name = 'KidKit'
version = (1, 0, 2)
docs = [{'name': "User's Guide", 'file': 'UsersGuide.html'}]
status = 'beta'
requiredPyVersion = (2, 3, 0)
requiredSoftware = [{'name': 'kid', 'version': (0, 6, 0)}]
synopsis = """KidKit is a Webware plug-in that allows Kid templates
to be automatically compiled and run as servlets by the WebKit application server.
Kid is a simple templating language for XML based vocabularies written in Python.
You need to install the Kid package before you can use the KidKit plug-in."""
WebKitConfig = {
'examplePages': [
'Welcome', 'Time1', 'Time2', 'Files',
'ServletInfo', 'SimpleForm', 'MandelbrotSet',
def willRunFunc():
# WebKit doesn't check requiredSoftware yet. So we do so:
for soft in requiredSoftware:
except ImportError:
success = 0
# The required version will be checked in
success = 1
if not success:
return 'The kid package is required to use KidKit.'