#!/usr/bin/env python
> python Dump.py -h
import os, sys
from getopt import getopt
def FixPathForMiddleKit(verbose=0):
"""Enhance sys.path so that Dump.py can import MiddleKit.whatever.
We *always* enhance the sys.path so that Dump.py is using the MiddleKit
that contains him, as opposed to whatever happens to be found first
in the Python path. That's an subtle but important feature for those of us
who sometimes have more than one MiddleKit on our systems.
v = verbose
import os, sys
if globals().has_key('__file__'):
# We were imported as a module
location = __file__
if v:
print 'took location from __file__'
# We were executed directly
location = sys.argv[0]
if v:
print 'took location from sys.argv[0]'
if v:
print 'location =', location
if location.lower() == 'dump.py':
# The simple case. We're at MiddleKit/Design/Dump.py
location = os.path.abspath('../../')
# location will basically be:
# .../MiddleKit/Design/Dump.py
if os.name == 'nt':
# Case insenstive file systems:
location = location.lower()
what = 'middlekit'
what = 'MiddleKit'
if location.find(what) != -1:
if v:
print 'MiddleKit in location'
index = location.index(what)
location = location[:index]
if v:
print 'new location =', location
location = os.path.abspath(location)
if v:
print 'final location =', location
sys.path.insert(1, location)
if v:
print 'path =', sys.path
print 'importing MiddleKit...'
import MiddleKit
if v:
print 'done.'
import MiddleKit
class Dump:
def databases(self):
return ['MSSQL', 'MySQL', 'PostgreSQL'] # @@ 2000-10-19 ce: should build this dynamically
def main(self, args=sys.argv):
opt = self.options(args)
if opt.has_key('outfile'):
out = open(opt['outfile'], 'w')
out = None
# this is really only necessary if 'package' is set for the model,
# but it shouldn't hurt
middledir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname((os.path.abspath(opt['model']))))
sys.path.insert(1, middledir)
# Dump
classname = '%sObjectStore' % opt['db']
module = __import__('MiddleKit.Run.%s' % classname, globals(), locals(), [classname])
pyClass = getattr(module, classname)
if opt.has_key('prompt-for-args'):
sys.stderr.write('Enter %s init args: ' % classname)
conn = raw_input()
store = eval('pyClass(%s)' % conn)
store = pyClass()
store.dumpObjectStore(out, progress=opt.has_key('show-progress'))
def usage(self, errorMsg=None):
progName = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
if errorMsg:
print '%s: error: %s' % (progName, errorMsg)
print 'Usage: %s --db DBNAME --model FILENAME' % progName
print ' %s -h | --help' % progName
print 'Options:'
print ' --prompt-for-args Prompt for args to use for initializing store (i.e. password)'
print ' --show-progress Print a dot on stderr as each class is processed'
print ' (useful when dumping large databases)'
print ' * DBNAME can be: %s' % ', '.join(self.databases())
def options(self, args):
# Command line dissection
if type(args) == type(''):
args = args.split()
optPairs, files = getopt(args[1:], 'h', ['help',
'show-progress', 'db=', 'model=', 'outfile=', 'prompt-for-args'])
if len(optPairs) < 1:
self.usage('Missing options.')
if len(files) > 0:
self.usage('Extra files or options passed.')
# Turn the cmd line optPairs into a dictionary
opt = {}
for key, value in optPairs:
if len(key) >= 2 and key[:2] == '--':
key = key[2:]
elif key[0] == '-':
key = key[1:]
opt[key] = value
# Check for required opt, set defaults, etc.
if opt.has_key('h') or opt.has_key('help'):
if not opt.has_key('db'):
self.usage('No database specified.')
if not opt.has_key('model'):
self.usage('No model specified.')
return opt
if __name__ == '__main__':