from mx import ODBC# DR: 07-12-02 The ODBC.Windows module is flawed
from SQLObjectStore import SQLObjectStore
ODBC.Windows.threadsafety = ODBC.Windows.threadlevel
# mx.ODBC.Windows has a threadlevel, not a threadsafety,
# even though DBABI2.0 says its threadsafety
# (
try: # for Python < 2.3
True, False
except NameError:
True, False = 1, 0
class MSSQLObjectStore(SQLObjectStore):
_threadSafety = ODBC.Windows.threadsafety
"""MSSQLObjectStore implements an object store backed by a MSSQL database.
mx.ODBC is required, which in turn requires mx BASE:
Example creation:
from MiddleKit.Run.MSSQLObjectStore import MSSQLObjectStore
store = MSSQLObjectStore(dsn='LocalServer', clear_auto_commit=0)
As usual, the keyword args are passed through to the DB API connect()
Interesting notes from mx.ODBC docs:
- - -
If you have troubles with multiple cursors on connections to MS SQL
Server the MS Knowledge Base Article INF: Multiple Active Microsoft
SQL Server Statements has some valuable information for you. It
seems that you'll have to force the usage of server side cursors
to be able to execute multiple statements on a single connection to
MS SQL Server. According to the article this is done by setting the
connection option SQL.CURSOR_TYPE to e.g. SQL.CURSOR_DYNAMIC:
- - -
def dbapiConnect(self):
"""Return a DB API 2.0 connection.
This is a utility method invoked by connect(). Subclasses should
implement this, making use of self._dbArgs (a dictionary specifying
host, username, etc.). Subclass responsibility.
MSSQL 2000 defaults to autocommit ON (at least mine does)
If you want it off, do not send any arg for clear_auto_commit or set it to 1
# self._db = ODBC.Windows.Connect(dsn='myDSN',clear_auto_commit=0)
return ODBC.Windows.Connect(**self._dbArgs)
def retrieveLastInsertId(self, conn, cur):
conn, cur = self.executeSQL('select @@IDENTITY', conn)
value = int(cur.fetchone()[0])
return value
def newConnection(self):
args = self._dbArgs.copy()
if args.get('DriverConnect'):
# @@ problem here is that clear_auto_commit can't be set to zero
# example: storeArgs = {'DriverConnect': 'DRIVER=SQL Server;UID=echuck;Trusted_Connection=Yes;WSID=ALIEN;SERVER=ALIEN'}
# ODBC driver connection keywords are documented here:
s = args['DriverConnect']
if s.find('DATABASE=') == -1:
if s[-1] != ';':
s += ';'
s += 'DATABASE=' + self._model.sqlDatabaseName()
# print '>> connection string=%r' % s
conn = self.dbapiModule().DriverConnect(s)
# extract the database arg if it was provided
if args.has_key('database'):
database = args['database']
del args['database']
database = None
conn = self.dbapiModule().connect(**args)
cur = conn.cursor()
db = database or self._model.sqlDatabaseName()
sql = 'use ' + db + ';'
# print '>> use string=%r' % sql
except Exception, e:
if e.args[0] != '01000':
# ('01000', 5701, "[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]"
# "[SQL Server]Changed database context to 'MKList'.", 4612)
return conn
def dbapiModule(self):
return ODBC.Windows
def filterDateTimeDelta(self, dtd):
from mx import DateTime
if isinstance(dtd, DateTime.DateTimeDeltaType):
dtd = DateTime.DateTime(1900, 1, 1) + dtd
return dtd
def sqlNowCall(self):
return 'GETDATE()'
class Klass:
def sqlTableName(self):
"""Return "[name]" so that table names do not conflict with SQL reserved words."""
return '[%s]' %
class Attr:
def sqlColumnName(self):
if not self._sqlColumnName:
self._sqlColumnName = '[' + + ']'
return self._sqlColumnName
class ObjRefAttr:
def sqlColumnName(self):
if not self._sqlColumnName:
if self.setting('UseBigIntObjRefColumns', False):
self._sqlColumnName = '[' + + 'Id' + ']' # old way: one 64 bit column
# new way: 2 int columns for class id and obj id
self._sqlColumnName = '[%s],[%s]' % self.sqlColumnNames()
return self._sqlColumnName
class StringAttr:
def sqlForNonNone(self, value):
# do the right thing
value = value.replace("'", "''")
return "'" + value + "'"