"""pytp.py -- A very simple Python Template Processor
pytp.py infile outfile
For use in a Python script, create a PyTP instance::
pytp = PyTP()
Then you can process strings with the process() method,
like that::
input = open(infile).read()
output = pytp.process(input)
open(outfile, 'w').write(output)
You can also pass a scope to the process() method that will
be used by the Python code in the template.
The template processor evaluates instruction of this form::
The starting and ending tag can be customized by setting
the tags parameter when creating the PyTP instance.
The default tags are those used by PSP. Other templating
languages use tags like::
('<?py', '?>') or ('<!--python', '-->') or ('[[' , ']]')
If the directive inside the tags starts with an equals sign,
it is considered as a Python expression to be evaluated. If
if the equals sign is missing, pytp will automatically find
out whether it is a Python expression or a Python statement.
* If it is a Python expression:
- The expression will be evaluated and processed
recursively as follows:
* It if is a dictionary,
use the sorted list of items on separate lines.
* If it is any other iterable,
use the list of items on separate lines.
* Otherwise,
use the conversion of the result to a string.
- The processed result will be inserted in the output
instead of the processing instruction.
* If it is a block of Python statements:
- The statements will be executed.
- Everything that is printed to standard output during
execution will be inserted in the output instead of
the processing instruction.
This script is part of Webware for Python.
You can download the latest version from the SVN repository
Note: Similar template processors have been written by:
* Christopher A. Craig (http://www.ccraig.org/software/pyhp/)
* David McNab (http://www.freenet.org.nz/python/pyweb/docs/pyhp.html)
* Alex Martelli (http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Python/Cookbook/Recipe/52305)
Copyright (c) 2005 by Christoph Zwerschke.
Licensed under the Open Software License version 2.1.
__version__ = '0.1'
__revision__ = "$Revision: 7626 $"
__date__ = "$Date: 2008-11-13 14:48:43 -0700 (Thu, 13 Nov 2008) $"
import sys, re
from cStringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
from StringIO import StringIO
class PyTP:
"""A very simple Python Template Processor.
Provides only one method process().
def __init__(self, tags=None):
"""Initialize the Python template processor.
You may define your own start and end tags here.
if tags is None:
tags = ('<%', '%>')
pattern = '%s(.*?)%s' % tuple(map(re.escape, tags))
self._tags = re.compile(pattern, re.DOTALL)
def process(self, input, scope=None):
"""Process a Python template.
The input must be a string that will be returned
with all tagged processing instructions expanded.
You may also pass a variable scope for the
processing instructions that must be a directory.
if scope is None:
scope = {}
stdout = sys.stdout
output = []
pos = 0
while pos < len(input):
m = self._tags.search(input, pos)
if m is None:
pi = m.groups()[0].strip()
isexpr = pi.startswith('=')
if isexpr:
pi = pi[1:].lstrip()
try: # try to evaluate as Python expression
out = eval(pi, scope)
if out is None:
out = ''
except SyntaxError:
if isexpr:
line = input[:m.start()].count('\n') + 1
self._errmsg('expression syntax', line, pi)
out = None
except Exception:
line = input[:m.start()].count('\n') + 1
self._errmsg('expression', line, pi)
if out:
out = self._output(out)
except Exception:
line = input[:m.start()].count('\n') + 1
self._errmsg('expression output', line, pi)
elif out is None:
try: # try to evaluate as Python block
tempout = StringIO()
sys.stdout = tempout
pi = self._adjust_block(pi)
exec pi in scope
out = tempout.getvalue()
sys.stdout = stdout
except Exception:
line = input[:m.start()].count('\n') + 1
self._errmsg('statement', line, pi)
if out:
pos = m.end()
return ''.join(output)
# Auxiliary functions
def _output(self, something):
"""Output a Python object reasonably as string."""
output = []
if hasattr(something, 'items'):
items = something.items
except Exception:
elif hasattr(something, '__iter__'):
for s in something:
if something is not None:
while hasattr(something, 'next'):
something = something.next
if something is None:
return '\n'.join(output)
def _errmsg(self, error, line, code):
"""Print an error message."""
print 'PyTP %s error in line %d:' % (error, line)
print code
def _adjust_block(self, block, tab='\t'):
"""Adjust the indentation of a Python block."""
lines = block.splitlines()
lines = [lines[0].strip()] + [line.rstrip() for line in lines[1:]]
ind = None # find least index
for line in lines[1:]:
if line != '':
s = line.lstrip()
if s[0] != '#':
i = len(line) - len(s)
if ind is None or i < ind:
ind = i
if i == 0:
if ind is not None or ind != 0: # remove indentation
lines[1:] = [line[:ind].lstrip() + line[ind:]
for line in lines[1:]]
block = '\n'.join(lines) + '\n'
if lines[0] and not lines[0][0] == '#':
# the first line contains code
try: # try to compile it
compile(lines[0], '<string>', 'exec')
# if it works, line does not start new block
except SyntaxError: # unexpected EOF while parsing?
try: # try to compile the whole block
compile(block, '<string>', 'exec')
# if it works, line does not start new block
except IndentationError: # expected an indented block?
# so try to add some indentation:
lines2 = lines[:1] + [tab + line for line in lines[1:]]
block2 = '\n'.join(lines2) + '\n'
# try again to compile the whole block:
compile(block2, '<string>', 'exec')
block = block2 # if it works, keep the indentation
except Exception:
pass # leave it as it is
except Exception:
pass # leave it as it is
return block
def main(args):
infile, outfile = args
except Exception:
print __doc__
pytp = PyTP()
open(outfile, 'w').write(pytp.process(open(infile).read()))
if __name__ == '__main__':