#!/usr/bin/env python -u
"""Python Highlighter Version: 0.8
py2html.py [options] files...
-h print help
- read from stdin, write to stdout
-stdout read from files, write to stdout
-files read from files, write to filename+'.html' (default)
html output XHTML page (default)
rawhtml output pure XHTML (without headers, titles, etc.)
color output in color (default)
mono output b/w (for printing)
-title:Title use 'Title' as title of the generated page
-bgcolor:color use color as background-color for page
-header:file use contents of file as header
-footer:file use contents of file as footer
-URL replace all occurances of 'URL: link' with
'<a href="link">link</a>'; this is always enabled
in CGI mode
-v verbose
Takes the input, assuming it is Python code and formats it into
colored XHTML. When called without parameters the script tries to
work in CGI mode. It looks for a field 'script=URL' and tries to
use that URL as input file. If it can't find this field, the path
info (the part of the URL following the CGI script name) is
tried. In case no host is given, the host where the CGI script
lives and HTTP are used.
* Uses Just van Rossum's PyFontify version 0.3 to tag Python scripts.
You can get it via his homepage on starship:
URL: http://starship.python.net/~just/
__comments__ = """
The following snippet is a small shell script I use for viewing
Python scripts via less on Unix:
# Browse pretty printed Python code using ANSI codes for highlighting
py2html -stdout -format:ansi -mode:color $* | less -r
Clean-up and modified expand tabs patch by Christoph Zwerschke.
0.8: Added patch by Patrick Lynch to have py2html.py use style
sheets for markup
0.7: Added patch by Ville Skytta to make py2html.py output
valid XHTML.
0.6: Fixed a bug in .escape_html(); thanks to Vespe Savikko for
finding this one.
0.5: Added a few suggestions by Kevin Ng to make the CGI version
a little more robust.
__copyright__ = """\
Copyright (c) 1998-2000, Marc-Andre Lemburg; mailto:mal@lemburg.com
Copyright (c) 2000-2002, eGenix.com Software GmbH; mailto:info@egenix.com
Distributed under the terms and conditions of the eGenix.com Public
License. See http://www.egenix.com/files/python/mxLicense.html for
details, or contact the author. All Rights Reserved.\
__version__ = '0.8'
__cgifooter__ = ('\n<pre># code highlighted using <a href='
'"http://www.lemburg.com/files/python/">py2html.py</a> '
'version %s</pre>\n' % __version__)
import sys, re
# Adjust path so that PyFontify is found...
if '.' not in sys.path:
### Constants
# URL of the input form the user is redirected to in case no script=xxx
# form field is given. The URL *must* be absolute. Leave blank to
# have the script issue an error instead.
# HTML DOCTYPE and XML namespace
HTML_DOCTYPE = ('<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"'
' "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">')
HTML_XMLNS = ' xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"'
### Helpers
def fileio(file, mode='rb', data=None, close=0):
if type(file) == type(''):
f = open(file, mode)
close = 1
f = file
if data:
data = f.read()
if close:
return data
### Converter class
class PrettyPrint:
""" generic Pretty Printer class
* supports tagging Python scripts in the following ways:
# format/mode | color mono
# --------------------------
# rawhtml | x x (HTML without headers, etc.)
# html | x x (a HTML page with HEAD&BODY:)
# ansi | x x (with Ansi-escape sequences)
* interfaces:
file_filter -- takes two files: input & output (may be stdin/stdout)
filter -- takes a string and returns the highlighted version
* to create an instance use:
c = PrettyPrint(tagfct,format,mode)
where format and mode must be strings according to the
above table if you plan to use PyFontify.fontify as
* the tagfct has to take one argument, text, and return a taglist
(format: [(id,left,right,sublist),...], where id is the
"name" given to the slice left:right in text and sublist is a
taglist for tags inside the slice or None)
# misc settings
title = ''
bgcolor = '#EEF'
css = ''
header = ''
footer = ''
replace_URLs = 0
# formats to be used
formats = {}
def __init__(self, tagfct=None, format='html', mode='color'):
self.tag = tagfct
self.set_mode = getattr(self,'set_mode_%s_%s' % (format, mode))
self.filter = getattr(self,'filter_%s' % format)
def file_filter(self, infile, outfile):
text = fileio(infile, 'r')
if type(infile) == type('') and self.title == '':
self.title = infile
fileio(outfile, 'w', self.filter(text))
### Set pre- and postfixes for formats & modes
# These methods must set self.formats to a dictionary having
# an entry for every tag returned by the tagging function.
# The format used is simple:
# tag:(prefix,postfix)
# where prefix and postfix are either strings or callable objects,
# that return a string (they are called with the matching tag text
# as only parameter). prefix is inserted in front of the tag, postfix
# is inserted right after the tag.
def set_mode_html_color(self):
self.css = """
<style type="text/css">
body{ background: %s;
font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 10pt;
padding: 3pt; }
.PY_KEYWORD{ color: #00C; font-weight: bold; }
.PY_COMMENT{ color: #008; }
.PY_PARAMETER{ color: #C00; }
.PY_IDENTIFIER{ color: #C00; font-weight: bold; }
.PY_STRING{ color: #080; }
</style>""" % self.bgcolor
self.formats = {
'all': ('<pre>', '</pre>'),
'comment': ('<span class="PY_COMMENT">', '</span>'),
'keyword': ('<span class="PY_KEYWORD">', '</span>'),
'parameter': ('<span class="PY_PARAMETER">', '</span>'),
'identifier': (lambda x:
'<a name="%s"><span class="PY_IDENTIFIER">' % x.strip(),
'string': ('<span class="PY_STRING">', '</span>')
set_mode_rawhtml_color = set_mode_html_color
def set_mode_html_mono(self):
self.css = """
<style type="text/css">
body{ background-color: %s;
font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 10pt;
padding: 3pt; }
.PY_KEYWORD{ text-decoration: underline }
.PY_IDENTIFIER{ font-weight: bold}
.PY_STRING{ font-style: italic}
</style> """ % self.bgcolor
self.formats = {
'all': ('<pre>', '</pre>'),
'comment': ('<span class="PY_COMMENT">', '</span>'),
'keyword': ('<span class="PY_KEYWORD">', '</span>'),
'parameter': ('<span class="PY_PARAMETER">', '</span>'),
'identifier': (lambda x:
'<a name="%s"><span class="PY_IDENTIFIER">' % x.strip(),
'string': ('<span class="PY_STRING">', '</span>')
set_mode_rawhtml_mono = set_mode_html_mono
def set_mode_ansi_mono(self):
self.formats = {
'all': ('', ''),
'comment': ('\033[2m', '\033[m'),
'keyword': ('\033[4m', '\033[m'),
'parameter': ('', ''),
'identifier': ('\033[1m', '\033[m'),
'string': ('', '')
def set_mode_ansi_color(self):
self.formats = {
'all': ('', ''),
'comment': ('\033[34;2m', '\033[m'),
'keyword': ('\033[1;34m', '\033[m'),
'parameter': ('', ''),
'identifier': ('\033[1;31m', '\033[m'),
'string': ('\033[32;2m', '\033[m')
### Filters for Python scripts given as string
def escape_html(self, text):
t = (('&','&'), ('<','<'), ('>','>'))
for x, y in t:
text = y.join(text.split(x))
return text
def expand_tabs(self, s):
# 2005-09-09 cz: convert tabs to spaces
return s.expandtabs(4)
def filter_html(self, text):
output = self.fontify(self.escape_html(self.expand_tabs(text)))
if self.replace_URLs:
output = re.sub('URL:([ \t]+)([^ \n\r<]+)',
'URL:\\1<a href="\\2">\\2</a>', output)
html = """%s
</html>\n""" % (HTML_DOCTYPE, HTML_XMLNS,
self.title, self.css,
self.header, output, self.footer)
return html
def filter_rawhtml(self, text):
output = self.fontify(self.escape_html(self.expand_tabs(text)))
if self.replace_URLs:
output = re.sub('URL:([ \t]+)([^ \n\r<]+)',
'URL:\\1<a href="\\2">\\2</a>', output)
return self.header + output + self.footer
def filter_ansi(self, text):
output = self.fontify(self.expand_tabs(text))
return self.header + output + self.footer
### Fontify engine
def fontify(self, pytext):
# parse
taglist = self.tag(pytext)
# prepend special 'all' tag:
taglist[:0] = [('all', 0, len(pytext), None)]
# prepare splitting
splits = []
addsplits(splits, pytext, self.formats, taglist)
# do splitting & inserting
s = []
li = 0
for ri, dummy, insert in splits:
if ri > li:
li = ri
if li < len(pytext):
return ''.join(s)
### Auxiliary
def addsplits(splits, text, formats, taglist):
"""Helper for .fontify()"""
for id, left, right, sublist in taglist:
pre, post = formats[id]
except KeyError:
# print >>sys.stderr, 'No format for %s specified\n' % repr(id)
pre, post = '',''
if type(pre) != type(''):
pre = pre(text[left:right])
if type(post) != type(''):
post = post(text[left:right])
# len(splits) is a dummy used to make sorting stable
splits.append((left, len(splits), pre))
if sublist:
addsplits(splits, text, formats, sublist)
splits.append((right, len(splits), post))
def write_html_error(titel, text):
print """\
""" % (HTML_DOCTYPE, HTML_XMLNS, titel, titel, text)
def redirect_to(url):
sys.stdout.write('Content-Type: text/html\r\n')
sys.stdout.write('Status: 302\r\n')
sys.stdout.write('Location: %s\r\n\r\n' % url)
print """
<title>302 Moved Temporarily</title>
<h1>302 Moved Temporarily</h1>
The document has moved to <a href="%s">%s</a>.<p></p>
""" % (HTML_DOCTYPE, HTML_XMLNS, url, url)
### Main
def main(cmdline):
"""main(cmdline) -- process cmdline as if it were sys.argv"""
# parse options/files
options = []
optvalues = {}
for opt in cmdline[1:]:
if opt[0] == '-':
if ':' in opt:
k, v = tuple(opt.split(':', 1))
optvalues[k] = v
files = cmdline[len(options)+1:]
### create converting object
verbose = ('-v' in options)
# load fontifier
if '-marcs' in options:
# use mxTextTool's tagging engine as fontifier
from mx.TextTools import tag
from mx.TextTools.Examples.Python import python_script
tagfct = lambda text, tag=tag, pytable=python_script: \
tag(text, pytable)[1]
print "Py2HTML: using Marc's tagging engine"
# load Just's fontifier
import PyFontify
if PyFontify.__version__ < '0.3':
raise ImportError
tagfct = PyFontify.fontify
except ImportError:
print """
Sorry, but this script needs the PyFontify.py module version 0.3;
You can download it from Just's homepage at
URL: http://starship.python.net/~just/
if '-format' in options:
format = optvalues['-format']
# use default
format = 'html'
if '-mode' in options:
mode = optvalues['-mode']
# use default
mode = 'color'
c = PrettyPrint(tagfct, format, mode)
convert = c.file_filter
### start working
if '-title' in options:
c.title = optvalues['-title']
if '-bgcolor' in options:
c.bgcolor = optvalues['-bgcolor']
if '-header' in options:
f = open(optvalues['-header'])
c.header = f.read()
except IOError:
if verbose:
print 'IOError: header file not found'
if '-footer' in options:
f = open(optvalues['-footer'])
c.footer = f.read()
except IOError:
if verbose:
print 'IOError: footer file not found'
if '-URL' in options:
c.replace_URLs = 1
if '-' in options:
convert(sys.stdin, sys.stdout)
if '-h' in options:
print __doc__
if len(files) == 0:
# Turn URL processing on
c.replace_URLs = 1
# Try CGI processing...
import cgi, urllib, urlparse, os
form = cgi.FieldStorage()
if not form.has_key('script'):
# Ok, then try pathinfo
if not os.environ.has_key('PATH_INFO'):
sys.stdout.write('Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n')
write_html_error('Missing Parameter',
'Missing script=URL field in request')
url = os.environ['PATH_INFO'][1:] # skip the leading slash
url = form['script'].value
sys.stdout.write('Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n')
scheme, host, path, params, query, frag = urlparse.urlparse(url)
if not host:
scheme = 'http'
if os.environ.has_key('HTTP_HOST'):
host = os.environ['HTTP_HOST']
host = 'localhost'
url = urlparse.urlunparse((scheme, host, path, params, query, frag))
#print url; sys.exit()
network = urllib.URLopener()
tempfile, headers = network.retrieve(url)
except IOError, reason:
write_html_error('Error opening "%s"' % url,
'The given URL could not be opened. Reason: %s' % str(reason))
f = open(tempfile,'rb')
c.title = url
c.footer = __cgifooter__
convert(f, sys.stdout)
if '-stdout' in options:
filebreak = '-'*72
for f in files:
if len(files) > 1:
print filebreak
print 'File:', f
print filebreak
convert(f, sys.stdout)
except IOError:
if verbose:
print 'Py2HTML: working on',
for f in files:
if verbose:
print f,
convert(f, f+'.html')
except IOError:
if verbose:
print '(IOError!)',
if verbose:
print 'Done.'
if __name__ == '__main__':