"""autotoc.py -- Create a table of contents from HTML headings.
autotoc.py infile outfile
For use in a Python script, create an AutoToC instance::
toc = AutoToC()
Then you can process strings with the process() method,
like that::
input = open(infile).read()
output = toc.process(input)
open(outfile, 'w').write(output)
Insert the following directive in your HTML page at all places where you
want an automatically created table of contents to be inserted::
<!-- contents -->
You can customize the title of the table of contents, the maximum depth
of headings to be regarded, a number of headings to be skipped and the
name of the class for the div element::
<!-- contents(title='The table of contents:', classname='toc') -->
<!-- contents(depth=3, skip=2) -->
By default, title='Contents', depth=6, skip=0 and classname='contents'.
This script is part of Webware for Python.
You can download the latest version from the SVN repository
Copyright (c) 2005 by Christoph Zwerschke.
Licensed under the Open Software License version 2.1.
__version__ = '0.1'
__revision__ = "$Revision: 7219 $"
__date__ = "$Date: 2008-02-09 15:37:39 -0700 (Sat, 09 Feb 2008) $"
import sys, re
class ToC:
"""Auxiliary class representing a table of contents."""
def __init__(self,
title='Contents', depth=6, skip=0, classname='contents'):
self._title = title
if depth not in range(1, 7):
depth = 6
self._depth = depth
self._skip = skip
self._classname = classname
self._pattern = None
def make_html(self, headings, mindepth=1):
"""Make a table of contents from headings."""
toc = ['<div class="%s">' % self._classname]
if self._title:
toc.append('\n<h%d>%s</h%d>' % (mindepth, self._title, mindepth))
maxdepth = self._depth
depth = mindepth - 1
entries = {}
for heading in headings[self._skip:]:
if heading._depth < mindepth or heading._depth > maxdepth:
while depth < heading._depth:
depth += 1
entries[depth] = 0
while depth > heading._depth:
if entries[depth]:
depth -= 1
if entries[depth]:
entries[depth] = 1
while depth >= mindepth:
if entries[depth]:
depth -= 1
return ''.join(toc)
class Heading:
"""Auxiliary class representing a heading."""
def __init__(self, depth, title, name):
self._depth = depth
self._title = title
self._name = name
self._pattern = None
self._replace = None
def make_entry(self):
"""Make an entry in the table of contents."""
if self._name:
return '<a href="#%s">%s</a>' % (self._name, self._title)
return self._title
class AutoToC:
"""Main class for automatic creation of table(s) of contents.
Provides only one method process().
def __init__(self, depth=6):
"""Initialize the AutoToC processor.
You may define a maximum depth here already.
if depth not in range(1, 7):
depth = 6
self._depth = depth
self._whitespace_pattern = re.compile('\s+')
self._toc_directive = re.compile(
'(?P<pattern><!-- contents'
'(?P<args>\(.*?\))? -->)')
self._heading_pattern = re.compile(
'\s*(?P<title>.*?)\s*</h(?P=depth)>)', re.IGNORECASE)
def process(self, input):
"""Create table(s) of contents and put them where indicated.
Input and output are strings.
# Read in all contents directives:
tocs_found = self._toc_directive.findall(input)
if not tocs_found:
return input # no table of contents directive in the input
maxdepth = 0
tocs = []
group = self._toc_directive.groupindex
for toc_found in tocs_found:
p = toc_found[group['args'] - 1]
if not p:
p = '()'
toc = eval('ToC' + p)
toc._pattern = toc_found[group['pattern'] - 1]
if maxdepth <= toc._depth:
maxdepth = toc._depth
# Read in all headings:
headings_found = self._heading_pattern.findall(input)
if not headings_found:
return input # no headings in the input
mindepth = 6
headings = []
names = {}
names_created = 0
depths = {}
group = self._heading_pattern.groupindex
for heading_found in headings_found:
names[heading_found[group['name'] - 1]] = 1
for heading_found in headings_found:
depth = int(heading_found[group['depth'] - 1])
# truncate at max depth
if depth > maxdepth:
# get min depth with at least 2 headings
if depth < mindepth:
if depths.has_key(depth):
mindepth = depth
depths[depth] = 1
title = heading_found[group['title'] - 1]
name = heading_found[group['name'] - 1]
if name:
name_created = 0
else: # no name given
name = self._make_name(title) # create one
if names.has_key(name): # make sure it is unique
n = names[name] + 1
while names.has_key('%s-%d' % (name, n)):
n += 1
name = '%s-%d' % (name, n)
names[name] = n
names[name] = 1
names_created = name_created = 1
heading = Heading(depth, title, name)
heading._pattern = heading_found[group['pattern'] - 1]
heading._name_created = name_created
del names
# Add missing link targets:
if names_created:
last_pos = 0
output = []
for heading in headings:
pos = input.find(heading._pattern, last_pos)
assert pos >= 0, 'Cannot find %r.' % heading._pattern
last_pos = pos
pos += len(heading._pattern)
if heading._name_created:
output.append('<a name="%s"></a>' % heading._name)
last_pos = pos
input = ''.join(output)
del output
# Create table(s) of contents:
last_pos = 0
output = []
for toc in tocs:
pos = input.find(toc._pattern, last_pos)
assert pos >= 0, 'Cannot find %r.' % toc._pattern
last_pos = pos + len(toc._pattern)
output.append(toc.make_html(headings, mindepth))
return ''.join(output)
# Auxiliary functions
def _make_name(self, title):
"""Create a name from the title"""
return self._whitespace_pattern.sub('-', title).lower()
def main(args):
infile, outfile = args
except Exception:
print __doc__
toc = AutoToC()
open(outfile, 'w').write(toc.process(open(infile).read()))
if __name__ == '__main__':