Simple example of how child resources are located.
from nevow import loaders
from nevow import rend
from nevow import tags
from nevow import url
class ChildPage(rend.Page):
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def child_childOfChild(self, context):
return ChildOfChildPage(self.name)
def render_name(self, context, data):
return self.name
docFactory = loaders.stan(
T.p['My name is: ', T.span(id="name")[render_name]],
'I have child too: ',
T.a(id="child", href=url.here.child('childOfChild'))['my child']
class ChildOfChildPage(rend.Page):
def __init__(self, parentName):
self.parentName = parentName
def render_parentName(self, context, data):
return self.parentName
docFactory = loaders.stan(
T.p['My parent is the ChildPage called: ', T.span(id="parentName")[render_parentName]]
class RootPage(rend.Page):
addSlash = True
# A resource that is always called 'foo' and only needs to be created once
child_foo = ChildPage('foo')
def child_bar(self, context):
"""A resource that is always called 'bar' but is created per-request
return ChildPage('bar')
def childFactory(self, ctx, name):
"""Create and return a child resource where the name is dynamic
if name in ['1', '2', '3']:
return ChildPage(name)
def locateChild(self, ctx, segments):
"""Create and return a dynamically named child resource if child_ or
childFactory didn't help. However, this time we get the chance to
consume multiple path segments (inluding the childOfChild link).
Note: locateChild is actually the main resource location API (see
inevow.IReource) and it is actually rend.Page's implementation of the
method that provides the child_ and childFactory functionality.
# Let parent class have a go first
# WARNING: This 3 lines work well until you use formless in this page
# because formless will make locateChild return only one return value
# (a deferred) on which you should add a callback that accepts a resource and
# an empty tuple that represents no remaining segments.
child, remainingSegments = rend.Page.locateChild(self, ctx, segments)
if child:
return child, remainingSegments
# Consume all remaining path segments for the name
return ChildPage('/'.join(segments)), []
docFactory = loaders.stan(
T.p['Fixed name, singleton resource: ', T.a(id="foo", href=url.here.child('foo'))['foo']],
T.p['Fixed name, created per-request: ', T.a(id="bar", href=url.here.child('bar'))['bar']],
'Dynamically named resources, located via childFactory: ',
[(T.a(id=("d", n), href=url.here.child(n))[n],' ') for n in ['1', '2', '3']]
'Dynamically named resources, located via locateChild: ',
[(T.a(id=("d", n), href=url.here.child(n))[n],' ') for n in ['4', '5', '6/7']]