"""contains the AssociationProxy class, a Python property object which
provides transparent proxied access to the endpoint of an association object.
See the example examples/association/proxied_association.py.
from sqlalchemy.orm import class_mapper
class AssociationProxy(object):
"""a property object that automatically sets up AssociationLists on a parent object."""
def __init__(self, targetcollection, attr, creator=None):
"""create a new association property.
targetcollection - the attribute name which stores the collection of Associations
attr - name of the attribute on the Association in which to get/set target values
creator - optional callable which is used to create a new association object. this
callable is given a single argument which is an instance of the "proxied" object.
if creator is not given, the association object is created using the class associated
with the targetcollection attribute, using its __init__() constructor and setting
the proxied attribute.
self.targetcollection = targetcollection
self.attr = attr
self.creator = creator
def __init_deferred(self):
prop = class_mapper(self._owner_class).props[self.targetcollection]
self._cls = prop.mapper.class_
self._uselist = prop.uselist
def _get_class(self):
return self._cls
except AttributeError:
return self._cls
def _get_uselist(self):
return self._uselist
except AttributeError:
return self._uselist
cls = property(_get_class)
uselist = property(_get_uselist)
def create(self, target, **kw):
if self.creator is not None:
return self.creator(target, **kw)
assoc = self.cls(**kw)
setattr(assoc, self.attr, target)
return assoc
def __get__(self, obj, owner):
self._owner_class = owner
if obj is None:
return self
storage_key = '_AssociationProxy_%s' % self.targetcollection
if self.uselist:
return getattr(obj, storage_key)
except AttributeError:
a = _AssociationList(self, obj)
setattr(obj, storage_key, a)
return a
return getattr(getattr(obj, self.targetcollection), self.attr)
def __set__(self, obj, value):
if self.uselist:
setattr(obj, self.targetcollection, [self.create(x) for x in value])
setattr(obj, self.targetcollection, self.create(value))
def __del__(self, obj):
delattr(obj, self.targetcollection)
class _AssociationList(object):
"""generic proxying list which proxies list operations to a different
list-holding attribute of the parent object, converting Association objects
to and from a target attribute on each Association object."""
def __init__(self, proxy, parent):
"""create a new AssociationList."""
self.proxy = proxy
self.parent = parent
def append(self, item, **kw):
a = self.proxy.create(item, **kw)
getattr(self.parent, self.proxy.targetcollection).append(a)
def __iter__(self):
return iter([getattr(x, self.proxy.attr) for x in getattr(self.parent, self.proxy.targetcollection)])
def __repr__(self):
return repr([getattr(x, self.proxy.attr) for x in getattr(self.parent, self.proxy.targetcollection)])
def __len__(self):
return len(getattr(self.parent, self.proxy.targetcollection))
def __getitem__(self, index):
return getattr(getattr(self.parent, self.proxy.targetcollection)[index], self.proxy.attr)
def __setitem__(self, index, value):
a = self.proxy.create(item)
getattr(self.parent, self.proxy.targetcollection)[index] = a