indices
ix = ixs.pop()
res = set(self.indices[ix].get(kw[ix],[]))
if not res:
return []
while ixs:
ix = ixs.pop()
res = res & set(self.indices[ix].get(kw[ix],[]))
# if no index, initialize result with test on first field
field = no_ix.pop()
res = set([r["__id__"] for r in self if r[field] == kw[field] ])
# selection on non-index fields
for field in no_ix:
res = res & set([ _id for _id in res
if self.records[_id][field] == kw[field] ])
return [ self[_id] for _id in res ]
def __getitem__(self,key):
# direct access by record id
return self.records[key]
def __len__(self):
return len(self.records)
def __delitem__(self,record_id):
"""Delete by record id"""
def __contains__(self,record_id):
return record_id in self.records
def __iter__(self):
"""Iteration on the records"""
return self.records.itervalues()
if __name__ == '__main__':
# test on a 1000 record base
import random
import datetime
names = ['pierre','claire','simon','camille','jean',
db = Base('PyDbLite_test',protocol=1)
for i in range(1000):
print 'Record #20 :',db[20]
print '\nRecords with age=30 :'
for rec in db._age[30]:
print '%-10s | %2s | %s' %(rec['name'],rec['age'],round(rec['size'],2))
print "\nSame with __call__"
# same with select
for rec in db(age=30):
print '%-10s | %2s | %s' %(rec['name'],rec['age'],round(rec['size'],2))
print len(db._age[30]) == len(db(age=30))
db.insert(name=unicode(random.choice(names))) # missing fields
print '\nNumber of records with 30 <= age < 33 :',
print sum([1 for r in db if 33 > r['age'] >= 30])
print len(33 > db('age') >= 30)
print sum([1 for r in db if r['age'] > 30 and r['name']>'f'])
print len((db('age')>30) & (db('name')>'f'))
print len(db('age')==30),len(db(age=30))
print db.delete([])
d = db.delete([r for r in db if 32> r['age'] >= 30 and r['name']==u'pierre'])
print "\nDeleting %s records with name == 'pierre' and 30 <= age < 32" %d
print '\nAfter deleting records '
for rec in db._age[30]:
print '%-10s | %2s | %s' %(rec['name'],rec['age'],round(rec['size'],2))
print '\n',sum([1 for r in db]),'records in the database'
print '\nMake pierre uppercase for age > 27'
for record in ([r for r in db if r['name']=='pierre' and r['age'] >27]) :
print len([r for r in db if r['name']==u'Pierre']),'Pierre'
print len([r for r in db if r['name']==u'pierre']),'pierre'
print len([r for r in db if r['name'] in [u'pierre',u'Pierre']]),'p/Pierre'
print 'is unicode :',isinstance(db[20]['name'],unicode)
print '\nSame operation after commit + open'
print len([r for r in db if r['name']==u'Pierre']),'Pierre'
print len([r for r in db if r['name']==u'pierre']),'pierre'
print len([r for r in db if r['name'] in [u'pierre',u'Pierre']]),'p/Pierre'
print 'is unicode :',isinstance(db[20]['name'],unicode)
print "\nDeleting record #20"
del db[20]
if not 20 in db:
print "record 20 removed"
print db[21]
print db[21]
print db[21]
k = db._age.keys()[0]
print "key",k
print k in db._age
print db._age[k]
print k in db._age