# Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Divmod.
# See LICENSE for details.
Tests for L{nevow.guard}.
import gc
from zope.interface import implements
from twisted.cred.checkers import InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse,AllowAnonymousAccess,ANONYMOUS
from twisted.cred.portal import Portal,IRealm
from twisted.cred.credentials import IUsernamePassword,IAnonymous
from twisted.internet import address
from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
from nevow import rend
from nevow import inevow
from nevow import guard
from nevow import context
from nevow import appserver
class FakeHTTPChannel:
# TODO: this should be an interface in twisted.protocols.http... lots of
# things want to fake out HTTP
def __init__(self):
self.transport = self
self.factory = self
self.received_cookies = {}
# 'factory' attribute needs this
def log(self, req):
# 'channel' of request needs this
def requestDone(self, req):
self.req = req
# 'transport' attribute needs this
def getPeer(self):
return address.IPv4Address("TCP", "fake", 12345)
def getHost(self):
return address.IPv4Address("TCP", "fake", 80)
def write(self, data):
# print data
def writeSequence(self, datas):
for data in datas:
# Utility for testing.
def makeFakeRequest(self, path, username='',password='',
if requestClass is None:
requestClass = FakeHTTPRequest
req = requestClass(self, queued=0)
req.user = username
req.password = password
req.requestReceived("GET", path, "HTTP/1.0")
return req
class FakeHTTPRequest(appserver.NevowRequest):
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
appserver.NevowRequest.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
self._pchn = self.channel
self._cookieCache = {}
from cStringIO import StringIO
self.content = StringIO()
self.received_headers['host'] = 'fake.com'
self.written = StringIO()
def followRedirect(self):
L = self.headers['location']
if L.startswith('http://'):
L = L[len("http://"):]
urlist = L.split('/')
urlist[0] = ''
nexturi = '/'.join(urlist)
nexturi = L
return self._pchn.makeFakeRequest(nexturi,
def followAllRedirects(self):
R = self
I = 1
while R.headers.has_key('location'):
assert I < MAX_REDIRECTS, "Too many redirects (to %s)" % R.headers['location']
R = R.followRedirect()
I += 1
return R
def write(self, data):
appserver.NevowRequest.write(self, data)
def addCookie(self, k, v, *args,**kw):
assert not self._cookieCache.has_key(k), "Should not be setting duplicate cookies!"
self._cookieCache[k] = (v, args, kw)
self.channel.received_cookies[k] = v
def processingFailed(self, fail):
raise fail
class FakeHTTPRequest_noCookies(FakeHTTPRequest):
def addCookie(self, k, v, *args,**kw):
class FakeHTTPRequest_forceSSL(FakeHTTPRequest):
_forceSSL = True
class SillyPage(rend.Page):
def locateChild(self, context, segments):
return self.__class__(), segments[1:]
class InspectfulPage(rend.Page):
IResource avatar which records important state from the request
with which it is rendered.
@ivar renders: A C{list} to which fields of the request will be appended
when this page is rendered.
def __init__(self, renders):
self.renders = renders
def child_(self, context):
Give back this resource. This lets this page work as the root
return self
def renderHTTP(self, context):
request = inevow.IRequest(context)
content = request.content.read()
except ValueError:
content = None
return ''
class SillyAvatar(SillyPage):
def renderHTTP(self, context):
return 'Yes'
class SillyAnonymous(SillyPage):
def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
return 'No'
class SillyRealm:
def __init__(self, anonymousAvatarFactory=SillyAnonymous,
self.anonymousAvatarFactory = anonymousAvatarFactory
self.authenticatedAvatarFactory = authenticatedAvatarFactory
def requestAvatar(self, avatarId, mind, *interfaces):
if avatarId == ANONYMOUS:
avatar = self.anonymousAvatarFactory()
avatar = self.authenticatedAvatarFactory()
return inevow.IResource, avatar, lambda: None
class GuardTestSuper(TestCase):
@ivar wrapperFactory: A callable which will be invoked with a portal and
which should return a session wrapper resource.
wrapperFactory = guard.SessionWrapper
sessions = {}
def tearDown(self):
for sz in self.sessions.values():
def createPortal(self, realmFactory=None):
if realmFactory is None:
realmFactory = SillyRealm
r = realmFactory()
p = Portal(r)
p.registerChecker(AllowAnonymousAccess(), IAnonymous)
return p
def createSessionWrapper(self, portal):
swrap = self.wrapperFactory(portal)
self.sessions = swrap.sessions
return swrap
def createChannel(self, resource):
s = appserver.NevowSite(resource)
c = FakeHTTPChannel()
c.site = s
return c
def getGuard(channel):
resource = channel.site.resource
while isinstance(resource, ParentPage):
assert len(resource.children) == 1
resource = resource.children.values()[0]
return resource
class GetLoggedInAvatar(rend.Page):
def child_(self, ctx):
return self
def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
session = inevow.ISession(ctx)
assert isinstance(session, guard.GuardSession)
r = session.getLoggedInRoot()
assert r is self
return r.__class__.__name__
class GetLoggedInAnonymous(rend.Page):
def child_(self, ctx): return self
def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
raise RuntimeError, "We weren't supposed to get here."
class GetLoggedInRealm:
def requestAvatar(self, avatarId, mind, *interfaces):
if avatarId == ANONYMOUS:
return inevow.IResource, GetLoggedInAnonymous(), lambda: None
return inevow.IResource, GetLoggedInAvatar(), lambda: None
class GuardTestFuncs:
def createGuard(self, portal):
if not self.guardPath:
root = self.createSessionWrapper(portal)
root = ParentPage('root')
cur = root
for segment in self.guardPath[:-1]:
new = ParentPage(segment)
cur.putChild(segment, new)
cur = new
chan = self.createChannel(root)
return chan
def getGuardPath(self):
Return a path to the guard. An empty string if guard is the root,
otherwise guaranteed to start with a slash and end with a non-slash.
if not self.guardPath:
return ''
return '/' + '/'.join(self.guardPath)
def test_httpAuthInit(self):
A request for a guarded URL which includes HTTP AUTH headers giving
valid credentials is responded to with the resource given back by the
realm for the avatar identified by those credentials and a single
session is created for that avatar.
p = self.createPortal()
chan = self.createGuard(p)
p.registerChecker(InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse(test='test'), IUsernamePassword)
# Make the request three times. The same resource should come back
# each time, and there should only ever be one session.
for x in range(3):
req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/' % self.getGuardPath(), "test", "test")
self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), "Yes")
self.assertEquals(len(self.sessions), 1)
def test_sessionInit(self):
Without including credentials or a session cookie, a request for a
guarded URL is responded to with a cookie and a redirect to an URL
which includes a session key. When requested with the cookie, the
redirect target is responded to with a redirect back to the original
URL. When requested with the cookie, the original URL is responded to
with the resource for the anonymous avatar.
p = self.createPortal()
chan = self.createGuard(p)
# The first thing that happens when we attempt to browse with no session
# is a cookie being set and a redirect being issued to the session url
req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/xxx/yyy/' % self.getGuardPath())
self.assertEquals( len(req._cookieCache.values()), 1, "Bad number of cookies in response.")
# The redirect is set immediately and should have a path segment at the beginning matching our cookie
cookie = req._cookieCache.values()[0][0]
# The URL should have the cookie segment in it and the correct path segments at the end
'http://fake.com%s/%s/xxx/yyy/' % (self.getGuardPath(), guard.SESSION_KEY+cookie, ))
# Now, let's follow the redirect
req = req.followRedirect()
# Our session should now be set up and we will be redirected to our final destination
'http://fake.com%s/xxx/yyy/' % self.getGuardPath())
# Let's follow the redirect to the final page
req = req.followRedirect()
# We should have the final resource, which is an anonymous resource
self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), "No")
def test_sessionInit_noCookies(self):
Without including credentials or a session cookie, a request for a
guarded URL is responded to with a cookie and a redirect to an URL
which includes a session key. When requested without the cookie, the
redirect target is responded to with a redirect back to the original
URL modified to include a session token. When requested, again without
the cookie, the new redirect target is responded to with the resource
for the anonymous avatar.
p = self.createPortal()
chan = self.createGuard(p)
# The first thing that happens when we attempt to browse with no session
# is a cookie being set and a redirect being issued to the session url
req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/xxx/yyy/' % self.getGuardPath(), requestClass=FakeHTTPRequest_noCookies)
# The redirect is set immediately and should have a path segment at the beginning matching our session id
# The URL should have the session id segment in it and the correct path segments at the end
location = req.headers['location']
prefix = 'http://fake.com%s/%s' % (self.getGuardPath(), guard.SESSION_KEY)
suffix = '/xxx/yyy/'
for c in location[len(prefix):-len(suffix)]:
self.failUnless(c in '0123456789abcdef')
# Now, let's follow the redirect
req = req.followRedirect()
# We should have the final resource, which is an anonymous resource
self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), "No")
def testUsernamePassword(self):
p = self.createPortal()
p.registerChecker(InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse(test='test'), IUsernamePassword)
chan = self.createGuard(p)
# Check the anonymous page
req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/' % self.getGuardPath()).followAllRedirects()
self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), "No")
# Check the logged in page
req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/__login__/?username=test&password=test' % self.getGuardPath()).followAllRedirects()
self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), "Yes")
# Log out
chan.makeFakeRequest("%s/__logout__" % self.getGuardPath()).followRedirect()
# Get the anonymous page again
k = chan.makeFakeRequest("%s/" % self.getGuardPath())
self.assertEquals(k.written.getvalue(), "No")
def testLoginWithNoSession(self):
p = self.createPortal()
p.registerChecker(InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse(test='test'), IUsernamePassword)
chan = self.createGuard(p)
req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/__login__/?username=test&password=test' % self.getGuardPath()).followAllRedirects()
self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), "Yes")
def test_sessionNegotiationSavesRequestParameters(self):
After a session has been negotiated, the GET arguments, POST arguments,
body, method, and headers from the request which initiated session
negotiation are set on the request which will be responded to with the
guarded resource.
renders = []
portal = self.createPortal(
lambda: SillyRealm(
anonymousAvatarFactory=lambda: InspectfulPage(renders)))
channel = self.createGuard(portal)
request = channel.makeFakeRequest(
'%s/?foo=1&bar=2' % self.getGuardPath()).followAllRedirects()
self.assertEquals(request.written.getvalue(), '')
renders, [({'foo': ['1'], 'bar': ['2']},
{'host': 'fake.com'})])
def test_loginRestoresRequestParameters(self):
After login has succeeded, the GET arguments, POST arguments, body,
method, and headers from the request which triggered the login are set
on the request which will be responded to with the guarded resource.
renders = []
portal = self.createPortal(
lambda: SillyRealm(
authenticatedAvatarFactory=lambda: InspectfulPage(renders)))
channel = self.createGuard(portal)
# Negotiate a session.
request = channel.makeFakeRequest(self.getGuardPath())
request = request.followAllRedirects()
# Pretend to be a resource before login which requires login and saves
# request state.
request.session.args = {'foo': ['1'], 'bar': ['2']}
request.session.fields = None
request.session.method = 'GET'
request.session.content = None
request.session.received_headers = {'host': 'fake.com',
'extra': 'bar'}
# Perform the login.
request = channel.makeFakeRequest(
self.getGuardPath() + '/__login__?username=test&password=test')
request = request.followAllRedirects()
self.assertEquals(request.written.getvalue(), '')
renders, [({'foo': ['1'], 'bar': ['2']},
{'host': 'fake.com', 'extra': 'bar'})])
def test_oldRequestParametersIgnored(self):
The request parameters from the initial session negotiation request are
I{not} set on the login request.
renders = []
portal = self.createPortal(
lambda: SillyRealm(
authenticatedAvatarFactory=lambda: InspectfulPage(renders)))
channel = self.createGuard(portal)
# Negotiate a session using a request with some parameters.
request = channel.makeFakeRequest(
self.getGuardPath() + "?foo=bar&bar=baz")
request = request.followAllRedirects()
# Perform the login.
request = channel.makeFakeRequest(
self.getGuardPath() + '/__login__?username=test&password=test')
request = request.followAllRedirects()
self.assertEquals(request.written.getvalue(), '')
renders, [({'username': ['test'], 'password': ['test']},
{'host': 'fake.com'})])
def testNoSlash(self):
"""URL-based sessions do not fail even if there is no slash after the session key."""
p = self.createPortal()
chan = self.createGuard(p)
req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/' % self.getGuardPath(), requestClass=FakeHTTPRequest_noCookies).followAllRedirects()
# We should have the final resource, which is an anonymous resource
self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), "No")
# now try requesting just the guard path
self.failUnless(req.path.startswith('%s/%s' % (self.getGuardPath(), guard.SESSION_KEY)))
req = chan.makeFakeRequest(req.path[:-1], requestClass=FakeHTTPRequest_noCookies).followAllRedirects()
# it should work just as well as with the slash
# (not actually the same page, but SillyPage always says the same thing here)
self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), "No")
def testTrailingSlashMatters_noCookies(self):
class TrailingSlashPage(rend.Page):
def locateChild(self, context, segments):
return self.__class__('%s/%s' % (self.original, segments[0])), segments[1:]
class TrailingSlashAvatar(TrailingSlashPage):
def renderHTTP(self, context):
return 'Authenticated %s' % self.original
class TrailingSlashAnonymous(TrailingSlashPage):
def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
return 'Anonymous %s' % self.original
class TrailingSlashRealm:
def __init__(self, path):
self.path = path
def requestAvatar(self, avatarId, mind, *interfaces):
if avatarId == ANONYMOUS:
return inevow.IResource, TrailingSlashAnonymous(self.path), lambda: None
return inevow.IResource, TrailingSlashAvatar(self.path), lambda: None
p = self.createPortal(realmFactory=lambda : TrailingSlashRealm(self.getGuardPath()))
chan = self.createGuard(p)
req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/' % self.getGuardPath(), requestClass=FakeHTTPRequest_noCookies).followAllRedirects()
# We should have the final resource, which is an anonymous resource
self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), "Anonymous %s/" % self.getGuardPath())
# now try requesting just the guard path
self.failUnless(req.path.startswith('%s/%s' % (self.getGuardPath(), guard.SESSION_KEY)))
req = chan.makeFakeRequest(req.path[:-1], requestClass=FakeHTTPRequest_noCookies).followAllRedirects()
# it should no longer have the trailing slash
self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), "Anonymous %s" % self.getGuardPath())
def testTrailingSlashMatters_withCookies(self):
# omitting the trailing slash when not using session keys can
# only be done when the guard is not the root resource
if not self.guardPath:
class TrailingSlashPage(rend.Page):
def locateChild(self, context, segments):
return self.__class__('%s/%s' % (self.original, segments[0])), segments[1:]
class TrailingSlashAvatar(TrailingSlashPage):
def renderHTTP(self, context):
return 'Authenticated %s' % self.original
class TrailingSlashAnonymous(TrailingSlashPage):
def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
return 'Anonymous %s' % self.original
class TrailingSlashRealm:
def __init__(self, path):
self.path = path
def requestAvatar(self, avatarId, mind, *interfaces):
if avatarId == ANONYMOUS:
return inevow.IResource, TrailingSlashAnonymous(self.path), lambda: None
return inevow.IResource, TrailingSlashAvatar(self.path), lambda: None
p = self.createPortal(realmFactory=lambda : TrailingSlashRealm(self.getGuardPath()))
chan = self.createGuard(p)
req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/' % self.getGuardPath()).followAllRedirects()
# We should have the final resource, which is an anonymous resource
self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), "Anonymous %s/" % self.getGuardPath())
req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s' % self.getGuardPath()).followAllRedirects()
# We should have the final resource, which is an anonymous resource
self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), "Anonymous %s" % self.getGuardPath())
def testPlainTextCookie(self):
"""Cookies from non-SSL sites have no secure attribute."""
p = self.createPortal()
chan = self.createGuard(p)
req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/xxx/yyy/' % self.getGuardPath())
self.assertEquals( len(req._cookieCache.values()), 1, "Bad number of cookies in response.")
cookie, a, kw = req._cookieCache.values()[0]
secure = kw.get('secure', None)
def testPlainTextCookie_evenWithSecureCookies(self):
"""Cookies from non-SSL sites have no secure attribute, even if secureCookie is true."""
p = self.createPortal()
chan = self.createGuard(p)
gu = getGuard(chan)
gu.secureCookies = False
req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/xxx/yyy/' % self.getGuardPath())
self.assertEquals( len(req._cookieCache.values()), 1, "Bad number of cookies in response.")
cookie, a, kw = req._cookieCache.values()[0]
secure = kw.get('secure', None)
def testSecureCookie_secureCookies(self):
"""Cookies from SSL sites have secure=True."""
p = self.createPortal()
chan = self.createGuard(p)
req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/xxx/yyy/' % self.getGuardPath(),
self.assertEquals( len(req._cookieCache.values()), 1, "Bad number of cookies in response.")
cookie, a, kw = req._cookieCache.values()[0]
secure = kw.get('secure', None)
def testSecureCookie_noSecureCookies(self):
"""Cookies from SSL sites do not have secure=True if secureCookies is false."""
p = self.createPortal()
chan = self.createGuard(p)
gu = getGuard(chan)
gu.secureCookies = False
req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/xxx/yyy/' % self.getGuardPath(),
self.assertEquals( len(req._cookieCache.values()), 1, "Bad number of cookies in response.")
cookie, a, kw = req._cookieCache.values()[0]
secure = kw.get('secure', None)
def testPersistentCookie_persistentCookies(self):
"""Cookies from sites are saved to disk because SessionWrapper.persistentCookies=True."""
p = self.createPortal()
chan = self.createGuard(p)
gu = getGuard(chan)
gu.persistentCookies = True
req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/xxx/yyy/' % self.getGuardPath(),
self.assertEquals( len(req._cookieCache.values()), 1, "Bad number of cookies in response.")
cookie, a, kw = req._cookieCache.values()[0]
expires = kw.get('expires', None)
self.failIfIdentical(expires, None)
def testPersistentCookie_noPersistentCookies(self):
"""Cookies from sites are not saved to disk because SessionWrapper.persistentCookies=False."""
p = self.createPortal()
chan = self.createGuard(p)
req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/xxx/yyy/' % self.getGuardPath(),
self.assertEquals( len(req._cookieCache.values()), 1, "Bad number of cookies in response.")
cookie, a, kw = req._cookieCache.values()[0]
expires = kw.get('expires', None)
self.failUnlessIdentical(expires, None)
def testCookiePath(self):
"""Cookies get the correct path setting sites have no secure attribute."""
p = self.createPortal()
chan = self.createGuard(p)
req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/xxx/yyy/' % self.getGuardPath())
self.assertEquals( len(req._cookieCache.values()), 1, "Bad number of cookies in response.")
cookie, a, kw = req._cookieCache.values()[0]
path = kw.get('path', None)
wanted = self.getGuardPath()
if wanted == '':
wanted = '/'
self.failUnlessEqual(path, wanted)
def test_defaultCookieDomain(self):
No domain restriction is set on a cookie by default.
portal = self.createPortal()
channel = self.createGuard(portal)
request = channel.makeFakeRequest('%s/abc' % (self.getGuardPath(),))
cookie, args, kwargs = request._cookieCache.values()[0]
self.assertEqual(kwargs['domain'], None)
def test_specifiedCookieDomain(self):
The domain restriction defined by
L{SessionWrapper.cookieDomainForRequest} is set on the cookie.
portal = self.createPortal()
requests = []
class SpecialSessionWrapper(guard.SessionWrapper):
def cookieDomainForRequest(self, request):
return 'example.com'
self.wrapperFactory = SpecialSessionWrapper
channel = self.createGuard(portal)
request = channel.makeFakeRequest('%s/abc' % (self.getGuardPath(),))
cookie, args, kwargs = request._cookieCache.values()[0]
self.assertEqual(kwargs['domain'], 'example.com')
self.assertEqual(requests, [request])
def testLoginExtraPath(self):
p = self.createPortal()
p.registerChecker(InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse(test='test'), IUsernamePassword)
chan = self.createGuard(p)
req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/__login__/sub/path?username=test&password=test' % self.getGuardPath()).followAllRedirects()
self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), "Yes")
self.assertEquals(req.path, '%s/sub/path' % self.getGuardPath())
def testLoginExtraPath_withSlash(self):
p = self.createPortal()
p.registerChecker(InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse(test='test'), IUsernamePassword)
chan = self.createGuard(p)
req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/__login__/sub/path/?username=test&password=test' % self.getGuardPath()).followAllRedirects()
self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), "Yes")
self.assertEquals(req.path, '%s/sub/path/' % self.getGuardPath())
def testLogoutExtraPath(self):
p = self.createPortal()
p.registerChecker(InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse(test='test'), IUsernamePassword)
chan = self.createGuard(p)
req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/__login__?username=test&password=test' % self.getGuardPath()).followAllRedirects()
self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), "Yes")
# Log out
req2 = chan.makeFakeRequest("%s/__logout__/sub/path" % self.getGuardPath()).followRedirect()
self.assertEquals(req2.written.getvalue(), "No")
self.assertEquals(req2.path, '%s/sub/path' % self.getGuardPath())
def testLogoutExtraPath_withSlash(self):
p = self.createPortal()
p.registerChecker(InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse(test='test'), IUsernamePassword)
chan = self.createGuard(p)
req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/__login__?username=test&password=test' % self.getGuardPath()).followAllRedirects()
self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), "Yes")
# Log out
req2 = chan.makeFakeRequest("%s/__logout__/sub/path/" % self.getGuardPath()).followRedirect()
self.assertEquals(req2.written.getvalue(), "No")
self.assertEquals(req2.path, '%s/sub/path/' % self.getGuardPath())
def testGetLoggedInRoot_getLogin(self):
p = self.createPortal(realmFactory=GetLoggedInRealm)
p.registerChecker(InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse(test='test'), IUsernamePassword)
chan = self.createGuard(p)
req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/__login__?username=test&password=test' % self.getGuardPath()).followAllRedirects()
self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), "GetLoggedInAvatar")
def testGetLoggedInRoot_httpAuthLogin(self):
p = self.createPortal(realmFactory=GetLoggedInRealm)
p.registerChecker(InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse(test='test'), IUsernamePassword)
chan = self.createGuard(p)
for x in range(4):
req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/' % self.getGuardPath(), "test", "test")
self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), "GetLoggedInAvatar")
def testErrorPage_httpAuth(self):
"""Failed HTTP Auth results in a 403 error."""
p = self.createPortal()
chan = self.createGuard(p)
req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s' % self.getGuardPath(),
"test", "invalid-password")
self.assertEquals(req.headers.get('location', None), None)
self.assertEquals(req.code, 403)
+'<body><h1>Forbidden</h1>Request was forbidden.'
self.assertEquals(req.path, self.getGuardPath())
def testErrorPage_httpAuth_deep(self):
"""Failed HTTP Auth results in a 403 error."""
p = self.createPortal()
chan = self.createGuard(p)
req = chan.makeFakeRequest('%s/quux/thud' % self.getGuardPath(),
"test", "invalid-password")
self.assertEquals(req.headers.get('location', None), None)
self.assertEquals(req.code, 403)
+'<body><h1>Forbidden</h1>Request was forbidden.'
self.assertEquals(req.path, '%s/quux/thud' % self.getGuardPath())
def testErrorPage_getLogin(self):
"""Failed normal login results in anonymous view of the same page."""
p = self.createPortal()
chan = self.createGuard(p)
req = chan.makeFakeRequest(
% self.getGuardPath()).followAllRedirects()
self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), 'No')
wanted = self.getGuardPath()
if wanted == '':
wanted = '/'
self.assertEquals(req.path, wanted)
def testErrorPage_getLogin_deep(self):
"""Failed normal login results in anonymous view of the same page."""
p = self.createPortal()
chan = self.createGuard(p)
req = chan.makeFakeRequest(
% self.getGuardPath()).followAllRedirects()
self.assertEquals(req.written.getvalue(), 'No')
self.assertEquals(req.path, '%s/quux/thud' % self.getGuardPath())
class ParentPage(rend.Page):
addSlash = True
def renderHTTP(self, context):
request = context.locate(inevow.IRequest)
return 'This is %s at %s' % (self.original, request.URLPath())
class GuardTest(GuardTestSuper, GuardTestFuncs):
guardPath = []
class GuardTest_NotAtRoot_oneLevel(GuardTestSuper, GuardTestFuncs):
guardPath = ['foo']
class GuardTest_NotAtRoot_manyLevels(GuardTestSuper, GuardTestFuncs):
guardPath = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']