from twisted.python import util
from nevow import inevow
from nevow import loaders
from nevow import rend
from nevow import tags
class Simple(rend.Page):
addSlash = True
docFactory = loaders.xmlfile(util.sibpath(__file__, 'simplehtml.html'))
def render_theTitle(self, context, data):
return context.tag["Welcome to Nevow world"]
def render_sample(self, context, data):
request = inevow.IRequest(context)
session = inevow.ISession(context)
count = getattr(session, 'count', 1)
session.count = count + 1
greeting = ["Welcome, person from ",, "! You are using ",
request.getHeader('user-agent'), " and have been here ",
tags.span(id="count")[count], " times."]
return context.tag[greeting]
def child_reset(self, context):
inevow.ISession(context).count = 1
return '<html><body><span id="reset">Count reset</span></body></html>'