import sys
import tokenize
import token
import string
def transform(_in,out=sys.stdout,func=None,debug=False):
"""Copy script in file object _in into out, applying function func()
to each token, and returns a state object
func is a function with 2 arguments :
- the tuple returned by generate_token
- an arbitrary object (the state object) to store intermediate data
func must return a tuple with 2 elements :
- the string to write on the output object "out"
- the new value of the state object
If debug is set, a trace of each token is printed
If func is not set, out is the same as _in
read_func = _in.readline
state = None
if not func:
func = lambda x,y:(x[1],None)
# values of previous token
crow,ccol = 0,0 # current row and column
cur_string = "\n"
cur_typ = None
cur_line = ""
for tokens in tokenize.generate_tokens(read_func):
token_type,token_string,(srow,scol),(erow,ecol),line_str = tokens
typ = token.tok_name[token_type]
if debug:
print typ,token_string
if srow>crow:
# new line
if debug:
print "new line"
indent = ""
i = 0
while i<len(line_str) and line_str[i] in string.whitespace:
indent += line_str[i]
i += 1
if not cur_string.endswith("\n") and not typ=="ENDMARKER":
out.write(cur_line[ccol:]) # end of previous line
if debug:
print "write %s" %cur_line[ccol:]
out.write(line_str[ccol:scol]) # whitespace between words
if not typ in ["INDENT","DEDENT","NL"]:
state = process(out,func,tokens,state)
if typ == "NL" and not cur_typ in["NEWLINE","COMMENT_","NL"]:
state = process(out,func,tokens,state)
crow,ccol = erow,ecol
cur_string = token_string
cur_typ = typ
# avoid line breaks after a comment that doesn't start on col 0
if cur_typ=="COMMENT" and token_string.endswith("\n"):
cur_typ = "COMMENT_"
cur_line = line_str
return state
def process(out,func,tokens,state):
res_str,new_state = func(tokens,state)
return new_state
if __name__=="__main__":
import cStringIO
import os
def testall():
folder = r"c:\Python25\Lib"
for fname in [ f for f in os.listdir(folder) if f.endswith(".py") ]:
print fname,
obj = cStringIO.StringIO(open(os.path.join(folder,fname)).read())
out = cStringIO.StringIO()
if not out.getvalue().strip()==obj.getvalue().strip():
res = open("","w")
inlines = obj.getvalue().strip().split('\n')
outlines = out.getvalue().strip().split('\n')
nb = 0
for inline,outline in zip(inlines,outlines):
if not inline==outline:
nb += 1
print nb,"erreurs"
def testone():
obj = cStringIO.StringIO(open("").read())
out = cStringIO.StringIO()
def trans_print(tokens,state):
# tranform "print something" into "print(something)"
token_type,token_string,(srow,scol),(erow,ecol),line_str = tokens
typ = token.tok_name[token_type]
if typ == "NAME" and token_string=="print":
return token_string+"(",True
elif typ == "NEWLINE" and state is True:
return ")"+token_string,False
elif typ == "OP" and token_string == ";":
return ")"+token_string,False
return token_string,state
res = open("","w")
inlines = obj.getvalue().strip().split('\n')
outlines = out.getvalue().strip().split('\n')
nb = 0
for inline,outline in zip(inlines,outlines):
if not inline==outline:
nb += 1
print nb,"erreurs"