A module for scheduling arbitrary callables to run at given times
or intervals, modeled on the naviserver API. Scheduler runs in
its own thread; callables run in this same thread, so if you have
an unusually long callable to run you may wish to give it its own
thread, for instance,
schedule(3600, lambda: threading.Thread(target=longcallable).start())
Scheduler does not provide subsecond resolution.
Public functions are threadsafe.
import atexit, sys, threading, time, traceback
logger = lambda s: sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % s)
def debuglogger(s):
import spyce
def schedule(interval, callable, once=False):
Schedules callable to be run every interval seconds.
Returns the scheduled Task object.
if interval < 1:
raise Exception("Interval must be postitive")
return _insertsorted(Task(time.time() + interval, interval, callable, once))
def _nearest_epoch(hours, minutes):
L = list(time.localtime(time.time()))
L[3] = hours
L[4] = minutes
L[5] = 0
epoch = time.mktime(L)
if epoch < time.time():
epoch += 24 * 3600
return epoch
def schedule_daily(hours, minutes, callable, once=False):
Schedules callable to be run at hours:minutes every day.
(Hours is a 24-hour format.)
Returns the scheduled Task object.
if hours > 23 or hours < 0:
raise ValueError("Invalid hours %s" % hours)
if minutes > 59 or minutes < 0:
raise ValueError("Invalid minutes %s" % minutes)
epoch = _nearest_epoch(hours, minutes)
return _insertsorted(Task(epoch, 24 * 3600, callable, once))
def schedule_weekly(day, hours, minutes, callable, once=False):
Schedules callable to be run at hours:minutes on the given
zero-based day of the week. (Monday is 0.)
Returns the scheduled Task object.
if day > 6 or day < 0:
raise ValueError("Invalid day %s" % day)
if hours > 23 or hours < 0:
raise ValueError("Invalid hours %s" % hours)
if minutes > 59 or minutes < 0:
raise ValueError("Invalid minutes %s" % minutes)
epoch = _nearest_epoch(hours, minutes)
while time.localtime(epoch)[6] != day:
epoch += 24 * 3600
return _insertsorted(Task(epoch, 7 * 24 * 3600, callable, once))
def unschedule(task):
Removes the given task from the scheduling queue.
class Task:
Instantiated by the schedule methods.
Instance variables:
nextrun: epoch seconds at which to run next
interval: seconds before repeating
callable: function to invoke
last: if True, will be unscheduled after nextrun
(Note that by manually setting last on a Task instance, you
can cause it to run an arbitrary number of times.)
def __init__(self, firstrun, interval, callable, once):
self.nextrun = firstrun
self.interval = interval
self.callable = callable
self.last = once
def __repr__(self):
return 'Task(nextrun=%r, interval=%d, callable=%s, last=%s)' \
% (time.asctime(time.localtime(self.nextrun)), self.interval, self.callable, self.last)
_qlock = threading.RLock()
# (we don't use a Queue object here since we need to do our own locking anyway)
_queue = []
def _insertsorted(task):
i = len(_queue)
while i > 0:
if task.nextrun < _queue[i - 1].nextrun:
i -= 1
_queue.insert(i, task)
return task
_keepgoing = True
_paused = False
def _process():
"""True if a task was run"""
if not len(_queue):
return False
if _queue[-1].nextrun > time.time():
return False
task = _queue.pop()
debuglogger('running scheduled task %s' % task.callable)
except Exception:
if not task.last:
task.nextrun = max(task.nextrun + task.interval, time.time())
return True
def _loop():
sleep = False
while _keepgoing:
if sleep:
if _paused:
sleep = True
sleep = not _process()
debuglogger("Scheduler thread has stopped")
_thread = threading.Thread(target=_loop, name='spyce-scheduler')
def pause():
"""Temporarily suspend running scheduled tasks"""
_paused = True
def unpause():
Resume running scheduled tasks. If a task came due while
it was paused, it will run immediately after unpausing.
_paused = False
def _cleanup():
debuglogger('Waiting for scheduler thread...')
global _keepgoing
_keepgoing = False
# yes, I need more and better tests... you're welcome to add some :)
if __name__ == "__main__":
d = {}
def foo():
d['test'] = 1
print schedule(1, lambda: threading.Thread(target=foo).start(), True)
while not d:
print d
assert not _queue
d = {}
hours, minutes, _, day = time.localtime(time.time() + 61)[3:7]
print schedule_weekly(day, hours, minutes, foo)
print '(waiting... could be up to 60 seconds)'
while not d:
print d
assert len(_queue) == 1