# SPYCE - Python-based HTML Scripting
# Copyright (c) 2002 Rimon Barr.
# Refer to spyce.py
# CVS: $Id: redirect.py 640 2005-04-25 04:30:37Z jbe $
from spyceModule import spyceModule
import spyceException, spyceUtil, spyce
__doc__ = '''Redirect module provides support for different kinds of request
redirection, currently: internal, external and externalRefresh.
- internal: flush the current output bufffer (assuming it has not been sent)
and raise an appropriate exception that will start the processing of the
new file, if left to percolate all the way to the Spyce engine. The
browser url does not change.
- external: send an HTTP return code that signals a permanent or temporary
page move, depending on the boolean parameter. Spyce file execution will
continue to termination, but the output buffer is flushed at the end and a
special redirect document is generated. The browser is expected, as per the
standard, to immediately redirect and perform a new request, thus the url
will change.
- externalRefresh: send an HTTP Refresh header that requests a page refresh to
a (possibly) new location within some number of seconds. The current Spyce
page will be displayed until that time. This is often used to display a page
before redirecting the browser to a file download.
class redirect(spyceModule):
def start(self):
self.clear = 0
def finish(self, theError=None):
if not theError:
if self.clear:
def internal(self, url=None, filename=None):
"Perform an internal redirect."
if (url and filename) or not (url or filename):
raise 'Specify exactly one of {url, filename}'
spyce.DEBUG('internal redirect to %s at the behest of %s' % (url, self._api.getModule('request').stack()[-1]))
if url:
filename = spyceUtil.url2file(url, self._api.getFilename())
raise spyceException.spyceRedirect(filename)
def external(self, url, permanent=0):
"Perform an external redirect."
spyce.DEBUG('external redirect to %s at the behest of %s' % (url, self._api.getModule('request').stack()[-1]))
self._api.getModule('response').addHeader('Location', url)
if permanent:
self.clear = 1
def externalRefresh(self, url, sec=0):
"Perform an external redirect, via refresh."
self._api.getModule('response').addHeader('Refresh', '%d; URL=%s' % (sec, url))