# SPYCE - Python-based HTML Scripting
# Copyright (c) 2002 Rimon Barr.
# Refer to spyce.py
# CVS: $Id: spylambda.py 1095 2006-08-09 22:28:10Z ellisj $
from spyceModule import spyceModule
import string
import spyce
__doc__ = """spylambda module produces functions from spyce strings."""
class spylambda(spyceModule):
def define(self, sig, code, memoize=0):
# compile spyce to catch errors early
spyce.DEBUG('generating spylambda for code:\n%s' % code)
spycecode = self._api.spyceString((code, sig))
def processSpyce(args, kwargs, self=self, spycecode=spycecode):
s = None
s = spycecode.newWrapper()
modules = self._api.getModules()
for name in modules.keys():
s.setModule(name, modules[name])
s.spyceInit(self._api.getRequest(), self._api.getResponse())
result = s.spyceProcess(*args, **kwargs)
if s:
return result
if memoize:
def memoizer(f, id, stdout=self._api.getModule('stdout')):
def memoized(args, kwargs, f=f, id=id, stdout=stdout):
key = id, `args, kwargs`
try: r, s = stdout.memoizeCache[key]
r, s = stdout.memoizeCache[key] = apply(stdout.capture, (f, args, kwargs))
print s
return r
return memoized
Processspyce = memoizer(processSpyce, code)
def makeArgProcessor(f):
dict = { 'f': f }
exec '''
def processArg(*args, **kwargs):
return f(args, kwargs)
''' in dict
return dict['processArg']
return makeArgProcessor(processSpyce)
def __call__(self, sig, code, memoize=0):
return self.define(sig, code)
def __repr__(self):
return ''