import sys, os.path, imp
def guessSpyceHome():
fname = sys.modules['__main__'].__file__
# for mod_python
fname = sys.modules['run_spyceModpy'].__file__
bestguess = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(fname))
for p in [bestguess] + sys.path:
path = os.path.join(p, '')
if os.path.exists(path):
return os.path.abspath(p)
raise 'unable to determine Spyce home directory; please add it to your PYTHONPATH'
def defaultConfigFile():
return os.path.join(guessSpyceHome(), '')
def getConfigModule(configFile=None):
if not configFile: configFile = defaultConfigFile()
try: f = open(configFile)
except: raise Exception('Unable to read configuration file at ' + configFile)
mod = imp.load_module('spyceConfig', f, configFile, ('.py', 'r', imp.PY_SOURCE))
mod.__file__ = configFile # for user-friendly error messages
return mod
finally: f.close()