# ADOSample.py
# Simple example of using ADO in WebKit for database access with
# automatic connection pooling.
# To run this example, you'll have to set EnableCOM to 1 in the
# AppServer.config file; you'll have to create a database with a table
# called Customers that has a CustomerName field; and you'll
# have to create a System DSN called MyDataSource that points to
# that database. Then, install this file in the WebKit/Examples
# directory and try it out. It ought to work with any database
# accessible through ODBC and/or ADO.
# The recordset function below should go into a base class so it
# can be shared among many servlets.
from win32com.client import Dispatch
from ExamplePage import ExamplePage
class ADOSample(ExamplePage):
def recordset(self, sql):
# Open an ADO connection
conn = Dispatch('ADODB.Connection')
# Store the connection in the Application object. We're never going to
# USE this stored connection, but we're saving it so that we'll always
# have at least one connection to this data source open. ADO
# will automatically pool connections to a given data source as long as
# at least one connection to that data source remains open at all times,
# so doing this significantly increases the speed of opening
# the connection the next time this function is called.
self.application().MyDataSource_connection = conn
# Open and return the requested recordset
rs = Dispatch('ADODB.Recordset')
rs.Open(sql, conn)
return rs
def writeContent(self):
# Grab some data from the database and display it
rs = self.recordset('SELECT CustomerName FROM Customers ORDER BY CustomerName')
self.writeln('<h1>ADO Sample</h1>')
self.writeln('<h3>Your Customers are:</h3>')
while not rs.EOF:
self.writeln('<li>%s</li>' % rs.Fields('CustomerName').Value)