This module defines the basic machinery for a code generator, but cannot be used directly.
Instead, use concrete generators like MySQLPythonGeneratory and MySQLSQLGenerator.
Terminology: "the standard classes" = ModelObject, Klasses, Klass and Attr
Modules that wish to do code generation must:
* Define a class that inherits CodeGenerator (even if its implementation is 'pass').
* Define various mix-in classes such as ModelObject, Klasses, Klass and Attr for
the purpose of defining methods to aid in code generation.
What happens: When the generator is initialized, mixes in the methods of various classes
found in the module with the ones found in the model (typically these come from MiddleKit.Core).
Make sure all three goals are met:
* User-defined classes can be used in place of the standard classes
* Inheritance of generators is supported
* Class inheritance (like Klasses inheriting ModelObject works)
import os, sys
from time import asctime,localtime,time
from MiscUtils import AbstractError
from MiscUtils.Configurable import Configurable
from MiddleKit.Core.ModelUser import ModelUser
try: # for Python < 2.3
True, False
except NameError:
True, False = 1, 0
class CodeGenerator(ModelUser):
def name(self):
"""Return the name of the generator for informational purposes.
The name the is the class name.
return self.__class__.__name__
def requireDir(self, dirname):
if not os.path.exists(dirname):
assert os.path.isdir(dirname)
def writeInfoFile(self, filename):
file = open(filename, 'w')
def writeInfoItems(self, file):
wr = self.writeInfoItem
wr(file, 'Date', asctime(localtime(time())))
wr(file, 'Python ver', sys.version)
wr(file, 'Op Sys', os.name)
wr(file, 'Platform', sys.platform)
wr(file, 'Cur dir', os.getcwd())
def writeInfoItem(self, out, key, value):
key = key.ljust(10)
out.write('%s = %s\n' % (key, value))
def generate(self, outdir):
raise AbstractError, self.__class__